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Questions tagged [masking]

Covering or hiding features on a map.

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Create new shapefile layer per raster layer

In QGIS i have several hundreds raster tiles. For a deep learning application i would like to create segementation masks. To achieve this, my approach is to make a new shapefile, create the polygon ...
Milap's user avatar
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Output raster of rasterio.mask doesn't match CRS of input [closed]

I'm trying to mask a raster with population data with my area of interest. I reprojected the original population raster according to the AOI's crs, but after masking and writing the new file, the crs ...
Danny's user avatar
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Quality Control process for MODIS Leaf Area Index in GEE

I am trying to mask certain features from MODIS LAI image such as cloud cover and image quality. MODIS LAI has two quality control measures - FparLai_QC and FparExtra_QC. I tried doing it with the ...
Anu Rai's user avatar
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Masking non-vegetation areas in image

I'm having a little trouble masking non-vegetation areas in my images. I'm using Sentinel-2 images, and I have land use and cover across my country (Brazil). To this end, I reclassified this land use ...
franciel's user avatar
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Indexing Sentinel 2 image collection using several conditions

I want to mask water bodies with two different conditions and then add the two indexed layers together to create one layer with different values of 0 (no water), 1 (water: based on index 1), 2 (water: ...
Sarash's user avatar
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Merge rasters and clip by a shapefile

I was wondering how to merge multiple TIFF files together and clip the mosaic by the bounds of a intersecting shapefile. I've been able to merge them and output as a .tiff, but am not sure how to to ...
uqazi's user avatar
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Looping with a variable r.mapcalc GRASS GIS

I want to crop a raster based on another one, inside a loop. I created a mask (MASK) and then cropped the old raster (old), creating a new raster (new). r.mask vector=EU@PERMANENT #my mask r.mapcalc &...
LT17's user avatar
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Earth Engine: Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL issues with cloud, shadow, and land masking

Using the QA_PIXEL band in Landsat 8 to mask out clouds, cloud shadow, and land often masks out large areas of water. The QA_PIXEL band identifies these water areas as land and cloud shadow, when this ...
Matt's user avatar
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Change missing areas value(0) to other in Google Dynamic World Landcover Yearly Mode Mosaic to not mix with water class (also 0)

When I create a yearly mode mosaic using Google Dynamic World Landcover Data, the areas with missing landcover values especially in high Himalayan regions(perhaps due to the 35% cloud threshold) are ...
ali sh's user avatar
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Masking raster based on vector shapefile [closed]

For this work Data are obtained from:- For Raster:- For Vector :- Rupandehi ...
Walker's user avatar
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Use polygon lines to create masks

Given a tile (the cropped base map in the left) and polylines (red lines), is there any tool/workflow in QGIS to convert them into masks in the right?
Jason's user avatar
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Delete single pixels (noise) from raster

I have a raster layer (based on Landsat (30x30m)) of newly emergent lakes after spring snowmelt and subsequent runoff. These are stored in a raster layer. When I look at it, there is a lot of noise (...
Thomas's user avatar
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Creating polygon mask in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22.5, is there possible to use polygons for the masking layer? I want to use numerous little polygons to mask lines (only layer which consists of lines). In ArcGIS that works just by ...
mlr6's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Creating a mask for an ImageCollection

I'm using Google Earth Engine's JavaScript API to process Sentinel-2 images. I've calculated the EVI from the Sentinel ImageCollection, and would like to apply a mask that removes all the values ...
Beck's user avatar
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Why is my combined Mask masking different areas to the individual Masks over an ImageCollection?

I'm trying to perform a time-series analysis of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery over Water, and to do that I've been muddling through using functions to perform analysis on images over an Image ...
Needs_Caffeine's user avatar
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Masking clouds on Landsat8 with Python before NDVI [closed]

I'm new to remote sensing and trying to mask clouds with Python. I'm using the same method in Earth Data Science website (
Hilmi Emre's user avatar
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Error when trying to mask raster to shapefile after interpolation using R - "sp supports Z dimension only for POINT and MULTIPOINT"

I am trying to mask an interpolated raster to a shapefile with the same coordinate reference system using R, but I keep getting an error. The error is shown below. How can I overcome this error and ...
s_o_c_account's user avatar
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Getting Rid of Black Boundaries from Tiff Image using Google Earth Engine

