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Pearson's Correlation for Masked Images in GEE

I'm trying to calculate and plot correlation coefficients between two Image Collections, which are monthly NDVI and MODIS hotspot counts (where hotspot counts represents the number of times a pixel ...
KatieGeo's user avatar
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Quality Control process for MODIS Leaf Area Index in GEE

I am trying to mask certain features from MODIS LAI image such as cloud cover and image quality. MODIS LAI has two quality control measures - FparLai_QC and FparExtra_QC. I tried doing it with the ...
Anu Rai's user avatar
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Using MOD11A1 bitmask to select "Good Data Quality" pixels for further LST time series generation in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to generate a daily LST time series over a region by selecting only the good quality pixels. The code I've written is attached below along with the dataset description. My aim is to select ...
Vineeth's user avatar
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Using MOD16A2 in GEE to extract best quality of PET

I am beginner with Google Earth Engine programming. I want to know how I can use MOD16A2 to extract good quality values of potential evapotranspiration data (MOD16A2)? because I extract the PET of ...
Soukaina 's user avatar
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Creating Cloud free images out of a MOD09A1 MODIS image in GEE?

How can I mask clouds in a MODIS\MOD09A1 images in GEE? I know I should do sth with the "Bitmask for QA", but how? var myImgCln = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MOD09A1") .filterMetadata(???
Saeed Soleimani's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Mask application

I'm using GEE in order to extract evapotranspiration (ET) data from MODIS (MOD16A2v6). I want to extract only ET band in order to make some further process. To do so, I apply some filters (like ...
baptelet's user avatar
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Apply mask in bulk ENVI

I have a stack of MODIS images consisting of 400+ bands. A stack of NaN masks is created corresponding to each layer of the MODIS stack. I wonder if there is a way to apply the mask layers in bulk in ...
Yuyun He's user avatar
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MODIS coastline issue

I have a few MODIS products and as I was combining my imges I realised that some of the pixels around the coastline where abit off.Is that a standard issue and if so should I use reproject or should I ...
Ka_Papa's user avatar
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