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Questions tagged [mapcontrol]

in a mapping application a map control is a function that modifies the state or the behaviour of the map object

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1 answer

Updating OpenLayers ZoomToExtent control

I have OpenLayers control defined like, // Zoom to Extent control var zoomToExtentControl = new ol.control.ZoomToExtent({ extent: [73.19, 15.12, 81.80, 22.77] }); Which will give us Extent button on ...
SpiderMan's user avatar
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Update custom control field on data updated in Leaflet

I have some snippets down there, I need to update a specific field according to subscription data but when I call my createControl function it renders new control not updating here is create control ...
Deniz Firat's user avatar
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Esri Oceans Basemap fullwidth

I am using in my project the Esri Ocean Basemap. I use the fullscreen control to enlarge it, but when enabled the map is not covering the whole screen. The HTML structure is as follows: <div id=&...
Elena Politi's user avatar
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Attribute data is not supported by the GeometryProvider in th Sharpmap

Attribute data is not supported by the GeometryProvider. SharpMap.UI ver I want to make a click event on the image("maker"). so I used the following sample code URL.
AlbertLim's user avatar
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SharpMap's backgroundLayer on an intranet(no internet) (Windows)

I'm making windows C#(WPF) mapControl on intranet(no internet). (Windows Server) I get OSM.pbf and mbtiles file. Is this possible? Please, Look at this picture. private void button6_Click(object ...
AlbertLim's user avatar
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How to remove the leaflet L.control.watermark from the map

I tried to add a picture to the map by using a button. This works well by using L.control.watermark. But I want to remove the picture at the next button click and I can´t find a working solution. ...
Hannah Metz's user avatar
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How to show WFS in Leaflet control

I am trying to add the WFS layer to my map to make it clickable via L.control, unfortunately, I am not using this properly as when I click on the other layers in control, the popup feature is still ...
Mohsen Sichani's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Disable Leaflet WMS getFeatureInfo popup while using the Measure tool

I have a simple Leaflet map to which I've added two functionalities: measure tool using leaflet.measure plugin; WMS getFeatureInfo popup using the L.TileLayer.BetterWMS plugin; The default map ...
Ralu Bur's user avatar
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How to get next/previous layer in leaflet?

I want to create buttons to get next/previous layer but i don't know how to build code to make it possible. var bounds = [[0,0], [2048,2048]]; var floor0 = L.imageOverlay('img/Floor-00-map.png', ...
curious guy's user avatar
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Layer selection in Openlayers 3

I'm trying to develop a robust way to generate a UI incorporating map layer controls such as a base layer selector. I've read several posts including this recent one but I'm still not able to change ...
dvmac01's user avatar
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2 answers

Bootstrap navbar and leaflet zoom controls

I'm using the THE MAP GUY(DE) Bootstrap template and applying it to leaflet using the code below. The issue I'm having is that the zoom-control doesn't toggle right on page load. It will only after ...
Dean's user avatar
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External layer switcher and layer order

So I'm using an external layer switcher because I need it imbedded in a bootstrap dropdown menu. It works really great except for one thing.... when I change between viewing my base layers, the ...
Dean's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Missing LayerSwitcher in OpenLayers3?

I was wondering if there is a LayerSwitcher control in OpenLayers 3? I read that ol3 is a complete rewrite. But I can't seem to find the equivalent of LayerSwitcher from
tinlyx's user avatar
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4 votes
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OpenLayers Full Screen control not working [closed]

I have a problem with OpenLayers controls. I have two controls which are perfectly working, var mousePositionControl = new ol.control.MousePosition({ coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate....
serifsadi's user avatar
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2 answers

Removing custom controls?

I am trying to remove custom draw controls from my OpenLayers application which I create like this: var drawControls = { polygon: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(polygonLayerFreehand, ...
Jan Peters-Anders's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

openlayers - export map to canvas problem

I am trying to make a export control to export the map as image file. I found this example: so i added the ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Creating Openlayers OverviewMap control with vector layer data display

I am creating an OverviewMap control in the map and want to see the content of a Vector layer in the overview map too. var mapOverviewOptions = { mapOptions: { ...
user2568643's user avatar
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2 answers

Geoserver REST api control

Recently I am using Geoserver grammatically through its REST api. When I request for a map it gives me a map image. My request code is like this: public string GetMap(string name) { ...
Moshii's user avatar
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1 answer

Display a control (zoom bar) outside map container in Leaflet?

