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Questions tagged [microstation]

A CAD software package developed by Bentley.

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How to export labels with callout/leader from ArcGIS to CAD (Microstation)?

I need to export labels with leader/callout from ArcGIS Pro to CAD (Microstation). First I Convert Labels To Annotations and then use Export To CAD and attach the CAD file in Microstation. This works, ...
MREG's user avatar
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Importing DEM into Microstation

Using QGIS version 3.28.2-Firenze. I have a DEM obtained from USGS (EPSG:2927 - NAD83(HARN) / Washington South (ftUS)) which aligns correctly horizontally and vertically when I overlay on top of OSM ...
Michael Leonard's user avatar
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OSM data convert to old microstation dgn format

I'd like to convert OSM data into dgn file (version J), with my projection. I'd like you it as a reference file. Is this possible? I try to save it in QGIS. Is this solve with Microstation V8 version ...
endy's user avatar
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How to read the Microstation element attribute values from .Net C#?

I am using following code for read the element attribute from index.But it shown the error like Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object[]' to type 'MicroStationDGN.DataBlock[]'.Is there any ...
Raja's user avatar
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Matching my shapefile to a DGN that has an unknown projected coordinate system?

I was asked to pull the 2-foot contours from Aiken County in South Carolina ( and send them to a person working in Microstation to match the scale and ...
Griffin Frank's user avatar
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Projecting Microstation .dgn that has no coordinate system [duplicate]

I have a set of .dgn drawings that have been sent to me from a client. All of which were never assigned to a coordinate system upon creating them. I am attempting to assign a coordinate system to ...
Christian Kagarise's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert an RDL filetype to a SHP filetype

I Have an open records file from a county that provided an RDL file extension which we can view in MS 8 Viewer but is there any way of getting that into SHP format so we can normalize the data fields ...
user135191's user avatar
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How can I carry over attributes from a GIS .shp to a SnakeGrid MicroStation .dgn, using FME?

I have the SnakeGrid projector so can convert coordinate systems but can't seem to carry the attributes over (I have tried AttribueManager and AttributeCopier). Also, can I input several .shp and ...
Oli2wd's user avatar
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Export as DGN with QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat

This code works in QGIS 2.14 but not in 2.18. What do I have to change to be able to export properly to DGN. From what I understand, now it tries to save in microstation V8 format instead of v7. I ...
Starter2's user avatar
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Microstation coordinates in Google Earth

I have got this x,y,z values of a cell(point feature) from microstation, I am trying to locate it in Google Earth. This is the location from London UTM zone 30U. I have tried it too. 530563.1906, ...
Sarath SRK's user avatar
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XML schema for QGIS symbology

I've been trying to import .cel files as symbology in QGIS. I was recommended to change those .cel files into .dxf, which I did. However, in order for the conversion from dxf to xml to work, I need ...
Minka's user avatar
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How do I import a Microstation cell library as symbology in QGIS?

I have a .cel file with (point) symbols. I want to import that as symbology in QGIS. QGIS accepts xml files for that. How do I either change the .cel file to xml? Or is there another way to import the ...
Minka's user avatar
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Converting Shapefile to DGN dos not display all geometry in MicroStation?

I am trying to convert a shapefile of FEMA floodplains from shapefile format to DGN format for use in MicroStation. I'm using the "Export to CAD" tool in ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 The conversion appears ...
dwight's user avatar
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Import Microstation geometry to ArcGIS 10

I have geometry alignments of land parcels defined in MicroStation InRoads V8i. Instead of using the dgn files I want to use the geometry files. I have ArcGIS 10 Desktop advanced license with Data ...
geonerd's user avatar
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multiple lines of annotation from CADD combined into one textstring

I am bringing a Microstation dgn file into ArcGIS using the conversion tool. The results include several lines of annotation for each property, each line of text is a separate record, i.e. line 1: ...
geonerd's user avatar
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DGN Version 8 Format Specification

I tried to open a Microstation DGN version 8 file with QGIS/ogrinfo, but GDAL/OGR supports Version 7 only. So I want to write my own parser by looking at the format of DGN. Is the Microstation DGN ...
user89728's user avatar
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How to align 3D contour file, aerial imagery and design drawings from engineers in microstation v8i series 3.

