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Questions tagged [memoryerror]

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Mask clusters larger than 500 pixels in GEE ends with a memory error

The function below, getLargeIIFF, is designed in GEE to identify and classify large clusters of connected pixels in a given image with only one band (IMG) as a specific class (5). It uses an 8-way ...
Isa's user avatar
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GEE, Error generating chart of AEROSOL: User memory limit exceeded

I want to make a ui.Chart of aerosol with MODIS, Optical_Depth_047. The Error generating chart: User memory limit exceeded, has been occurred. I couldn't find anyway to solve it. Could anyone give ...
YAS's user avatar
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EEException: User memory limit exceeded using GEE with specific dataset

I'm working with the Google Earth Engine API and the dataset SPL4SMGP.007 SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9-km Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture. I'm trying to get the minimum and maximum value for the band ...
Maine's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: User memory limit exceeded error when try to reduce and build a multiband imagecollection

I have a long imagecollection of Landsat-5 images from 1984 to 2011. This imagecollection was cropped in a smaller ROI, bit flags and scaling factors applied and for each image two new bands were ...
Leonidas's user avatar
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1 answer

Memory error: unable to allocate using zonal statistics

I am doing a zonal statistics between a shapefile of cells around the African continent and a raster of population around the world. Both of them are in an equal area projection: World Cylindrical ...
OgeiD's user avatar
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GEOSException: bad allocation when using pygeos geopandas buffer

I am running python 3.10 through Spyder with geopandas 0.12.0, geos 3.11.0 and pygeos 0.13. I am trying to buffer a shapefile containing lines. I have used this script on a similar dataset before and ...
Maarten 's user avatar
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Problem with memory limit exceeded

I have problems in GEE with the usage of memory. I am trying to run a script and every time I try to make any operation with my image collections it runs out of memory ("User memory limit ...
David Cerezo's user avatar
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How can I solve MemoryError if I have big list in my Arcpy code?

I have a script and I have a huge list. Because of this list, I got memory error in line 93 when the value of scale variable is 10000 in line 45. This list is empty_list in line 28. I tried to convert ...
B.J.'s user avatar
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Google Earth Engine user limit exceeded error when applying a cloud mask on Sentinel-2 imagery

I am trying to create a 2 cloudless composites of Sentinel-2 imagery over a region of interest that is pretty cloudy. I found an example script in GEE that does a pretty aggressive cloud masking, ...
Charbel El Khoury's user avatar
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Issue with normal score transformation of raster data in arcpy script

I am writing a script as part of a larger model builder workflow to perform a normal score transformation on an inputted raster that will be used for maximum likelihood classification. The normal ...
Felix's user avatar
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Resolving memory issues in R spatial data joins (spatial polygons)

I have two rather big spatial polygon datasets for 250m x 250m gridded data. Although they use an identical grid, they do use different grid identifiers. I'd like to join them to have a lookup between ...
Joanne Demmler's user avatar
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Reduce regions on projected (equal-area) data in Google Earth Engine

I am working with a global raster of soil carbon and a feature collection of ecosystems. I would like to average the carbon in each ecosystem using ReduceRegions in Google Earth Engine, but I need to ...
Sabine's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine memory capacity exceeded

I am trying to export to a csv table with total precipitation per month-year per polygon (~5571 polygons) from 2001-2019 (228 time steps). I am using the CHIRPS dataset (daily data) so had to reduce ...
margie's user avatar
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Memory limit eror counting every pixel in an image with Google Earth Engine

I am trying to count the number of pixels in my large AOI (roughly the size of the state of Iowa) for a Landsat derived image. To get a rough pixel count, I could divide the area of my ROI by 900 (...
rachell's user avatar
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User memory limit exceeded when applying iterative procedure to am image collection

Please help me understand earth engine memory usage. I am trying to apply an iterative procedure to a collection of images and then combine these images on a per-pixel basis. Here is the code ...
saf's user avatar
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Dividing/tiling input features in FME, processing independently and fanning out the output by tile

I have two heavy-weight polygon feature classes that I want to union and then calculate some area-weighted average of one attribute for each aggregate (say parcel polygons, which is one of the inputs) ...
fatih_dur's user avatar
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Reduce GEE memory usage?

I am working with global applications and decided to use the Python Earth Engine API to collect some data I will need. I am exporting annual, global NDVI composites based on Landsat. Since this ...
Ruben R's user avatar
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Using Reclass in Arcpy, Error 010005: Unable to Allocate Memory

I've derived a raster of slopes from a 10 m DEM resampled to 15 m for an area of approximately 20,000 mi^2. I want to use Python to reclassify those slopes into categories according to range, but ...
Tara's user avatar
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GEE unsupervised classification (clustering) of Landsat 8 cloud free composite - User memory limit exceeded

Can anyone explain why I am getting the memory limit error when trying to classify using the wekaKMeans algorithm over a cloud-free composite of Bangladesh? I'm trying to differentiate mangrove pixels....
Samual Chance's user avatar
3 votes
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Dissolving feature/field by interval using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a huge dataset with flowpaths containing a catchment area for each line. The attribute table has ~ 780.000 rows, and thereby 780.000 features in the mapwindow. Is it possible by using a field ...
FoolzRailer's user avatar
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NumPy memory error on large rasters

I have multiple large rasters. Their 5 percentile and 95 percentile are needed to be calculated. After loading the rasters to the ArcMap, I am using the following codes - import numpy import arcpy ...
Sourav's user avatar
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Arcpy "MemoryError"; Get Classification Breaks on a TIF Raster; Jenks Breaks; Python

I have a large .tif raster with integer values. I wish to generate Jenks classification breaks using code and then use those breaks to reclassify my .tif file. I came across a block of code that I ...
Austin Gates's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Replace NA's with 0 for large raster data using R?

I want to replace all NA values in a large raster with 0. I found this answer to Replacing NAs with 0 for raster data using R : #getting a raster library(raster) f <- system.file("external/...
Steffen's user avatar
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Getting MemoryError making hexagonal lattice over polygon in ArcPy? [closed]

I am creating a hexagonal lattice that I will then use to create Thiessen Polygons. We are required to make a lattice first. I can't figure out how to get rid of the MemoryError that looks like this: ...
Shehnaz Mannan's user avatar
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Arcpy RasterToNumPyArray does not read floating point raster

I have below rasters: One with dimension (13646, 7510) where INTEGER pixel values ranges from 0-14. One with dimension (13646, 7510) where DOUBLE (upto 10 decimal places) pixel values ranges from 0-...
Learner's user avatar
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Convert Raster to Numpy Array with only Arcpy and Numpy

All the articles I'm finding including GDAL or PIL(?) which I cannot use. So I am trying to convert a raster I have to a Numpy Array with Arcpy and Numpy and then calculate some statistics on it but ...
MattS's user avatar
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2 answers

import arcpy failed Python 2.7 with ArcGIS 10.3 64-bit Background geoprocessing RuntimeError: NotInitialized

I want to run a python script that uses arcpy. It was running earlier on a 32-bit machine without problems. On a 64-bit machine I get a MemoryError. The 64-bit backgroundgeoprocessing of ArcGIS 10.3 ...
Franz's user avatar
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Python MemoryError when running ArcGIS Python Toolbox tool

I have a Python Toolbox (.pyt) containing a single tool. Part of that tool is the following function, which creates a dictionary from an attribute table, where the keys are the rows' OBJECTIDs and the ...
nmpeterson's user avatar
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