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How to export a grid layer to google earth as boxes

I have a grid made using MMQGIS which I want to label box-wise (custom and non-consecutively) and export to kml to use in Google Earth using the same labelled boxes. If I export kml normally I get ...
Trina's user avatar
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Error while exporting geometry to CSV with MMQGIS

I am importing a DIVA-GIS shapefile into QGIS. It has a lot of polygons on it. My aim is to group different groups of polygons together and dissolve their internal boundaries so that I end up with ...
Matthew Cole's user avatar
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How to export QGIS map into an interactive map? [closed]

I am using the QGIS 2.18.14 and tried 2 ways to export the QGIS map into an interactive map but failed. Export the map to a KML format using the MMQGIS Plugin. I thought I can then import this into ...
Lap Pan Chong's user avatar