I am looking to align a 3D contour dgn file with the design drawings from an engineer in microstation. Then align an orthorectified aerial image (Scale 1:10 000) to the contour file and design ...
user89735's user avatar
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Simple .shp to .dgn conversion?

I've clicked around on a few of the related question. I am not using qgis or anything "fancier" than ArcMap 10.2.2 for desktop and Microstation V8i. Is there a way to successfully convert shapefiles ...
Struggling's user avatar
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Building vectors in polylines

I have classified the cloud points of LiDAR data into different classes. After extracting I have generated 3d building polygons using "Vectorize buildings" option from terrascan tools. Now I need to ...
Shiva Kishore Mudhigepally's user avatar
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Conversion of design file to shapefile using FME

I want to convert a MicroStation design file to shapefile using FME. I have two type of feature in a level 7. One has style 1 and another one style 3. I want them in different shapefiles. How can I ...
Sachin's user avatar
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Convert SHP to DGN with ogr2ogr

I want to convert my shp layers into one DGN file using ogr2ogr (QGIS). When I use this tool, I can only select one layer to convert. My problem is I don't know how to select all three layers at the ...
K.mouna's user avatar
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export to microstation with qgis error

I want to export my SHPFile into microstation dgn using qgis. But when, I do click right on layer and save as... This message error shows "L'export du fichier vectoriel a échoué. Erreur : La création ...
K.mouna's user avatar
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Open version 8 DGN file in QGIS

I want to open my version 8 Microstation DGN file with QGIS without any loss of information. Please, do you know an extension supported by QGIS to do this job?
K.mouna's user avatar
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Exchange Data between GIS and CAD [closed]

I'm a student engineer and I'm preparing my final project study about the problems of exchanging Data between CAD and Gis in general - particularly Microstation and ArcGIS - and the changes that ...
K.mouna's user avatar
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Mask/Background tool in Microstation?

Using Microstation V8i (2012 version i believe) and can't seem to find an equivalent tool to Autocad's "background" for text. Is there a mask or background setting I can apply to certain texts? Edit:...
Struggling's user avatar
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Using WFS to serve arcs / curves from ArcGIS Server to QGIS?

I loaded a wfs served by ArcGIS 10.0sp3 into QGIS. I got complaints that the arc were served as stroked arcs. Question: is WFS able to serve real arcs instead of stroked ones, or is the client (in ...
GeoDude's user avatar
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Importing multiple files in Microstation V8i

I have several dozen Shapefiles (*.shp) that I want to Import into Microstation V8i. Unfortunately, I can only choose one file at a time, so this would be a tedious task. Is there a way to Import ...
Tom Bombadil's user avatar
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What is the Microstation keyin for Sychronize Google Earth View for a specific view?

I'm using TerraScan on top of Microstation V8i and I am setting up hotkeys for frequently used commands. I can't find any documentation about the keyins for the Google Earth toolbar, specifically to ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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LAS .PTC classes into ESRI LAS to Mulitpoint

We have some Lidar data that has been classified based on visable features (i.e. trees, streets, buildings, etc.) These LAS data are used inside inside Microstation w/ TerraScan connected to a PTC ...
ofitall's user avatar
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Microstation Elements created in QGIS

In my workflow I typically, in Microstation V8 2004 Edition, manually place a shape element around a series of imported coordinates to use as a fence for loading point cloud data in TerraScan. I am ...
Kayakate's user avatar
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How to convert a microstation cell library into a format usable in ArcGIS?

I am in the process of standardising symbology across CAD and GIS and have decided to use the symbols we currently used for points in microstation. These are stored in a cell library. Does anyone ...
whatahitson's user avatar
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Converting from ArcGIS TIN to LandXML?

