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Trying to create mask to eliminate false NDVI numbers in GEE time series analysis using Sentinel data

It keeps given me the error that ndvi.gte is not a function, I shared my code below: var images = sentinel.filter(,endDate)).filterBounds(geometry) print(images); var ndvi = ...
Eppez's user avatar
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s2cloudless sometimes masking out fields

I have implemented the s2cloudless code as written in the official documentation. The only changes I did were: Skipping the step where the median is calculated (I aim to do a time-series analysis); ...
Barbara Perez de Araújo's user avatar
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Masking non-vegetation areas in image

I'm having a little trouble masking non-vegetation areas in my images. I'm using Sentinel-2 images, and I have land use and cover across my country (Brazil). To this end, I reclassified this land use ...
franciel's user avatar
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Indexing Sentinel 2 image collection using several conditions

I want to mask water bodies with two different conditions and then add the two indexed layers together to create one layer with different values of 0 (no water), 1 (water: based on index 1), 2 (water: ...
Sarash's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Creating a mask for an ImageCollection

I'm using Google Earth Engine's JavaScript API to process Sentinel-2 images. I've calculated the EVI from the Sentinel ImageCollection, and would like to apply a mask that removes all the values ...
Beck's user avatar
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Mask Sentinel-2 image using SCL product in Google Earth Engine

I need to create a Google Earth Engine (JavaScript API) function to mask the pixels corresponding to no_data, satured_or_defective, dark_area_pixels, cloud_shadows, unclassified, ...
sermomon's user avatar
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Cloud mask algorithms for Sentinel-2 Level-2A data

I am trying to find the best Sentinel-2 cloud mask algorithm for Level-2A data that can be integrated in a Python script and that works well on oceanic areas. I am working with level-2 data because I ...
Just_4n0th3r_Pr0gr4mm3r's user avatar
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Iterating to calculate mean NDVI and mask pixels having greater than mean NDVI value of each image in image collection using Google Earth Engine

I am working on Sentinel -2 image collection over my study region in Google Earth Engine. I can calculate Mean NDVI for an image using ee.Reducer.mean() and mask pixels using update mask .gt(mean ...
Monish's user avatar
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Sentinel-2 Multiband thresholding (masking) using Google Earth Engine

I want to extract wheat pixels from the sentinel 2 image in google earth engine. Based on field analysis pixel should satisfy 3 conditions: NDVI value between 0.6 to 0.7, NDWI value between -0.5 to -0....
Monish's user avatar
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Creating forest mask using PALSAR Forest/Non-Forest Map for Sentinel 2 image collection

I trying mask forest areas in Sentinel- 2 image collection over my study area using the 25m resolution global PALSAR Forest/Non-Forest Map. I followed the masking example given in GEE guides that uses ...
Monish's user avatar
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Function to remove borders and clouds from SENTINEL2

I've been trying to test SENTINEL, and found some functions to clean the clouds and edges of the images, but I do not understand exactly how this function works, and I'm very curious to understand ...
Lilian Guimarães's user avatar
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GEE cloud-free Sentinel2 and linear Regression [closed]

GEE, Sentinel and linear Regression I am using GEE (Google Earth Engine) to compute a Sentinel-2 based change analysis. What I would like is basically a linear regression per pixel, with the slope as ...
Caroline's user avatar
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Sentinel Cloud-free Collection Google Earth Engine Code Editor

I am trying to create and map an image collection (not image or mosaic if that is even possible), where QA60 defines the Cloud-mask. I have written the code below - however, it seems the Jan2016 ...
Caroline's user avatar
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Cloud masking of Sentinel-2 product using SNAP [closed]

I am using Sentinel-2 images in tropical region where almost all image contains clouds which needs to be masked out. What is the best way to remove the clouds from the image in all the bands, is SNAP ...
amit haldar's user avatar