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Questions tagged [modis-reprojection-tool]

Modis reprojection tool (MRT) enables users to read data files in HDF-EOS format (MODIS Level-2G, Level-3, and Level-4 land data products), specify a subset or specific science data sets as input to processing, perform geographic transformation to a different coordinate system/cartographic projection, and write the output to file formats other formats. It comes in Linux, Windows, and Mac flavors with Linux having a 64-bit option. It requires JRE.

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Process multiple MODIS HDF images iteratively in R

I have various files of MODIS MCD43A3 Version 6.1 ( The files are in HDF format. I am using following code in R to change the sinusoidal projection of MODIS files ...
Michael_Brun's user avatar
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Earthdata log in error for downloading MODIS data (R language)

I feel like I have followed all the correct steps on what is listed online here is my code: (and of course I have my correct earthdata username and password listed). setwd("~") library(MODIS)...
Aaron_Elph's user avatar
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Converting MODISL2 file into GeoTIFF and reprojection using Python pyhdf package

I'm new with Python for remote sensing, I got a problem when converting MODISL2 data (atmospheic corrected by Seadas L2gen) into GeoTIFF file, I select two bands (Rrs and L2flag), and I got a result ...
Wsuisv's user avatar
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Convert MODIS_Sinusoidal into WGS84 in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to transfer the Modis_Sinusoidal projection to the WGS84 projection in the Google Earth Engine. But I failed. I want to know how to solve it. var bp = ee.FeatureCollection("users/...
Eva's user avatar
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How to export image collection data with different projection from Google Earth Engine

I am exporting data from Google Earth Engine using Python for a specific region in a given temporal window. This what I am doing: from geetools import batch data = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/...
emax's user avatar
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Map NDVI from MODIS image for a specific country

var dataset = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB/2013') .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-7.681, 53.43)); var image = ee.Image().float().paint(dataset, 'iso_num'); var visParams = { palette:...
minyan zhao's user avatar
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Resampling 1000m resolution Aqua MODIS images to 30m resolution

I am trying to resample the MODIS (aqua) image from 1000m resolution to LandSat image resolution which is of 30m for applying ESTARTFM technique. So you need to do preprocessing (Resampling and ...
Naresh's user avatar
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runGdal returns "gdalinfo failed - unable to open" [...] ".hdf" file

I'm trying to use the function runGdalin R on a Mac and it seems that gdalinfo is not able to open the file. In the terminal, when I entered gdalinfo /MODIS/MCD12Q1.006/2009.01.01/MCD12Q1.A2009001....
M. Beausoleil's user avatar
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How big is a MODIS 250m pixel in reality?

How big is a MODIS 250m pixel in reality? This appears to be a question that contains its own answer, but I have several reasons to doubt that the pixel size is actually 250m x 250m: I downloaded ...
John's user avatar
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Reproject MODIS data using R (results in NAs or no spatial extent)

I am using GLASS albedo data stored here for pre-2000 (AVHRR) data and here for post-2000 data (MODIS). My end goal is to create a raster stack of each month that contains white sky albedo data from ...
webbe's user avatar
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MODIS 04_L2 projection transformation

Trying to extract MODIS Deep Blue Aerosols from a number of years. I have managed to open the HDF files in QGIS and ArcMap; however, have failed to reproject out of the sinusoidal grid so that the ...
Ben_Wright's user avatar
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Batch reprojecting large number of MODIS files

I am currently trying to reproject a large number (~14.000) of .hdf - files from MODIS Aqua/Terra from MODIS sinusoidal to something more popular (e.g. WGS1984). The files can be obtained from LAADS. ...
yrx1702's user avatar
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MODIS R Connection error

When i'm running my MODIS Download R script on my Windows, i'll get this error : ############################ Remote connection failed! Re-try: 49 Getting file from: LPDAAC #########################...
Piso's user avatar
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MODIS Landsat overlapping

I have two Lands Surface Temperature images, one from Landsat 7 and the other one is from MODIS, both for the same day. After projecting MODIS to UTM WGS84 the two images are slightly shifted, i.e. ...
Nico_77's user avatar
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MODIS getHdf : Error in .local(product, ...) : Problems with online connections try a little later

I have a big problem today, i have this error while i'm executing my script : Error in .local(product, ...) : Problems with online connections try a little later My script : b1 <- getHdf(...
Piso's user avatar
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MODIS data for entire Earth Surface with ModisDownload in R

I am trying to use the ModisDownload function from the rts package to download, mosaic and reproject NDVI data from MODIS for the entire Earth surface. I have successfully done that for a subset ...
Bruno Conte Leite's user avatar
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MODIS Projection Google Earth Engine

Why if I applied a code over a MODIS collection and then I download an image, the image is in WGS projection? The code is the next: // Simple regression of year versus NDVI. // Define the start date ...
Juan TB's user avatar
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Getting tile number of sinusoidal MODIS product from lat/long?

I'm using this tool to get the tile number (horizontal/vertical) from lat/long. Is there any code,preferably python, to get the tile number ? I tried using this tool. But it gives wrong tile number. ...
Rahul's user avatar
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ModisDownload - doubts when using MRT tool

I am using the incredible MODISDownload function from the rts package in R to download NDVI data on vegetation index in Africa. I have two questions. I am using the latest version of the package ...
Bruno Conte Leite's user avatar
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How to mosaic multiple modis tiles of several dates using mrt tool?

