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How to make certain part of raster as no data with other overlapping raster?

I have two rasters, one raster contains all the ground features (roads, buildings, Trees etc) and another raster contains only man made features (Roads, buildings etc). I would like to have raster ...
AJ47's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Conditional calculation using QGIS

I want to apply an algorithm to calculate the clorophyll-a concentration of a reservoir using Sentinel 2. To do this I need to create a mask using Sentinel's 2 band 11(infrared) to separate the water ...
kashi's user avatar
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Give non-overlapping parts of 2 rasters a value 0 (QGIS)

Is there a way in QGIS to give non-overlapping parts of 2 rasters a value of 0 in the new raster file? I would like the data gaps in the velocity file (so where Ice mask is displayed on the chart) ...
Yoni Verhaegen's user avatar
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Land masking in ArcGIS Raster Calculator?

I'm trying to mask land in a raster and just wondering if anyone knows how to do this. I tried using the raster calculator by producing a new raster based on a threshold value but my output raster is ...
user18058's user avatar
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How to force 1 bit GeoTiff (binary image) outputs from QGIS processing in Python console?

In a QGIS Python script I'm trying to produce raster 0/1 mask with use of procesing package. The pipeline looks like that: Create an image of index (NDSI if that matters) with numpy arrays from a ...
Julian_P's user avatar
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QGIS Treat null as zero in raster calculator

In QGIS - I have an irregularly shaped raster - I wish to clip an irregular area out of it (call it raster A) with that area set to null. I masked the area (vector polygon) I want to remove and used ...
Kyle's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Changing raster cell values within polygon using QGIS GUI

How do I change the values of raster cells which are within a polygon, leaving all cell values outside the polygon unchanged? I would like to subtract 1.5m from each raster cell value within the ...
ffinnm's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to reclassify raster inside polygon mask, leaving values outside as they are?

I am in the final stages of a landcover classification and need to reclassify thematic raster values that are inside different polygon masks, while leaving the values outside as they are. Can I do ...
Simon's user avatar
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