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Questions tagged [large-datasets]

difficult to process and manage because the size is usually bigger than the limits software can normally deal with.

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4 votes
1 answer

Using PostGIS to find the overall difference between two (large) polygon datasets

I need to get the Difference of an input layer with ~30k polygons and an overlay layer with ~500k polygons (of which ~200k intersect the input layer). I am trying to learn PostGIS to do this, as it ...
MDB's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Thinning large LiDAR point cloud?

I have a large point cloud (LAS file) and I am trying to thin this using a complex technique. I know it is possible to thin a point cloud using simple techniques such as extracting every nth point. ...
Bodkinz's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Point in Polygon analysis of 200 million points [closed]

I have a CSV containing 200 million observations with the following format: id,x1,y1,x2,y2,day,color 1,"-105.4652334","39.2586939","-105.4321296","39.2236632",&...
meer's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Measuring performance difference between Merge and Append in ArcGIS Desktop?

Often I find myself in a situation where I don't care whether or not my tool produces a new feature class, but I do care how long it takes to combine all of my large datasets. Does it take longer to ...
MTerry's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How do you speed up creating new field in attribute table for huge amount of data in QGIS?

In my attribute table for a shapefile, I am converting one field (Julian day) to another field (date) using the field calculator but I'm working with about 7.7 million rows. QGIS has been running for ...
racheldeep's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Creating smaller OSM with only basic zoom levels data from larger OSM file?

From a large .osm/.o5m file (for India), I only want to extract the data that would actually show up when one is looking from zoom levels 1/0 through 8 (which is quite zoomed out.. only major cities, ...
Nikhil VJ's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Calculating max shardSize and fileDimensions to avoid tiling large raster exports in Earth Engine

I am exporting a very large raster in Google Earth Engine to my Google Drive. I am trying to keep my exported raster to 1 file to avoid additional processing to merge the tiles (e.g. GDAL merge in ...
rachell's user avatar
  • 107
9 votes
5 answers

Queries returning very big datasets in PostGIS

I have a PostGIS query that will return several million rows: SELECT AS id1, AS id2, ABS(t1.mean_h - t2.mean_h) AS h_diff, ST_Distance(t1.the_geom, t2.the_geom) AS dist FROM ...
fmark's user avatar
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8 votes
9 answers

WMS with Access Control (ACL) for different users? Or solution for thousands of points on web map?

I have a set of sites in the thousands. Not all users see same the same Sites on the map - thus ACL. Data is stored in a non-GIS database (mssql, ora, etc) and right now is retrieved with a standard ...
Vadim's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

memory issue when trying to buffer/union large dataset using postgis

I am trying to generated a dissolved buffer of a large point dataset (Ideally 29 million points - Address data in Great-Britain, but I receive the data by chunks of 1 million points, so these could be ...
Jahfet's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Stratified Random Sampling with large dataset in ArcGIS?

I want to create a Stratified Random Sample with a land cover classification map. The purpose for the Stratrified Random Sample is to produce an Accuracy Assessment. I am using ArcGIS 10.2 with access ...
Jason Reynolds's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Loading a large osm file in osmar : why does loading time scale quadratically with file size?

I'm trying to load huge .osm files into R in order to run advanced analysis. I did not expect the loading part to be complex, but it proved difficult. The issue here is that the time it takes to ...
VeilleData's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Windows software to convert GeoJSON (> 6Mb) to Excel/CSV?

I am trying to convert OpenStreetmap data GeoJSON to Excel (or .csv files). Few online converters are there. However, when the file is big (example: 6Mb Geojson), the browser is becoming ...
EF1897's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Saving raster to BigTIFF in QGIS?

Using QGIS 3.4, I am trying to merge multiple DEMs downloaded from the National Map Viewer that are in ArcGRID format (Arc/Info Binary Grid). The output will be a large file so I can't use any of the ...
sparky's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Exporting large rasters in Google Earth Engine

When exporting large raster data in Google Earth Engine to your Google Drive, is there a function that prevents the export from automatically tiling into smaller files, or even decreases the number of ...
rachell's user avatar
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