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Questions tagged [latitude-longitude]

Angular geographic coordinates that specifying the north-south and east-west positions of locations.

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Converting CSV spreadsheet to shapefile in QGIS

I have a spreadsheet with the coordinates beginning: Site Latitude Longitude 1 -37.3412 145.182 2 -37.3410 145.182 3 -37.3408 145.182 4 -37.3406 145.1821 5 -37.3404 145....
PeterM's user avatar
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Publishing MySQL-8 data in GeoServer, the latitude and longitude are fliped

When I publish geom data from MySQL-8, GeoServer retrieves the Bounding Boxes with X and Y positions incorrectly. The longitude range appears in Y, and the latitude range appears in X. This happens ...
Pawel Liu's user avatar
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2 answers

Algorithm to convert old map sheet number and grid refs to lat and long - Irish Ordnance Survey 1/2 inch maps [closed]

I have a list of 80 locations from an ecological survey in the early 1980s, and they are referenced by sheet number followed by 6 figure grid reference. The sheet numbers are of the Irish Ordnance ...
Robin David Lewando's user avatar
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Converting MGRS to Lat/Long creates inaccuracy from expected position

I have a table with the following data. Location Easting Northing Point A 7482 0837 Point B 7675 0576 I think these locations use the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). If this is true, then ...
TigerTen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Plotting square grid using GeoPandas [closed]

I have Lat and long data and I want to plot as a square grid to cover the boundary. So how can I do using GeoPandas?
May's user avatar
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How can I calculate the arrival time of a bus on a specific route?

I'm creating an app to track the location of buses in my city. My goal is to show in the app how long it will take for the next bus to arrive at a selected stop. Each bus follows a specific route, ...
elmandaloriano55's user avatar
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Reading MSG Native(.nat) file with satpy

I am trying to read an MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) file given in the native(.nat) format using satpy. I tried using: import numpy as np import os from satpy import Scene import matplotlib.pyplot ...
The Emerging Star's user avatar
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Single value lat/lons from CDS API when selecting doing sub-region extraction

When I do the sub-region extraction from the CDS API, my netCDF file does not contain the subregion values, it only contains values for 1 data point (the NW corner of my bounding box). My request is ...
Alya Bolowich's user avatar
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How can I define an Area of Interest a certain distance from a set of coordinates on the Web Soil Survey website?

I'm trying to help automate a sequence of actions that involves downloading soil data for a specific area of interest at The tool allows ...
Starnes Student's user avatar
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Getting the right surface area raster layer

I am calculating the surface area of a raster file and even though I have tried to put it in all sorts of projections it still shows dg2. I have now used the projection equal earth greenwhich which ...
Isa Damen's user avatar
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Finding a slope of greater than 6 degrees in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to find areas deeper than 200meters and with slopes greater than 6 degrees on the ocean floor and I'm having trouble figuring out how to determine them. So far I have: var dem = ee.Image(&...
Nick Carrick's user avatar
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Newly added CSV file is unavailable in QGIS

In QGIS I am trying to add a CSV file to my project that only has a location and coordinates. Whenever I tried to load the file into QGIS the layer was unavailable. How can I fix that? Here is my ...
Amikiri's user avatar
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Autolisp & JavaScript convert Lat/Long to X(Easting) Y(Northing)

I'm wanting to create a BricsCAD script which takes Lat/Long WGS84 and converts it into the BNG Easting/Northing Similar to Grid Reference Finder, Webapps BGS Converter & Google Earth's long/lat ...
Josh's user avatar
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Importing Lon/Lat points from CSV file into QGIS

I am working on locating sites in Guinea for a National Parks Infrastructure Project. I have a chart with Long/Lat and I thought I might import them by adding a Delimited Text Layer using a CSV file ...
Cresolus Climate Responsive De's user avatar
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Is there an established mapping from longitude-latitude to the face of a icosahedron?

Given a longitude and latitude, I’d like to map that to the face of an isocahedron projected onto the sphere (earth). The orientation of the isocahedron doesn’t matter so if there is a convenient or ...
gph's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Latitude inversion when opening nc file with nc_open

I'm facing an issue when opening a nc file in R using the nc_open function. The images contained in this nc file are inverted in the latitude axe. This could append because I'm working in the South ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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ArcGIS Online will not map lat longs!

