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Questions tagged [masking]

Covering or hiding features on a map.

100 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Google Earth Engine: Prevent Cloud mask algorithm for Landsat-8 from masking coastline

I am trying to remove clouds on Landsat image using cloud mask. However, the cloud mask removes even the shoreline that do not have clouds. I don't know why. Is there another way? (upper: pre-masked ...
Marino's user avatar
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Make a grid map in Leaflet

I want to draw a grid map based on the temperature values in Leaflet. Similar to the illustration below. Input data: lat, lon, temperature values, cities' names Parameters: the dimensions of the ...
anonymous's user avatar
4 votes
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Merge rasters and clip by a shapefile

I was wondering how to merge multiple TIFF files together and clip the mosaic by the bounds of a intersecting shapefile. I've been able to merge them and output as a .tiff, but am not sure how to to ...
uqazi's user avatar
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Inconsistently getting "Input shapes do not overlap raster", CRS appear to match

Masking topographic raster data by a shapefile (bedrock geology polygon). Following this guide I do this: with"geology.shp", "r") as shapefile: geology_mask = [...
joanmarie's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS - Label masks breaks layer on PDF export

I have a contour lines layer with index labels, which uses masks, it works correctly on the editor and composer as seen below When exported the layer goes past map boundaries and it's style breaks. ...
Undermon's user avatar
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Is it possible (and how) to mask NoData values using Scikit-learn PCA?

I have to carry out a Principal Component Analysis (sklearn.decomposition.PCA) on a dataset composed of several images. Some of these images have very large gaps due to the removal of clouds. Is there ...
Jando's user avatar
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Clipping Raster by Mask using PyQGIS

I'm trying to develop code that is capable of cutting out a mosaic from the polygons of a shapefile using PyQGIS. The script is run but does not produce any results. from qgis.core import * from ...
phporath's user avatar
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Mask out areas inside a feature collection on Google Earth Engine

I am quite new to javascript and I am trying to apply a mask on an image to exclude areas inside a feature collection, I have seen that for the case of image collections the "mask" and "mask.not" ...
OscarBau's user avatar
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Sentinel 3 Cloud Masking in Google Earth Engine

I am new to GEE and I wanted to use this as part of my research. My first step was to mask the clouds off the images. The code i created basically mask out pixels based on the Quality Flag Bit 27, ...
Marco Conopio's user avatar
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Expanding raster within mask by interpolating it with boundaries set to 0

I'm having a hard time trying to expand a raster within a mask. Here are some details about my case: I'm working with glacier ice thickness rasters, which happen to be smaller than the real size of ...
Jordi's user avatar
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Using polygons to create mask on 2d grid with Python?

I have some polygons (Canadian provinces), read in with GeoPandas, and want to use these to create a mask to apply to gridded data on a 2-d latitude-longitude grid (read from a netcdf file using iris)....
Ian Ashpole's user avatar
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Open source alternative to the "Contours with Barriers" Tool in ArcGIS

I am trying to create a contour file for the globe for a project and am using open source GIS software packages. I was trained for several years on ArcGIS and there is a tool to create contours with ...
Paul van Oldenmark's user avatar
2 votes
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Replacing values in a raster using a mask in Python

I have a tiff-file with three color bands that I want to mask in Python using a shapefile, but when I use the normal masking method with rasterio, the data points under the mask are replaced with (0,0,...
Marcus K.'s user avatar
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How do I batch-assign NoData values?

I have a number of rasters I need to mosaic together. The areas with data are within a rectangular "nan" envelope. The "nan" envelopes of different rasters overlap each other. No ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to remove black stripes from image?

I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of these black lines in my images by creating a mask using the VV pixels. How can I get rid of these lines? // Load Sentinel-1 C-band SAR Ground Range ...
mikjohn's user avatar
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Masking dynamic leader lines for pie charts in QGIS

I am trying to duplicate the example in this post Moving Pie Chart in QGIS and creating leader line with some modifications. I'm trying to combine this with transparency and I'd like to mask off the ...
Jacob Berv's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine (GEE): Using closing filter (Focal_max) on masked image

I am working on a script for flood mapping. I have created a watermask and now need to use two morphological filters with a window of 3x3 pixels, first a dilation filter that enlarges the water mask ...
Elena Raudasch's user avatar
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Remove scene edge pixel error in annual composites in GEE

