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Questions tagged [missing-data]

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Using forward differencing on image collection containing masked pixels

I'm interested in obtaining the time difference between each observation in an image collection. This can be calculated as the DoY difference between each subsequence image in the image collection. ...
Es_a's user avatar
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How to prevent Tippecanoe from dropping features?

I have a huge geojson with electric lines and columns. So I need to convert the file into vector tiles for displaying on my OpenLayers map. I use this sequence of commands: tippecanoe --no-feature-...
Marek Strop's user avatar
3 votes
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Excluding some values from the quintile classification in QGIS

I am working in QGIS with a vector layer of about 8000 records and I would like to use the graduate symbology, equal count (quantile, 5 classes) with a variable that contains some records to which the ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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QGIS labels missing when creating XYZ-tiles and using "offset from point"

I have an issue with some of my labels missing when I generate XYZ tiles in QGIS. I have tested a lot and it seems like they disappear when I use the label placement function "offset from point&...
Pia's user avatar
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QGIS3 missing geometry

I sent a QGIS project to a colleague. He tried to uploaded it on QGIS but got a error message in QGIS that the geometry of one layer is missing. He couldn't repair it, because the geometry didn't ...
eva's user avatar
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Missing features in FeatureCollection in Google Earth Engine

I am working on a project where I cross-classify several regions with each other. In other words: I train several classifiers on imagery from different regions and classify all images of all regions ...
pottsbill's user avatar
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How to solve "handle bad layers" for hundreds of cases in QGIS?

I am getting the "handle bad layers error" in QGIS 2.18 for over 200 hundred cases. I am not willing to manually change all these layers. Is there a way to make the program look in a new ...
J.A.A.Sainz's user avatar
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Why don't some attributes appear in feature class table when geocoded from a database connection? [closed]

Using ArcGIS 10.8.2, I have geocoded a large table by connecting to the database table through an enterprise geodatabase connection. Several of the attributes only have "1" or "null&...
minivanned's user avatar
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QGIS 3.26.3 DEM Application Natural Neighbour is missing in the menu

I want to create a DEM and contours for a architecture site with QGIS. Half a year ago everything worked perfectly fine. Now natural neighbour is just missing in the toolbox. I got the newest version ...
ArchGis's user avatar
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Linear interpolation for missing dates in Google Earth Engine

I have missing dates with no data which I want to create data for using linear interpolation. Most examples create a masked layer and replace the masked values but its my understanding that to ...
user195661's user avatar
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Linear data imputation conversion to bilinear interpolation in Python?

I have a project where the task is to impute missing data values from a modis TIF file using Bilinear interpolation. I tried to use linear interpolation to impute the missing values, but trying to ...
Bilal Jamil's user avatar
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Fill NaN geometries records with other geometric column

I have a GeoDataFrame with two geometry columns. I want to fill missing values of the one with the other. Both columns contain polygons or multipolygons. I have tried: geo_df['geom_2'].fillna(geo_df['...
Ofir's user avatar
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Characterizing annual NDVI for small site areas with significant time series gaps

I'm looking at 30 years of growing season Landsat 5 NDVI for small areas (three sites, each with 9 pixels). For some years there are only one or two available images due to cloud cover, other years ...
Robert Smith's user avatar
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Why does Landsat 8 Collection 2 Band 10 data has spots with no values?

We're currently researching urban heat distributions in Germany using Landsat 8 data. As stated in the Collection 2 Level 2 Science Product Guide, Band 10 of this product is the processed data of ...
Marco Lehner's user avatar
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replacing missing values with the most common pixel closeby [QGIS]

Hi I made classification map which you can see below. Because the original map had text in it and some borders etc that I didn't want to be included in the new map, these got their own class and ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Trying to apply inlabru:::bru_fill_missing to a SpatialPointsDataFrame to fill in NAs

I'm struggling with a function from the inlabru R package, which could help me fill in the NAs in my data. According to the helpfile, I need: bru_fill_missing( data, where, values) data is a ...
Michael Smith's user avatar
5 votes
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Hiding missing values on bar charts in QGIS

I'm trying to hide the bars when there are no values available on my bar charts. This, in order to differentiate missing values from values that are existing but are very close to zero or equal to ...
Joséphine's user avatar
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Sentinel 1 missing data