I'm trying to "add new" hosted feature layer from either a .csv or .xls in ArcGIS Online. But, I cannot for the life of me get it to plot the XY data! I'm at a loss because I'm used to the ...
Heather's user avatar
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Heatmap using latitude and longitude coordinates

I have a very large dataframe of +10Million rows containing information about route points of vessels in maritime traffic. I wanted to create a heatmap to highlight the areas with higher traffic flow ...
Coki_23's user avatar
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Making trivial GeoJSON file with Feature collection of points

I'm trying to generate a GeoJSON file with a feature collection of points to render in QGIS, however, when I load my .geojson file I don't see anything. To figure out what's going on, I've tried to ...
quant's user avatar
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Perform a Mann-Kendall test on grd dataset downloaded from imd portal

I have a grd file downloaded from imd portal, now I want to perform a mann kendall test on this grd dataset. But I am not getting how to read grd file in Python and how to perform Mann-Kendall test, ...
Kadali Lakshmi Nirmala's user avatar
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QGIS geometry definition x field y field drop down menu not working?

I am trying to create contours with QGIS. This is my first time and I'm following this video: I got to 3:05 where I am to put the x ...
FirstTimerHelp's user avatar
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How to export all Latitude - Longitude values of each pixel included in the area covered by geometry at specific resolution? - Google Earth Engine

I am able to add a band of lat - lon in my image in google EE with the code: var imgwithlonlat = meanImage.addBands(ee.Image.pixelLonLat()); Now I want to store all these values in a list and export ...
Charmi's user avatar
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Create a global grid in kilometer in Python

What is the best way to create a regular squared global grid in kilometer ? Creating it in degrees is easy but i would like to specifiy the input mesh size in kilometers ? I was thinking using ...
Magic Mushroom's user avatar
-1 votes
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Doing high-fidelity trilateration in R [closed]

Is there a way to do high-fidelity trilateration in R (naturally, I'll be using latitudes and longitudes)? I'm not looking to solve a specific problem, but rather identify tools that are capable of ...
Aegis's user avatar
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What is the right projection to use? [closed]

I am working on an application which uses lat and lon coordinates. The coordinates I'm working with can be found all over the globe. For some reason I have to do some operations in meters, buffering ...
Magic Mushroom's user avatar
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Why are latitude not part of the UTM system?

I am trying to project long/lat coordinates to UTM in R (actually I have a script that works) but I'm curious about the zone argument. Here is the script I have. It uses the spTransformfunction from ...
Boussens-Dumon Grégoire's user avatar
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Finding latitude and longitude limits for a sub-region for CDS Copernicus Climate Data

In order to extract climate data from Copernicus, there's a Sub-region extraction section that allows one to extract data from a region within specific coordinate limits. I am trying to use the Sub-...
Jadon Wong's user avatar
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Getting latitude and lontitude from TIF file using rasterio

I refer to link and want to get latitude and longitude from .tif file using rasterio. My code is the same as the answer: with as src: band1 = print('...
wxystudio's user avatar
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How to find long/lat (in Python) from a GeoTIFF that does not have CRS

I have a GeoTIFF file that in Python the dimension is (9991,10439). I need to know the long/lat information for each pixel but the problem is the CRS is None for this file and when I try to create a ...
Ari's user avatar
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How to make TIFF output file with coordinate reference system (CRS)

I am working on TIFF files to produce the median matrix for them, I am using the following Matlab code for that. How I can make the output as .tif while keeping the coordinate reference system (CRS)? ...
user232920's user avatar
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Set coordinates as default value

In PostGIS, how to set default value with st_x or st_y ? I want to populate automatically two fields with lon and lat when I create a point.
pasqal's user avatar
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Get multiple zipcode from each district latitude and longitude on Python

I am trying to create a column for Zipcode from Latitude and Longitude column. I have seen multiple answers in StackExchange, all are for creating one zipcode from zipcode latitude and longitude. But ...
Ash1's user avatar
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Latitude/longitude from PostGIS table with coordinates transformation not working

I have a PostGIS (PostgreSQL 13/PostGIS 3.1.1 on Debian 11.7) table with points in EPSG:6708, so it's plain coordinates (data from Northern Italy). I need to get lat/long coordinates, so I do: ...
Luca Pauluzzi's user avatar
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Selecting feature by coordinates from the Vector Tile Layer using PyQGIS

I have a vector tile layer in QGIS, loaded from:{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf. How to select a single feature of this layer by coordinates, in PyQGIS? I ...
Стьопа Брич's user avatar
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What is a notation for a "diagonal" on a globe?

