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Earth Engine: Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL issues with cloud, shadow, and land masking

Using the QA_PIXEL band in Landsat 8 to mask out clouds, cloud shadow, and land often masks out large areas of water. The QA_PIXEL band identifies these water areas as land and cloud shadow, when this ...
Matt's user avatar
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Masking satellite data using shapefile

I am using Landsat data to determine NDVI for a specific region of interest (roi). However, the roi has buildings and other artificial objects that I wish to mask. I have followed through the example ...
turner__rs's user avatar
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Fulfilling removed cloud area with free cloud data in Google Earth Engine

I have completed doing cloud removal with Landsat image (in this case is Lansat 8) in the Google Earth Engine. Of course the result of this process is the cloud pixels become no data, consequently the ...
Rizki Atthoriq's user avatar
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Issue while creating dataset mask for Landsat 7 ETM+ band data by using rasterio

I am trying to create dataset mask of a particular band of Landsat-7 (B2) & Landsat-8 (TIR) data and then plot the same using the following code: For Landsat-7 Band-1:- import rasterio import ...
RRSC NGP's user avatar
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How to apply a Bitmask for radiometric saturation QA in a image collection (earth engine)

I am new to earth engine and I am trying to apply a radiometric saturation mask in a image collection based on ''radsat_qa'' in earth engine data catalog for landsat reflectance tier 1. I am trying ...
laurent's user avatar
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Removing tidal flat and coastline after applying Landsat Cloud Masking

I am a new Google Earth Engine user. I have tried to remove clouds and cloud shadows using pixel_qa band. However, sometimes the cloud masking makes tidal flat or coastline to remove. I don't know why ...
Miri's user avatar
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Aligning pixels for using GSW as mask layer with Landsat 8 and Global Surface Water (JRC) Layer

I want to isolate some surface water areas on Landsat 8 images by using the Global Surface Water dataset in GEE as mask. After mapping both in the Editor I realized the positions of pixels of GSW and ...
elewe's user avatar
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Replacing masked cloud areas with another satellite image?

I have various Landsat images of which many are cloudy. Using the cloud masking plugin available in QGIS, I was able to identify and remove the areas with cloud and cloud shadows from every image. ...
Orca's user avatar
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Sequential cloud mask closest to date in Google Earth Engine

I'm interested in transitions that occur on a date, such as bushfires. I want to get the closest (in time) cloud-free landsat image possible using as many images as necessary in the collection up ...
Relu the Bengal's user avatar
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Creating opacity mask in Google Earth Engine?

I have an NDSI snow layer loaded in Google Earth Engine. Since snow is present for values <0.4, I want to make values >0.4 opaque. I looked at the manual's examples, but this code is not giving me ...
Erik Marsh's user avatar
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Stacking and masking Landsat at the same time with rasterio

Based on answers from previous questions 1,2 and the Masking a raster using a shapefile guide from rasterio cookbook, I wrote the code below. The code runs correctly. I would like to improve it. 1- ...
mlateb's user avatar
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masking in ENVI [closed]

I have surface reflectance generated NDVI which I got from ESPA interface, How do I mask cloud with Qa band in ENVI?
sed's user avatar
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How to apply a Cloud Mask in Google Earth Engine? (Landsat 5 TM 8-Day NDVI Composite)

I need to download ndvi values for some pixels for 2000-2001 using the Landsat 5 TM 8-Day NDVI Composite, but since there is no quality band as in mod13q1 there's no way to filter by quality. ...
pgalansino's user avatar
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Extracting QA Bits for Mask for Landsat Surface Reflectance?

I am trying to create a mask that I can map over an image collection using the QA band from Surface Reflectance data in Google Earth Engine. Here are the indicator bits for the QA band: 0:unused 1:...
Dex's user avatar
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Applying mask to 40 Landsat images on ENVI?

I'm new to ENVI and am working on a time series for a section of the Santa Barbara Channel. I have a mask I made from the ROI tool, but was wondering if there is an efficient way to mask all 40 of ...
Scully's user avatar
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Grass i.landsat.acca says image is cloud free but it is not

I'm working on an area in Amazonia with high cloud persistance which makes global data on land cover quite useless at small scales, so I wanted to learn to process my own Landsat images, with GRASS ...
Camille's user avatar
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Landsat Surface Reflectancce product Python packages

I have to work with numerous Landsat surface reflectance product that I downloaded from The product comes with a QA data with information on clouds and shadows ...
user2324097's user avatar
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Detecting cloud shadows

I am trying to detect cloud shadows in Landsat images. I came up with producing good shadows and cloud masks. Now I'd like to implement my cloud mask adding cloud shadows. Do You have a good idea to ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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