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Questions tagged [line-on-line-overlay]

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Union tools for polyline in ArcGIS

I'm trying to combine 2 polylines into one with all features and their attributes will be written to the output feature class. I'm trying to use the Union tools but it won't work on polyline, any help?...
igedeari's user avatar
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Cutting overlapping line by priorities

I have several line layers following an unique and same path. On some part, these layers overlap each others, so there are multiples segments overlapping. I need to find a way which grants me the ...
Basmo's user avatar
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Selecting lines on top of lines in same shapefile using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.6.1 Advanced. I have a street centerline shape file where segments for bi-directional roadways are drawn as two stacked lines. The top segment for one direction of travel, the ...
Mercator's user avatar
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Union on lines using ArcPy?

Essentially I want to union multiple (20) congruent line shapefiles, where overlapping line segments in the input shapefiles are combined into a single resulting output shapefile. But I can't union ...
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