Is "diagonal" even the right word here? We have latitude and longitude to create a sort of grid and when combined make a point. Both latitude and longitude individually span a line around ...
groovenectar's user avatar
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Turning table with lat and long columns into point layer in QGIS

I have a table as a layer in QGIS. It includes two columns: "Lat" and "Long". I would like to use these as geometry columns. How would I do this without saving and reloading a ...
Garbage Panda's user avatar
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Add admin levels to corresponding lat/long

I am fairly new in using GIS, I have a dataset with lat/long references, corresponding to points throughout the world. I would like to add the corresponding admin1,2 and 3 levels. I've been trying ...
KSB's user avatar
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Converting UTM coordinates to lat/long

I have a dataframe which contains easting and northing columns from Sweden which cuts across 32 to 35 UTM zones library(oce) sweden_Utm_converted <- utm2lonlat(Sweden_MM$east, Sweden_MM$north, zone ...
Stone Bee's user avatar
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How to find the coodinates of a new bounding box from four circles present with known radius around the vertices of an existing bounding box [closed]

I have a bounding box which I have created. I know the lat lon of the four vertices of the box. On these vertices I have created a buffer circle of radius 10m and now I want to calculate a new ...
sneha_jerin's user avatar
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Recenter projection of world map in QGIS [duplicate]

I'm a beginner in QGIS. I would like to use world maps with different longitudes in the centre for my geography lessons. I am trying to create world maps centred on different longitudes (others than ...
Ole Joerss's user avatar
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Calculating latitude and longtitude using yaw degree and distance

I have some drone videos and metadatas. I would like to find latitude and longtitude of center of image, if it is possible any point. To do this, I thought I can use altitude and pitch degree. Because ...
Piko's user avatar
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Project EUMETSAT Geostationary Rapid-Scanning-Service Pixel to Lat/Lon

I've downloaded EUMETSAT's RSS product (rapid-scanning-service of the northern hemisphere) - I'm interested in band 9 (IR10.8) - and I can download them as .nat (native) file or GeoTiff. Whether I ...
Peter Ilfrich's user avatar
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How can I consolidate / deduplicate processed AIS data from different stations?

Context I have received processed AIS data from different AIS receiver stations from which I need to construct trajectories for each vessel. The data has the following columns: timestamp vessel ID ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Understanding Longitude

I am a software developer and I am building an app that involves working with Longitude and Latitude. I've been surfing the web to understand the subject well but still have some issues with it that I ...
Eslam's user avatar
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Converting .shp polygon from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857

GIS newbie at a loss for solutions here. I've drawn and mapped out a shapefile with 51 features in QGIS based on administrative region data which has been in EPSG:4326. I would now want to convert ...
eulinean's user avatar
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GPS lat/lons are off by about a mile

I have some old data from a flight that was done, it has a series of lat/lons for each datapoint. I've plotted these into Google Earth Pro and I can see that they are plotting about a mile west of ...
JJ5's user avatar
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Convert centroid data to lat/long coordinates

I have a geoJSON file from Alameda County, California, that says it is based on "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:...
Zachary Russell Heineman's user avatar
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Lat/Long coordinates from measured depth

I have a set of perforation data along a well bore that just includes measured depth (in feet). I also have the directional survey for the same well that include survey points (measured depth in feet)...
Carole's user avatar
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Convert unit vector from body to ECEF coordinate system

I have an Android phone using local coordinate system as shown on the picture: "Азимут" is azimuth. "Угол места" is elevation. "Крен" is roll. Azimuth is measured from ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Converting coordinates from cartesian to geodetic in QGIS

I have a problem with my layer attributes in QGIS, every time I add $x and $y coordinates as attributes, they are always returned to me in meters, while I would need this data expressed in degrees. I ...
Luke's user avatar
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