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MS4W install issue

Windows 11 MS4W 4.0.5 When I installed from the standard download, I chose port 8091. After the install, two services appear: ApacheMS4WWebServer:port81 ApacheMS4WWebServer:port8091 Why are there ...
Simon Greener's user avatar
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Opacity not working in polygon layer with MapServer

Doing a simple polygon layer in MapServer 8.0 and the opacity is filled in. MAP IMAGETYPE png MAXSIZE 4000 SIZE 800 800 EXTENT -9583207 3548826 -8999182 4183713 UNITS meters IMAGECOLOR 153 179 204 WEB ...
Tommie Jones's user avatar
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Can't fetch a WFS layer in EPSG:4326 with OpenLayers 6.3.5

I am using OpenLayers 6.3.5 and a WFS layer from Mapserver based on a view from PostGIS in EPSG:4326. I can load the WFS layer in QGIS. I can't add the WFS in a map with OSM. JS : const map = new ...
Leehan's user avatar
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MapServer slow rendering on Leaflet viewer

I am trying to use display shapefile data on top of raster images using Leaflet. I render the shapefile data using leaflet L.tileLayer.wms function. The size of shapefile is 300mb. The problem is that ...
SomeOne's user avatar
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Get rid of duplicate polygons using OpenLayers

OpenLayers 6, Mapserver 7 I have defined a vector source like this : const presc = new ol.source.Vector({ format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(), loader: function(extent, resolution, projection, success,...
Leehan's user avatar
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MapServer create multitemporal WMS with TIME enabled from raster in PostGIS

The goal in my current project is to create a WMS from a GeoTIFF raster layer that was previously uploaded to a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS enabled via "raster2pgsql". That worked out ...
Lore_Kni's user avatar
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One of the multiple layers with different extents not visible in MapServer

I have 2 layers in the map file with different extents. In QGIS, I am able to see them one over the other in proper positions. However, when I am adding those 2 layers in the map file for MapServer (...
shanti's user avatar
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Problem seeding MapServer's MapCache from an ArcGIS WMS source

I have an ArcGIS Server acting as a WMS service for some data that I cannot serve any other way. The rest of our system uses either MapServer or MapCache (from the MS4W distribution) to serve our ...
Almaniac's user avatar
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QGIS 3.24 (and 3.18) can't load WFS layer from MapServer (MS4W)

I have a MapServer (MS4W on Windows) setup with WFS in a mapfile. I cannot load WFS layers from this MapServer, they all return this warning in QGIS: WARNING Analysis of DescribeFeatureType ...
Almaniac's user avatar
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MapServer / PostgreSQL don't display an ITEMQUERY

I try to search a string in MapServer with the method ITEMQUERY from a PostgreSQL table,. It look very simple but I receive the folow error: msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error executing ...
roman villarreal's user avatar
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MapScript : Output creation date

Is it possible to make an output of the creations date in a map script file (WMS). I have a WMS service for example like this: MAP NAME "Basel-01" STATUS ON #EXTENT -137 29 -53 88 ...
hpthaeler's user avatar
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MapServer can't draw PostGIS table

I'm using MS4W 3.0.6 (MapServer CGI 6.0.3), PostgreSQL 13 with geospatial extension (PostGIS) and pmapper 4.3.2. I can display maps perfectly in MapServer and pmapper with shapefiles, but when I try ...
roman villarreal's user avatar
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Combine different geometry types in single layer in MapServer- is it possible?

I'm trying to display features with different geometry types in single LAYER. MapServer version 7.0.1 (MS4W 3.1.4). The data source is MS SQL spatial database table with geometry column, containing ...
apdevelop's user avatar
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MapServer displays raster on top other layers

I have a problem. MapServer displays raster on top other layers. Is there any way to put raster beneath the map? MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT 466914.4981 5983965.6134 469588.2900 5986580....
Rasa's user avatar
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MapServer on Windows Server 2019 from MS4W [closed]

I have installed MapServer from MS4W on a Windows Server 2019 machine on port 8081 but it won't find the home page for some reason. 8081 is not in conflict and has been opened ...
Mikeoramma's user avatar
6 votes
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Using PyQGIS for obtaining data from MS4W WFS link

I have the following WFS link: I want to read and store the data contained in this link using PyQGIS so that it could be ...
Siddhartha Bhuyan's user avatar
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PHP: Call to undefined function pg_connect() with MS4W for PostgreSQL

I am trying to add dynamic interactions with my PostgreSQL 12 database to my web page with the PostGIS extension that I use with PgAdmin 4. I use an Apache web server that I installed with MS4W. For ...
Teyhryu's user avatar
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MapServer HTML Template doesn't display map/image

I'm using ms4w and working on my local machine and want to build a map like in the MapServer Example 1.9 ( Unfortunately the HTML template doens't ...
ki8Q7SFi7y's user avatar
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MapServer *.map / WMS show only a part of the whole shape

I have a problem with a MapServer configuration: // It's installed under: C:\MS4W\ms4w\apps\mapserver_wms. The content of the is follwing: Map NAME "MAPSERVER_QUICKSTART" STATUS ...
Flyfsx Riehen's user avatar
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Mapserver INCLUDE using multiple .map files

I am currently testing out a new way to display my Mapserver WMS's. Here is the context. I have a script that generates an individual .map file for each of my rasters. These mapfiles are fully ...
rossv49's user avatar
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Moving MS4W from Apache to IIS

I'm trying to switch to IIS on my MS4W MapServer install. It works fine in Apache but on IIS I get: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. proj error "no arguments in initialization list"...
Tommie Jones's user avatar
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Tile problem when browser is zoomed in

I'm using mapcache/mapserver/openlayers 3 with ms4w. When my application is loaded with the browser at the normal 100% zoom level, everything returns fine (testing on chrome, firefox, and edge). The ...
Ken's user avatar
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How to make MapServer WMS URL shorter?

