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Masked raster is completely black when reprojecting and masking in GRASS GIS

I have a global raster of railways networks in Mollweide CRS (resolution 1000x1000) and I want to reproject it to Europe (EPSG:3035), crop it to Europe, and change the resolution to 30x30 km (0.25°). ...
LT17's user avatar
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Output raster of rasterio.mask doesn't match CRS of input [closed]

I'm trying to mask a raster with population data with my area of interest. I reprojected the original population raster according to the AOI's crs, but after masking and writing the new file, the crs ...
Danny's user avatar
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Why did not I manage to reproject layer?

I have a global land cover map, which has the following properties: Name ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-Map-300m-P5Y-2010-v1.6.1 Path C:\QGIS\ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-Map-300m-P5Y-2010-v1.6.1.tif\ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-...
Ferenc Mics's user avatar
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MODIS coastline issue

I have a few MODIS products and as I was combining my imges I realised that some of the pixels around the coastline where abit off.Is that a standard issue and if so should I use reproject or should I ...
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