I'm getting a tiff image from earth engine using the code below, but the image I get is rectangular and surrounded by a black box. How can I get rid of the black boundaries on the corners and get a ...
Ege Akkaya's user avatar
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Clip data while reading file into Python with GeoPandas

Geopandas is able to read in only part of a file using: roi= geopandas.GeoDataFrame(geometry) indexed_data = geopandas.read_file("path-to-file", mask=roi) or geopandas.read_file("path-...
sir_olf's user avatar
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Mask Sentinel-2 image using SCL product in Google Earth Engine

I need to create a Google Earth Engine (JavaScript API) function to mask the pixels corresponding to no_data, satured_or_defective, dark_area_pixels, cloud_shadows, unclassified, ...
sermomon's user avatar
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"Clip vector layer by mask layer" algorithm stucked in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.22 and I try to use a mask to get rid of the part of the shapefile I don't want. However it stays stucked (see img) without even pointing an error. Does someone know what to do? I ...
Robagb's user avatar
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Cloud mask algorithms for Sentinel-2 Level-2A data

I am trying to find the best Sentinel-2 cloud mask algorithm for Level-2A data that can be integrated in a Python script and that works well on oceanic areas. I am working with level-2 data because I ...
Just_4n0th3r_Pr0gr4mm3r's user avatar
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Rasterio mask washing out result

Using the rio.mask.mask function to clip out a section of an ortho. The result .tif looks like it has been "washed" out. The pixel values from the ortho and the result are exactly the same, ...
Binx's user avatar
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Masking with rasterio in Python

Introduction I have a shapefile for my area of interest (which in this case is Tehran) and also a TIF file that contains the categorical information(cloud status). In this case, I want to mask the TIF ...
TheFaultInOurStars's user avatar
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Find the min. distance of each pixel to a connected component

I have a matrix in a similar format to the following a = [1, 1, 0, 0; 1, 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2] This matrix represents a mask over a region, where each connected component ...
Our's user avatar
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Unable to mosaic raster bands of the same region in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to mosaic the Landsat satellite imagery of an ROI to fill the masked cloud regions. For this, I am using f1023clip and f5163clip (as shown in images below). I am trying to mosaic the two ...
Ayushi Sharma's user avatar
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Retrieving State Heightmaps (DMTED) - Accuracy possible with QGIS? - Requesting Steps

I need a gmted2010 height map of Massachusetts. Only Massachusetts, including its shoreline, islands, and of course state boundaries. What I am currently doing, in bullet point form: I am using https:...
qgisquestions's user avatar
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Masking FeatureCollection using image in Google Earth Engine

I have a FeatureCollection with my study area, and an image with urban areas. I want to remove the areas in my FeatureCollection where the image has urban areas. How can this be done? var studyArea = ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Rasterio mask doesn't work with shapely polygon

I have raster which I want to mask with shapely polygon.According the rasterio documentation, rasterio.mask can work with shapely geometry.However, in this case, it doesn't work. whenever I use my ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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How to get novalue data of xyz points

I have multibeam and single beam xyz points. I am looking to do the exact same process as Patch over raster A with values from raster B where raster A values are nodata in GDAL as I want to infill the ...
guest07823's user avatar
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Substracting a lake from my DEM using QGIS

I got a rather small DEM which includes a lake. If I want to calculate the strahler order, flowaccumulation etc. it's calculated wrong. The lake "doesnt exist" in my DEM so I got the values ...
HansErkelenz's user avatar
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How to export masked MNDWI raster from Google Earth Engine

I am working with Google Earth Engine and the wonderful geemap package to export channel centerlines using Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI; Xu, 2006). Computing the MNDWI is simple ...
jameshgrn's user avatar
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Error when clipping raster by mask layer (polygon) in QGIS

I'm using QGIS 3.14.16-Pi and I'm trying to clip a raster layer by a multipolygon layer representing a network of protected areas. My raster has 4 categories of values: -3, -1, 0 and 2. I've tried ...
Spectron's user avatar
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Get extent error in for loop but not individiually

I am masking and cropping a rasterstack to a shapefile I made. I have done this previously with another shapefile, this is no problems. However, when I do this with this specific shapefile I get the ...
johnnyg's user avatar
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How can I replace masked pixels by another image