I got an Apache and MapServer bundle (MS4W). On MapServer I made a WMS service and connect it to clients (Leaflet, QGIS etc.) with an URL like this: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/ms4w/...
Kliver Max's user avatar
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SVG symbols in MapServer Ubuntu vs MS4W

I have set up a map file on Ubuntu 16.04 with SVG symbols created by Inkscape. Everything is fine. Now I have to port it to a windows server. I installed MS4W, but layers with SVG symbols can't be ...
Zoltan's user avatar
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Setup Mapcache (MS4W package) with FastCGI on IIS

When I try starting MapCache using the IIS FastCGI module, I get an Internal Server Error .. mapcache.fcgi.exe - The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly I've already got MapServer running like ...
gerric's user avatar
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Using svg symbols for styling elements in ms4w (mapserver)?

I have MapServer installed in a windows machine. I have imported into my PostGIS db osm data and want to style certain elements (nodes) with svg symbols. The problem is that the version of MapServer ...
leas's user avatar
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Downloading and starting MapServer4Windows

I am new to web mapping and am trying to use MapServer For Windows. While I have found tutorials I have been unable to even install the program. I have updated to the most recent LTR version of QGIS ...
David Bates-Jefferys's user avatar
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OpenLayers load blank tiles - How to combine OpenLayers 3 to MapServer version 6.0.3 (MS4W 3.0.6)

I have some experiences with OpenLayers 2 now I want to combine OpenLayers 3 and MapServer and I tried the below configs and code on OpenLayers and MapServer but the OpenLayers loads white and blank ...
MSS's user avatar
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Installing PHP MapScript for MS4W

I have the following version on my machine. But the MapScript is not installing. Can any one help?
Rishabh's user avatar
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MapServer not displaying data from other network locations?

I have installed MapServer and try to access raster file(.img) from other Network locations (NAS), which is displaying map background color for the mapcanvas. I have also tried to load the same ...
Satya Chandra's user avatar
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how to pin point type layer details on map using ms4w map server

My aim is to create pin point on map and when click event on that pin point to show some details about that point (like shop name ,street name). My point shape file is for rendering on the map i ...
nickle's user avatar
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Generating a map from a shapefile using ms4w mapserver [duplicate]

I am trying to generate a map from a shapefie. Through some initial searching, I wrote the code below but I am getting just a white page. Below is my code: MAP # To enter comments into a mapfile ...
nickle's user avatar
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MapServer (MS4W) test page from shapefile shows only blank white square?

I am trying to create a test page with mapserver and shapefile. At the moment I just want to get the map shown on my test page. I have gotten the EXTENT coordinates by opening shapefiles with QGIS - I ...
afaf12's user avatar
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(ms4w) oracle spatilal problem of drawing compound polygon for Oracle 10g

When i draw a compound polygon SDO_GEOMETRY( 2003, -- two-dimensional polygon NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1005,2, 1,2,1, 5,2,2), -- compound polygon SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(6,...
SieuTruc's user avatar
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How to use the Oracle Spatial functions inside ms4w MAPFILE DATA string?

How to use Oracle Spatial functions in the DATA queries of MapServer(ms4w 3.0.3)? I am getting the following error while trying to highlight selected features which lie inside a particular boundary : ...
Shiva's user avatar
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How to mention multiple projections in MapServer MAPFILE?

Is there a way to mention multiple projection systems / spatial reference systems in MapServer's (ms4w 3.0.3) MAPFILE? For example for Malaysia - GIS data could lie across three spatial references WGS ...
Shiva's user avatar
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How to display map in MapServer?

I haven't found any good explanation yet about how to display a map in MapServer (localhost). I have MS4W with p.mapper in my PC. I have created a base .map file, shape files and html file. Please ...
mrbandy's user avatar
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MS4W (MapServer 4 Windows) - version 3.0.3 Crashes JVM and Tomcat frequently. How to fix this?

I am using MS4W (MapServer 4 Windows with Java Mapscript) - v 3.0.3 for a GIS web application hosted over Tomcat 6.0.33 with Java jdk1.6.0_13 and PostgreSQL 9.1 with PostGIS 1.5.2 @ the database end. ...
Shiva's user avatar
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How to make PHP (in MS4W Apache) setting for MSSQL

I am new for MSSQL. I wanted to make php setting for MSSQL. What i mean by that is to avoid following error while trying to establish connection using PHP and MSSQL Fatal error: Call to undefined ...
Pari's user avatar
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Map Server 4 Windows problem

How do I display shape files with a google-like interface in a web application? I found a tutorial at which uses an earlier ...
nanfromGT's user avatar
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Looking for "big names" that use open source WMS (like geoserver / ms4w / qgis server) for presentation

I am looking for famous companies / "big names" (like army , goverments , city halls) that chose to use open source map servers and not paid solutions like Esri and such for a presentation I ...
2 votes
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MapServer throws "msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results."

I have been trying to configure a QUERY using MapServer (through MS4W, on Windows). Below is the mapfile: MAP NAME "Fourth" UNITS dd ...
SNT's user avatar
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How to load my localhost (MapServer) on my website?

My localhost is http://localhost:8080/ and I am using MS4W 3.0.3 on this localhost for making the application as Hello world, single map, more than one layer map, and so on. Now my folder is ms4w in ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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Why does MapServer (MS4W) not generate tmp images?

I am having trouble with my web-based application, where my tmp images are not being stored for later retrieval. The images are generated each time they have to be loaded, so zooming out and then back ...
Michael Markieta's user avatar