The median reducer over the cloud masked image collection is unable to remove the edge pixel error at a few scenes. Although the cloudmasking function has the code to remove such edge pixels not ...
Rakesh Kumar's user avatar
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Aligning pixels for using GSW as mask layer with Landsat 8 and Global Surface Water (JRC) Layer

I want to isolate some surface water areas on Landsat 8 images by using the Global Surface Water dataset in GEE as mask. After mapping both in the Editor I realized the positions of pixels of GSW and ...
elewe's user avatar
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Apply mask and compute statistics with GDAL

I've constructed a VRT that includes a band of data and a mask (0/1 representing water/land) with: ds = gdal.Translate(masked_vrt, combined_vrt, bandList=[1], maskBand=2, format='VRT') Where ...
bbuzz31's user avatar
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ArcMap 10.5 Desktop: Highway shield test symbols not respecting mask layer about it

How do I stop highway symbol markers from appearing above my mask layer? The actual highway layer is below the mask layer in the drawing order (so the actual highway line appears below the mask layer,...
Colleen's user avatar
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How to include pixels excluded by MASK in GRASS GIS?

I have a 150km x 150km raster layer of elevation. I'm running a cell-by-cell PyGRASS script, with one step that considers all neighboring cells within a fairly large circular radius (25km). To account ...
d.guidoo's user avatar
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Geoserver Dynamic Raster Masking Based on Request Parameter

Is it possible for Geoserver to dynamically mask out values above or below a certain threshold in a WMS or WCS Geo-tiff request? For instance I make a request with some threshold parameter like 49 ...
apricity's user avatar
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Rasterizing Shapefile, using other shapefile as Mask

I have a shapefile (ShapeY) of European extend and want to rasterize each time only a certain area of the shape (ShapeX) (i have the shapes indicating the prevailing extend) with python and QGis. ...
Philipp Dahlem's user avatar
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How to mask only select layers (i.e., exclude some layers from the mask)

is there a way to create a masking layer in QGIS (2.14) that will mask only certain layers, so that some layers (such as baselayer imagery or other) will be unaffected? I'm using geometry generator ...
Rob Willson's user avatar
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Efficient way to resample, crop, and mask a raster image using R

Does anyone know an efficient way to resample an image? I am currently trying to crop a large image and clip two regions from a shapefile. From this clipped image, I would like to increase the pixel ...
MikeJewski's user avatar
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Creating polygons using mask layer?

I looked at this question, but it only answers part of my problem. I want to create Thiessen polygons based off of the green points within the blue polygon boundary ONLY. I've set the Processing ...
Schack's user avatar
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Ecoregions shapefiles: subsetting, extracting and summarizing data from raster

I am attempting to subset and project an ecoregions shapefile from : EPA ECOREGIONS my data set is found here: SHAPEFILES and RASTER When I run this code, two major problems occur: 1) I cannot get the ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
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how to make decent sense from scattered river depth measurements

I sampled river depth at scattered positions and I want to be able to make a map and GIS layers out of it. My problems are: As the river meanders the interpolation I do in scientific packages i,e. ...
yair suari's user avatar
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Unexpected output from masked area calculation in Google Earth Engine

Using a 500m MODIS burned area dataset in GEE, I want to find the area burned in a period of time (say, a few months). Specifically, I want to find the area of pixels that have burned one or more ...
KatieGeo's user avatar
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Masked raster is completely black when reprojecting and masking in GRASS GIS

I have a global raster of railways networks in Mollweide CRS (resolution 1000x1000) and I want to reproject it to Europe (EPSG:3035), crop it to Europe, and change the resolution to 30x30 km (0.25°). ...
LT17's user avatar
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Expanding QGIS mask Plugin query

When I select a polygon and I apply the QGIS plug-in mask to it then a buffer is created around the polygon. The plug-in does this with the following expression in my case: in_mask(31370) Can I ...
Filip Lasseel Million paradise's user avatar
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Clip all polygons inside the boundary of provinces to separate and calculate every inside polygons area

I need to calculate area of polygons inside every province but some of polygons are not exactly inside of one province and part of it is in one province and the other part is in another province. How ...
coral's user avatar
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Get rid of GeoTIFFs that fall outside the boundary when adjacent GeoTIFFs overlap each other