How can I replace masked pixels with another image? I have two sets of images: Image_A and Image_B, each has 10 bands. I want to change the masked pixels in Image_A by the corresponding (same band, ...
Roman's user avatar
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Convert mask band to binary image in google earth engine

I have created a mask band giving several band thresholds but I am unable to use this band for validation as there are no pixels outside the mask. So I would like to make a binary image with one value ...
Monish's user avatar
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Random-points-from-Classification tool (EnMAP-Box plugin) - Adding mask option by python? (QGIS 3.16, Win10)

I created random-point-vector-files from a classified rasters with a given number of points per class by the Random points from Classification tool (EnMAP-Box plugin). But, now I'd like to exclude ...
jaysigg's user avatar
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Mask fire scars across a collection of images and combine them into one singular image

I am a GEE and JavaScript novice. I am trying to calculate a specific fire index for a collection of sentinel 2 images so as to map burn scars throughout a one year period. I then want to apply a mask ...
samm's user avatar
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Create Binary Layer from a shapefile

I have an image Image.tif and a shapefile Water.shp (Several polygons) such that the polygons are all in the images boundaries. I want to create a binary layer such that the layer has a 1 value on the ...
Pigeons's user avatar
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Exporting an inverted polygon in QGIS outputs a NON-inverted polygon

I am trying to export an inverted polygon layer to a GeoJSON in QGIS 3.16.1 Hannover (using same process to this) but everytime I export and save it, the output is NOT an inverted one. I'm trying to ...
Joseph Ricafort's user avatar
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Using MOD11A1 bitmask to select "Good Data Quality" pixels for further LST time series generation in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to generate a daily LST time series over a region by selecting only the good quality pixels. The code I've written is attached below along with the dataset description. My aim is to select ...
Vineeth's user avatar
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Iterating to calculate mean NDVI and mask pixels having greater than mean NDVI value of each image in image collection using Google Earth Engine

I am working on Sentinel -2 image collection over my study region in Google Earth Engine. I can calculate Mean NDVI for an image using ee.Reducer.mean() and mask pixels using update mask .gt(mean ...
Monish's user avatar
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Removing overlapping margins on multiple rasters by clipping to polygon grid

I am using ArcMap 10.8 I have multiple digitized historic General Land Office (GLO) maps (JP2 rasters) that I am georeferencing. Each one aligns with a single rectangular feature within an existing ...
Emily R.'s user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: what does it mean by mask an image with itself?

I am a newbie and following the GEE tutorial at this link: I do not understand the following line of code under the section of ...
Hui's user avatar
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Mask out pixels of erroneous NDVI values in GEE

Here is my code in GEE to attempt this. NDVI values should range from -1 to 1, but because there are some bad pixels in the image, I have a few random values, such as -145 or 25. I am trying to mask ...
Alicia's user avatar
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How to only see a land mask of a whole area, inside just the raster in QGIS?

I have a land mask that covers a larger area, but which I only need to see inside my RADARSAT image. Here you can see the image with the land mask, but it is also covering an extent outside the image. ...
Sonny Bailey's user avatar
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Sentinel-2 Multiband thresholding (masking) using Google Earth Engine

I want to extract wheat pixels from the sentinel 2 image in google earth engine. Based on field analysis pixel should satisfy 3 conditions: NDVI value between 0.6 to 0.7, NDWI value between -0.5 to -0....
Monish's user avatar
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Creating forest mask using PALSAR Forest/Non-Forest Map for Sentinel 2 image collection

I trying mask forest areas in Sentinel- 2 image collection over my study area using the 25m resolution global PALSAR Forest/Non-Forest Map. I followed the masking example given in GEE guides that uses ...
Monish's user avatar
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Masking satellite data using shapefile

I am using Landsat data to determine NDVI for a specific region of interest (roi). However, the roi has buildings and other artificial objects that I wish to mask. I have followed through the example ...
turner__rs's user avatar
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Sampling areas based on water mask using Google Earth Engine

I am trying to sample a large image and I only want to keep points that fall within a water mask. I can successfully sample small numbers of points by using a mask, but the algorithm chokes at larger ...
Sean Carter's user avatar

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