I am working on a project that involves some back and forth between ArcGIS 10.1 and Bentley Microstation and Geopak. Microstation/Geopak has the ability to import/export LandXML files for 3D ...
Scott La Vanne's user avatar
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Why are some CAD lines invisible in ArcMap?

Why am I unable to see certain line features in certain DWG or DXF files in ArcMap? I've tried changing the symbology, converting the files (with Autodesk TrueView) to various iterations of the DWG ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Use Microstation wireframe model for OpenStreepMap

I've got an entire city in Microstation DGN format. I'm able to convert it into Google Earth (KML), DXF, SVG and other formats, and then in .osm with ogr2osm. However, the 3D model is build entirely ...
user809829's user avatar
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Limiting number of decimal digits in ArcGIS to have exported file in CAD with same format?

I am supposed to have some numeric values in ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop with 3 decimals Digits and then convert them to Microstation or AutoCAD. I did this Setting using field calculator and 'round' ...
user29324's user avatar
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Bentley Microstation in comparison to ESRI ArcMap : Filetypes and Capabilities

I'm curious if there is a side-by-side comparison of Bentley's Microstation v8i (Select series 3) with ESRI's ArcMap 10.1 showing capabilities and filetype acceptance. I have heard some conversations ...
randomblink's user avatar
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How to connect Microstation V8i to Postgresql?

I have been searching the web trying to find out if any one has connect Microstation to Postgresql, and to my surprise there has not been alot of chatter on ways to do this.. When looking at the ...
CrazySpatial's user avatar
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Unsplit lines based on length and attributes

I have a contour dilemma. Using Microstation, 1-ft contours have been made on a til-by-tile basis in our project. These DGNs were imported into a GDB, so the polylines have already been merged ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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FME Features to read parameter

I would like to ask if there is a way in FME to set the Feature types to read parameter, from values in microsoft access table. I have a model that translates .dgn files and then appends them to a ...
user20083's user avatar
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FME explode cells

I want to ask if anyone knows how to explode a DGNV8 cell in FME workbench so that it is exported out as a single point to a mdb.I have read a little documentation and it seems I need to set the ...
user20083's user avatar
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Add MicroStation dgn to ArcGIS/ArcCatalog 10.1 [closed]

I'm an iOS programmer but new to using ArcGIS 10.1. I'm having a problem loading my MicroStation dgn file to ArcCatalog. I've connected the folder containing my MicroStation V8i roadway design dgn to ...
user18657's user avatar
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How to preserve dgn cad file attributes when exporting from microstation and importing into Arcmap?

I'm trying to import water utility lines from Microstation into ArcMap. The water utility lines are symbolized by size in Microstation, but when I try to view the attribute table in ArcMap the ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to fix undershoots in data converted from Microstation using ArcMap 10.0?

I have converted data from Microstation to ArcGIS. The converted data has undershoots at intersections, so I tried to snap lines using Spatial Adjusment. I've added some control points but ArcMap didn'...
salihy's user avatar
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Running ArcPy function CADToGeodatabase() crashes ArcMap/ArcCatalog?

My code: import arcpy, csv from arcpy import env dgnfile = str(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)) outFeatureClass = str(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)) #the fc in my fgdb template to be ...
Rob P's user avatar
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Problem with convert georeferenced jpg to geotiff

I'm beginner with GIS tools. I have jpg file with GPS data and I need reference this file to Microstation as georeferrenced raster. I tried use function Raster -> Conversion -> Translate with defined ...
Krzysztof Burdziel's user avatar
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Exporting Symbology from ArcGIS for Desktop to Microstation or QGIS?

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop and trying to figure out how to export my symbols of elements in ArcGIS to CAD or QGIS readable format. The problem is, that I can export symbology to a Style, or ...
VilemRousi's user avatar
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Importing CAD to ArcGIS?

I'm trying to import some CAD files from microstation (dgn) v7 to ArcGis 9.3.1 and i need to access the User Data Linkage from it but i have not the Data Interoperability License. Is there any ...
user983's user avatar
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