I am currently working in ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 with data driven pages enabled. I have ten GeoTIFFs with some overlapping into other GeoTIFFs. I want to mask those that are overlapping so when I show a ...
britainie's user avatar
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Quality Control process for MODIS Leaf Area Index in GEE

I am trying to mask certain features from MODIS LAI image such as cloud cover and image quality. MODIS LAI has two quality control measures - FparLai_QC and FparExtra_QC. I tried doing it with the ...
Anu Rai's user avatar
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Masking non-vegetation areas in image

I'm having a little trouble masking non-vegetation areas in my images. I'm using Sentinel-2 images, and I have land use and cover across my country (Brazil). To this end, I reclassified this land use ...
franciel's user avatar
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Earth Engine: Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL issues with cloud, shadow, and land masking

Using the QA_PIXEL band in Landsat 8 to mask out clouds, cloud shadow, and land often masks out large areas of water. The QA_PIXEL band identifies these water areas as land and cloud shadow, when this ...
Matt's user avatar
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Getting Rid of Black Boundaries from Tiff Image using Google Earth Engine

I'm getting a tiff image from earth engine using the code below, but the image I get is rectangular and surrounded by a black box. How can I get rid of the black boundaries on the corners and get a ...
Ege Akkaya's user avatar
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Retrieving State Heightmaps (DMTED) - Accuracy possible with QGIS? - Requesting Steps

I need a gmted2010 height map of Massachusetts. Only Massachusetts, including its shoreline, islands, and of course state boundaries. What I am currently doing, in bullet point form: I am using https:...
qgisquestions's user avatar
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How to get novalue data of xyz points

I have multibeam and single beam xyz points. I am looking to do the exact same process as Patch over raster A with values from raster B where raster A values are nodata in GDAL as I want to infill the ...
guest07823's user avatar
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How to clip polygon by line feature QGIS?

The clip tool will only allow for clipping by another polygon, I would like to clip polygon features by a line feature. Had tried installing the digitizing feature however the cut by lines button is ...
zcfaejl's user avatar
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Using MOD16A2 in GEE to extract best quality of PET

I am beginner with Google Earth Engine programming. I want to know how I can use MOD16A2 to extract good quality values of potential evapotranspiration data (MOD16A2)? because I extract the PET of ...
Soukaina 's user avatar
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Using a shapefile as mask with rasterio mask gives different affine transforms with rasters of the same projection and resolution

I have a list of n file paths to geotiffs of the same resolution and projection but with varying extents. In brief the goal is to use Rasterio's mask module to use a shapefile containing a single ...
jeremyg19's user avatar
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Reading in GeoTIFF with different CRS and Transform with rasterio

I have multiple TIF files with different resolutions that I want to combine using rasterio. I am using a modification of the example given in the documentation here. However, on closer inspection ...
Ansh's user avatar
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QGIS Masking part of objects at other layer

i'm using qgis 3.14. I have situation like in the screen below: I'd like to hide that part of river which is under the bridge. So the result would be like: I'd like to avoid editing original data ...
Daniel Sobolewski's user avatar
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QGIS: How to compute mean of raster values without no data?

I was able to clip a raster against a vector boundary using Clip Raster by Mask layer. I want to compute the mean of the values inside a single raster. I am using Raster Layer Analysis. However it ...
Nikko's user avatar
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Rasterio mask removes alpha band

I have a geotiff image that I am clipping to a geojson polygon using rasterio. When I load input the image in QGIS, it has an alpha band (4 bands total). rasterio says it only has 3 bands, which ...
Brian's user avatar
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Cloud Shadow interferring with NDWI Analysis

I'm working on surface water identification in Northern Kenya. I'm using Landsat 5TM and Landsat 8OLI data in ENVI 5. I've masked clouds using the QA band (although have also tried the fmask tool- ...
Chelsea_VictoriaS's user avatar
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Clipping raster image using mask layer is not clipping in correct way

I am using QGIS 3.10 when tried to clip raster with mask layer I got the same result of extent layer knowing that I activated option with extent boundary Link for shapefile and raster
nour alijl's user avatar
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How to add different NDVI layers of Landsat 8 data from 2014 to 2019 to a map in Google Earth Engine?

I am trying to calculate NDVI for each month and masking NDVI images with lte(0) filter to identify water bodies and show the timelapse between encroachment area of waterbodies in different years and ...
anonymous's user avatar