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Questions tagged [leafmap]

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How to add a spatially enabled df to a Leafmap map

Python: 3.9 ArcGIS API for Python: I am accessing a Feature Layer from the Living Atlas using the ArcGIS API for Python. I convert it to a sdf with the column 'SHAPE' as the geometry. How do I ...
ZephyrZ's user avatar
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Custom marker in Leafmap

I want to add custom image marker as my point shp in Leafmap. How can we do this in this code or any other alternative? I'm using PNG and path is 'data\point.png' import leafmap m = leafmap.Map(center=...
Raja Usama's user avatar
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leafmap with streamlit cannot get a drawn feature

I'm able to show a map in streamlit, draw a shape, but don't see any working way of catching a drawn shape for processing. I'm using leafmap.foliumap, as other backends didn't work with streamlit. I ...
Jakub Zbudniewek's user avatar
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time_slider using geemap and leefmap

I am new to using geemap, I am trying to create a time slider to show a group of TIFF files I created using Google Earth Engine. I am using colab and following this tutorial:
almegdadi's user avatar