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3 votes
1 answer

How a draw a circle (on the surface of earth) on a mercator projection?

I would like to use R and leaflet to draw a circle (a real circle on the surface of the earth) on a mercator projection. In the following code, I have the center of the circle (with lng=0 and lat=60),...
John Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fixing mercator coordinates that are outside the world bounding box?

I'm using mercator-projected overlays from a crowdsourced website where volunteers georectify images of maps by hand. Unfortunately, the slippy map that serves as the site's interface wraps and allows ...
mike's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Mercator bias plot in Leaflet

I was inspired by this wikipedia image from the mercator projections page to hack around with leaflet. The idea was to interactively have your cursor move a continent and that it would be corrected ...
Vincent Warmerdam's user avatar