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Reading in GeoTIFF with different CRS and Transform with rasterio

I have multiple TIF files with different resolutions that I want to combine using rasterio. I am using a modification of the example given in the documentation here. However, on closer inspection ...
Ansh's user avatar
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Writing masked GeoTIFF in rasterio and visualizing in QGIS?

I have an interpolated raster, which is a masked array, that shows where the data is valid. I want to save it as masked TIFF with rasterio. To test, here's the JSON file, and the code: import rasterio,...
culebrón's user avatar
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Masking GeoTIFF file after GeoJSON through rasterio - "Input shapes do not overlap raster"

So my intention is quite simple: I have a 4-Band TIFF file I want to crop after a polygon shape. However, I'm getting the following two exceptions WindowError: windows do not intersect ValueError: ...
Buruiană Cătălin's user avatar
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Does anyone know why I'm getting a completely black geotiff as a result of this shapefile cut out of another geotiff in rasterio?

I am using rasterio to cut out the shape of a lake outlined in my shapefile from a geotiff. When using a shapefile of a singular lake with a geotiff, this works perfectly, but not when cutting out a ...
Kerry O'Neill's user avatar
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Stacking and masking Landsat at the same time with rasterio

Based on answers from previous questions 1,2 and the Masking a raster using a shapefile guide from rasterio cookbook, I wrote the code below. The code runs correctly. I would like to improve it. 1- ...
mlateb's user avatar
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