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Scatter Plot using GEE

I m using a study area which has 3 feature in it, namely cloud, snow and land. I want a scatter plot between Brightness temperature of band10(BT10) and Brightness temperature of band11(BT11). I m ...
Keerthana N's user avatar
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How to add multiple Landsat image on GEE?

I want to use Landsat image from GEE with area specified within an input. But when I run the script it only shows a small part of the area (the intended area of interest is the one in blue). The code ...
imstilllearning's user avatar
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How to add different NDVI layers of Landsat 8 data from 2014 to 2019 to a map in Google Earth Engine?

I am trying to calculate NDVI for each month and masking NDVI images with lte(0) filter to identify water bodies and show the timelapse between encroachment area of waterbodies in different years and ...
anonymous's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Different min and max NDVI values with different approaches using Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to calculate the vegetation fraction for land surface temperature calculations of a single Landsat 8 image. I need to find the min and max NDVI of the scene. I've masked the image and ...
Ayda Aktas's user avatar
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How to export raster of Mean Annual Land Surface Temp from Landsat Imagery?

I am using google earth engine to estimate Mean Annual land surface temp of a local scale from 1984 to 2019 from landsat Imagery. I am having trouble determining a script for my goal, there are many ...
Shae's user avatar
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Time series for MultiPoint geometries in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to generate time series for a set of points in earth engine. I am attempting this for multiple datasets, but for now let's do NDVI with Landsat 8. My problem lies (i think) in step 6. ...
JMilner's user avatar
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Landsat 8 images black?

I am trying to get cloud-free imagery for a specific region during specific dates. I am very new to GEE, but the script below seems to work. However when I look at the imagery that is then printed on ...
Sir247's user avatar
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Why mNDWI can detect the shallow water area but ignores the deep water area?

I'm using Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine to detect the water body in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area, China. The formula is: mNDWI = (Green-SWIR)/(Green+SWIR) I applied this formula to GEE code, and it ...
Tsui Raymond's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Smoothing/interpolating across images in an ImageCollection to remove missing data

I have some code that is working properly to calculate the monthly NDVI averages for the previous two years from a date but I sometimes have missing data in some of the months and I would like to get ...
clifgray's user avatar
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Removing pixels in band using an inequality in Google Earth Engine?

My current code: I have an inequality from line 99-106. I want this inequality to assign a value of 1 to all pixels that satisfy ...
Eric's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Calculating LST from Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine?

I'm trying to write a code for Land Surface Temperature (LST) from Landsat 8 images in google earth engine. I'm using the code of this question as a guide and I succeeded at intermediate steps but I ...
pgalansino's user avatar
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Mapping a function over a Collection

I would like to calculate a MSI index for the each image of the collection and I developed below presented script. But, somehow it is not working and it says "midir.divade is not a function". Can ...
Sarvarbek Eltazarov's user avatar