How to mosaic multiple tiles of Modis MOD13Q1 in loop. I have about 395 files of each tile from a total of four tiles. I am using linux operating system and therefore use shell script. I need to ...
Aravind Sridharan's user avatar
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Binary cloud Mask from MODIS (MOD35_L2) using MRTSWATH

When the MRTSwath tool is fed with MOD35_L2 cloud mask HDF file, the tool provides six tif images (b0 till b5). Each tif file has 8 bit information. Are these 6 images somehow indicating the 48 bits (...
Manu Tom's user avatar
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MODIS L1B reprojection and mosaic problem

I have been using MODIS L1B file to retrieve water vapor content. However, my study area is exactly between the gap between two images,just like this: I have tries ENVI MCTK extensions, HEG TOOLS, ...
Boorn's user avatar
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Unable to produce tif files from two stitched modis tiles, i could not extract my bands of interest which are EVI and pixel reliability

Hi i am trying to stitch two modis tiles and also extract my bands of interest which are EVI and pixel reliability. the steps i took are as follows. loaded the files into ModisTool selected my bands ...
John's user avatar
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Unable to eliminate Pacific gap

I am trying to project APJ specific meridian on -180, under WGS84/PDC Mercator always produces gap as attached. Can you help explain how to manage an overlapped projection?
Detlev's user avatar
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Modis Reprojection Tool "Input header file, Error in module"

I am trying to run Modis Reprojection tool for conversion from HFD to Geotiff for Modis terra Level 2 data 3KM swath i.e "MOD04_3K". Every time I try to input a file I get the following error: Error ...
ssh's user avatar
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Modis Reprojection tool, BAD or missing Total_BANDS values

I am trying to convert Modis terra Level 2 data 3KM swath i.e "MOD04_3K" from HDF to GeoTiff. I am using Modis Swath tool. When I input my file it gives an error saying "BAD or missing Total_BANDS ...
ssh's user avatar
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How to extract EVI from MOD13Q1 with MRTBatch?

I want to extract EVI from Modis MOD13Q1 from some scene of images. I use ModisTool and MRTBatch. I have selected ONLY 250m_16_days_EVI as selected bands. All is correct until I save the parameter ...
Arif K Wijayanto's user avatar
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How can I create a polygon(filled polygon) from a single pixel stored in a hdf file(MODIS)?

I'm working with MODIS data to get EVI. I'm following this question to get the required values of EVI. The hdf file has 4800x4800 rows/columns (250m). I can get the X,Y pixel coordinates and the ...
Rahul's user avatar
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ModisDownload error downloading only portion of hdf files

I am having problems with ModisDownload recently that I have not had when using it so far. I dowloaded, reprojected and mosaiced modis images about two months ago successfully, despite some errors ...
Olivier's user avatar
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MODIS Reprojection Tool - setting projection parameters to UTM Zone South

The MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) allows users to input a UTM zone in the projection parameters, yet it defaults to North (e.g., UTM Zone 20N). Is it possible to edit the projection parameters so that ...
cartoscience's user avatar
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Where can I find or how can I create my .prm files for MODIS Reprojection Tool?

I am tying to reproject my images into ggrs87 and I can't find a .prm file to do that is there a place where I can find such a file or a document that can guide me through my problem?I also thought ...
Ka_Papa's user avatar
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Recommendation for getting TIF raster from modis HDF, for processing in R

I've downloaded a set of modis mod13q1 HDF files, e.g. MOD13Q1.A2016097.h11v05.006.2016114040325.hdf. I'd like to load the 250m_16_days_EVI and 250m_16_days_pixel_reliability bands into R as rasters. ...
Adrian's user avatar
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MODIS emissivity extraction using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am doing validation of 40 Landsat I need two spectral emissivities of the 8-day MODIS land surface temperature and emissivity product (MOD11A2).and I have to extract emissivities for ...
Tani's user avatar
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How to reproject MODIS L2 data with lat/lon

I downloaded the MODIS level 2 data for precipitable water vapor (MOD05_L2.A2015193.1535.006.2015194020321.hdf) and the corresponding geolocation file (MOD03.A2015193.1535.006.2015193213734.hdf). When ...
ORL's user avatar
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How to modify parameter file in MRTSwath for bulk data processing?

I need to create a parameter file for bulk data processing in MRTSwath Tool. I have the basic script written but there is issue in modifying it so that it automatically picks the input files from a ...
Mashal 's user avatar
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How to mosaic multiple MODIS images of Multiple months using MRT tool?

I have monthly MODIS images for 2001-2014. For few images mosaicing with reprojection can be done using MRT tool. However, for large number of images it's a cumbersome process. There are multiple ...
dsbisht's user avatar
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MODIS-Sphere to WGS84 coordinate system in ArcGIS [duplicate]

I want to overlay two global raster datasets on land use which use different coordinate systems (MODIS-Sphere & WGS84) using ArcGIS Desktop. There seems to be no direct transformation option from ...
Chris Bren's user avatar
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Using pyModis with ModisSwathTool [closed]

I am quite new to Python and starting to learn and use pyModis. We know that Atmospheric data (HDF files) from Modis, like "MOD05_L2", only can be opened and managed using "...
Jeoff's user avatar
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Switch an R script from "MODIS Reprojection Tool" to "ModisSwathTool"

This R script works with MRT (MODIS Reprojection Tool), and its performance is unbelievable for land data. The only problem is when you use Atmospheric data from Modis, like "MOD05_L2". The problem ...
Jeoff's user avatar
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MODIS resolution missmatch between MRT and GDAL processing

I've been using MRT (Modis Reprojectin tool) to extract EVI bands into a geotiff with geographic coordinates (epsg4326). I did not specify an output resolution to MRT. The output from MRT had a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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