I´m trying to use the complete descending dataset (VV and VH) for a location in Colombia and must got the same number of scenes by band but it does not; in fact, there are 3 missing years of data for ...
Pablo Andrés Velásquez Franco's user avatar
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QGIS Vector Geometry Vanished

I've been working on a project, in QGIS 3.16 Hannover (we started the project a while ago, in the Bonn version, but upgraded during the duration of project). Upon project completion we've been asked ...
Peter's user avatar
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Calculating correlation between points and raster values with missing points (need missing as 0s) (QGIS)

I feel like this should be easy but I'm struggling. I have a raster data set of Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) and a point data set of crop yield. I want to see how TWI and yield are correlated by ...
cropsnstuff's user avatar
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ArcMap Intersect Tool is missing just one intersect point of two polyline shapefiles?

I'm trying to find the intersect of 2 polyline shapefiles. One shapefile is a long line (of multiparts), the other shapefile is 11 straight lines that "fan out" radially. The ends of the first ...
EBambi's user avatar
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Sentinel-1 missing data gaps between two images GEE [duplicate]

I am trying to export a Sentinel-1 mosaic with the code below. I keep getting this missing data gap between the two images. Even when I export the images separately, and mosaic them myself in ArcGIS, ...
Rebecca Edwards's user avatar
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Stream Feature generated from DEM is missing data

I tried to search other questions to see if this has been answered but couldn't find anything, so sorry if this is redundant. I use the Hydrology toolset in Spatial Analyst to create a stream feature ...
Kristin Adams's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to convert missing values to the mean of the other values in R? [closed]

I need to convert the missing values of a column in a dataframe with the rest of values of this column, grouped by Districts and Month. This is a sample of my df1: Date Day Month Year ...
Alexa's user avatar
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Geopackage drops fields during import [closed]

When I use the ogr2ogr -f command to create a geopackage the first layer imports correctly but every layer after that drops fields. Can anybody explain why it does this?
Ed Hawkins's user avatar
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Interpolating LiDAR intensity images in R?

I'd like to generate 0.5 m intensity images using lidR, but the resulting raster is full of pits. Here's a reproducible example: library(lidR) LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "MixedConifer.laz", ...
fgg's user avatar
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Getting a masked raster with no NAs and sum pixels within overlaying polygon?

I have done an IDW interpolation in R for precipitation data following the routine of Manny Gimond ( to get precipitation inside a catchment. ...
Basilique's user avatar
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Placing Excel Data in ArcMap/ArcScene similar to Image Georeferencing

I have XYZ-dataset of Temperature Data in Excel, with no (Lat, Lon) added. Every time when I try to display the Data in ArcScene the Programm tells me, that a Spacial Reference is missing (of course)....
Phil's user avatar
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3 answers

Missing feature from Shapefile

I have loaded a shapefile into QGIS that has been generated in a third party piece of software. When I view the attributes table, all items are there (20 survey lines), when I view the map only 19 ...
Will Hutchins's user avatar
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Only some points visible in CSV layer

I understand that this question has been asked before in one form or another, but unfortunately those answers haven't been able to solve my issue. I've imported a .csv file into QGIS and all the ...
Hectors's user avatar
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Georeferencer - GDAL is missing on the QGIS 3

OS - ArchLinux 64bits SPECS - i3-3220 - 6gb ram QGIS 3.0.3 installed as follow. $ sudo pacman -S qgis gdal python-gdal python-psycopg2 python-owslib python-yaml python-pygments $ yaourt -S python-...
John Jairo Arroyo's user avatar
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Point/Feature to Raster-unwanted Grid of missing Data raster Cells-ArcGIS10.5

I tried to convert some point data (points on a regular grid of 100m by 100m) with the Feature to Raster Tool and the Point to Raster Tool (Rastersize of 100m) but in the resulting Rasterfile there is ...
tobisito's user avatar
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QGiS - Values missing from graduated style

I'm trying to do the very simple/standard task of presenting points (and then polygons created from them) as a graduated colour style, however many points are missing, evinced from the lowest number ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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Features show on data view, but not in Attribute table?