I need to extend a zoom control so that it is functional outside of the leaflet map container. Can this be done? Essentially,the same idea as what is accomplished with this item here but under the ...
Cassie Seeberg's user avatar
-1 votes
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ArcGIS Engine--load mxd file to map control or pagelayout control?

When I load an MXD file using ArcGIS engine, how do you automatically detect whether it's saved in mapcontrol or pagelayout control?
l.z.lz's user avatar
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How to reset the length of the control of scaleLine in OpenLayers?

I want to change the style of the control of the ScaleLine,but I have no idea where to change it,anybody can give me some advice? map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine());
ethel hao's user avatar
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Add layers from WMSCapabilitiesStore to MapPanel and select polygons

I created a store and added layers to a grid Panel, when you click add layer to map it works fine, the problem is that when I call the function controle(layer) I can't select polygons in the layer ...
Jessica's user avatar
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How to zoom in/out selected elements of MapControl?

I have a mapcontrol that includes many elements: text, line. I used this code to add elements into mapcontrol: pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0); I can use zoom button to zoom in/out the ...
taibc's user avatar
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Can't load Mxd file in MapControl?

I used below codes to save IMap into byte[] (to store in my database), but I can't load it again, are there anyone know what's wrong ? public byte[] SaveMap(AxPageLayoutControl pageLayOut) { ...
taibc's user avatar
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Using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITemplate to draw cutom lines

I am using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITemplate to draw custom lines such as dot/dash lines on a map control. Then, I used the below code: ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITemplate templateCls = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display....
taibc's user avatar
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Cannot reselect polygon after modify

I've got various vector layers on a OL map. On one layer I have a few draw controls. If I draw a polygon I can select it (the whole pop-up thing works). This also works for all the other features. ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deal Leaflet map control checkboxes?

I add some geojson layers to the map control once a layer is loaded and the control can show all the layer names. But I notice that all the checkboxes are unchecked by default. So that once I click ...
user1056824's user avatar
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2 answers

Using InfoWindow with Feature Layer and DialogWindowBase?

I need to have an infoWindow that displays the Outfields of a FeatureLayer. The infoWindow is popping up, but it is popping up no matter where you click on the map and it does not contain any of the ...
JLott's user avatar
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Openlayers - Loop through control collection

Is there a way to loop through the collection of map controls that have been added to an OpenLayers map?
Todd Krueger's user avatar
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How can I enable panning using Openlayers and a vector overlay with controls?

I am creating a map using the following code: map = new OpenLayers.Map({ div: "map" }); Then I load in a geojson polygon layer and add two controls var highlightCtrl = new OpenLayers.Control....
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
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Openlayers error after removing selectFeature control

I am using a selectFeature control for a point layer in OpenLayers 2.12. I have a problem after removing the selectFeature control from the map. The reason why I want to remove the control is because ...
yellowcap's user avatar
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Zooming MapControl (Arcgis) doesn't effect?

I am trying to use the Zoom commands (Zoom In, zoom out) for a MapControl. But it doesn't make "Text elements" bigger (larger) or smaller. Please see my image. I used the below function to add a text ...
taibc's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

toggle clustering with map controls

I've made a map with openlayers and have the vector features clustered with a clustering strategy. Now I want my users to be able to toggle this behaviour with a control similar to the layerswitcher. ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Life cycle of an AxControls - license missing in some point of the execution

DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far… Does anyone know the lifecycle of an AxControl (AxTOCControl)? I have a complex application, that uses several technologies (Spring....
XtianGIS's user avatar
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2 answers

ArcGIS 10 MapControls in MS Access, can it be done?

In the past (9.3 ArcGIS) I was able to develop forms in MS Access where I could drop a MapControl on and have GIS functionality all within Access as long as ArcMap was installed on the same machine. ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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