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Questions tagged [maximum-coverage-problem]

For GIS questions relating to the mathematical 'Maximum coverage problem'.

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13 votes
2 answers

Minimising number of dynamic pages to map scattered points using ArcGIS Desktop?

From time to time I have to produce mapbook to show points of interest. First step to create pages, using regular mesh: I don't like the solution because a) there are some pages with single points (e....
FelixIP's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why GeoServer returns 404 response with coverage limits?

I have just installed GeoServer, but I'm geting some trouble getting it work. I'm doing some test with the examples provided on installation, specifically with tiger:tiger_roads. Despite I can get the ...
Rumpelstinsk's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Geoserver: huge CPU load when delivering tiles at higher zoom levels

We are working with geoserver for the first time. We have it running on a quite powerful server, 32GB and 12 kernels. For the raster we want to deliver we have already seeded all cache tiles for all ...
Patribus's user avatar
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