There are 966 points for tree data that was collected in the field. When I try to open the attribute table only 2 points' data show up. I've tried to create layer from selected, because when I choose ...
MF1995's user avatar
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Space-Time Principal Component Analysis with Missing Lat/Long Data [closed]

I am looking to run a space-time Principal Component Analysis on Shotspotter data from Brockton, MA: Shotspotter sensors record the timing, location, and number of ...
isaac_analytics's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Replace NA's with 0 for large raster data using R?

I want to replace all NA values in a large raster with 0. I found this answer to Replacing NAs with 0 for raster data using R : #getting a raster library(raster) f <- system.file("external/...
Steffen's user avatar
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Adding missing locations on OpenStreetMap programmatically for Android application?

i am working on android application using osm. Many locations are not on osm that google map providing. But i need to show all missing locations on osm also. what can i do to solve this problem? Can ...
Hassan ishaq's user avatar
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Missing Values in Crop identification using Python? [closed]

I am developing a Python based process that classify crops via time series analysis. Due to clouds there are many missing values. My problem is how to assign a value to these pixels that would be near ...
Thanassis Drivas's user avatar
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ArcGIS Attribute Table - Latitude, no Longitude

I received a shapefile from an online source, and in the attribute table it shows a column and values for latitude; but there is nothing for longitude. I have not used ArcGIS for some time, and I don'...
Gobie's user avatar
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Python add-in button tool giving saying missing toolbar when I add it onto my map?

I am looking to create a button that when clicked, clears feature classes and tables created from another tool. I set up the button and installed it but every time I add it to the map with a toolbar ...
Daniel Katleman's user avatar
4 votes
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Merging one DEM into another to fill in missing data using QGIS?

I have a LiDAR dataset with some missing data right in the middle of my map. I would like to use a 5m DEM to fill in the missing areas. Is there a way in QGIS to merge the two but only use the 5m ...
Andy G's user avatar
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R kriging cross validation returns NA for all prediction points?

I'm trying to cross-validate the results of an [auto]Krige output but for some unknown reason the results of both (automap package) and (gstat package) return NA for all values (...
Tom Newton's user avatar
6 votes
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Zones missing after running zonal statistics in ArcGIS Spatial Analyst?

I have a problem using zonal statistics in ArcGIS. My raster contains values/data with 30m cells. I had several vector layers, containing administrative subdivisions of Belgium. I have converted the ...
Oh-No's user avatar
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Extracting specific OpenStreetMap tags in ArcGIS Desktop? [duplicate]

The purpose of my research is to look into public ITS (Intelligent Transport System). To do this in a realistic way I need not only the city map but also the public transport routes. I work with ...
Aziz Feki's user avatar
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Filling missing pixels of ASTER DEM

I need to perform hydrological analyses and map design purposes (hillshade creation) on a region far north. It is too northern to be covered by the SRTM DEM, therefore I am using the ASTER DEM. ...
Arne's user avatar
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Generating missing yearly data, based on a more detailed temporal data set

I have several very large raster data sets of land use classifications (ie. forest, wetland, argicultural, etc). The most comprehensive data spans 2009-2015. I have reclassified this data to match ...
Graeme N's user avatar
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Filling null attributes with mean attributes of neighboring polygons using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a layer of polygons, where in some polygons there is missing data (null). I would like to fill these missing attributes by the average attributes in neighboring polygons. Is there a simple way ...
splinter's user avatar
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Error gap-filling Landsat 7 SLC-off with QGIS 2.18.3 on Windows 10

I am trying to gap-fill Landsat 7 SLC-off images with open-source software as explained in the comment below this post. I'm new to QGIS and have almost no knowledge with Python (I'm a GIS novice ...
Chris_80's user avatar
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Missing Observations in Zonal Statistics Tool

I am using zonal statistical tools. I have field boundary shapefile which has 1,062,063 observations. I am using zonal statistical as table tool to obtain precipitation values from raster layer. ...
Sun's user avatar
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Finding pre-processed MODIS products?

I am trying to recognize burnt areas based on some MODIS products and I just realized that I am missing a bunch pixels from the coastline masking. As you can understand that is an issue because I am ...
Ka_Papa's user avatar
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