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Multiple QGIS project files

I'm unable to use the Mergin maps as 'found multiple QGIS project files' I do not know where to start?
Arb-aiD's user avatar
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Compile 4 bands in separate images QGIS

I'm struggling with a multispectral drone imagery composition in QGIS. Each drone's camera shot creates 5 images: RGB (don't caring right now), NIR, green, red edge and red. I need to do a composite ...
Deskrub's user avatar
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QGIS Split Vector Layer By Multiple Attributes

I am working on a fiber network file and would like to be able to split a point shapefile by multiple attributes, three to be exact. I can "Select Features by Value" and export each one but ...
OregonBladez's user avatar
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How to delete multiple features from multiple layers in QGIS at once?

I want to delete multiple layers containing points, lines, polygons together. According to my research, the tools in qgis can only delete features of the active layer together, is there a method or ...
hamid barati's user avatar
3 votes
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How to rotate multiple features from multiple layers in QGIS at once?

I want to rotate multiple layers containing points, lines, polygons around a point. According to my research, the tools in qgis can only rotate the features of the active layer together, is there a ...
hamid barati's user avatar
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How do you add information to a polygon from multiple polygons based on location in QGIS?

I have a couple of points and have made a buffer layer of 1km around each point, which contain information about which point it represents. I have another raster layer (containing information ...
Mango11Tango's user avatar
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Interpreting r.regression.multi

I cannot find a source that explains how to interpret the output of r.regression.multi. Can someone explain what the different lines mean; specifically how do I see if the results are significant? X=...
kar-g's user avatar
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How to change the opacity of multiple polygon of one layer at a time?

I'm using QGIS 3.22. I have a shapefile with 290 polygons and wanted to change the opacity of 205 polygons(selected) at a time. How is it possible?
Sonny Shankhary's user avatar
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Adding multiple points using Excel data in QGIS

How can I add more that one point to a specific location (defined by lat and long coordinates) using an Excel file? My table looks like this: City name Latitude Latitude A1 A2 A3 New York 40.785591 -...
Catalin Alexa's user avatar
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Comparing two point layers - want to make out point within a certain distance

I just started playing with GIS. A project I came up with, which I personally would find interesting is to find plots which within a certain distance to the high voltage power cables. I have the point ...
Tobias Lind's user avatar
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How to Mosaic to Raster multiple combinations in dataset

I am trying to Mosaic to Raster differing combinations of rasters based on portions of their names. I have only rasters in a GDB for with the following naming convention example: g203_DEP_0035Y_OW_LS, ...
Lance Katan's user avatar
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Creating multiple inner buffers in QGIS

How can I create a multiple inner (negative) buffer of a polygon layer that starts from an initial distance and repeats n times at a fixed distance? The result should be independent polygons. Ex: I ...
david's user avatar
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How to efficiently digitize objects in a PostGIS table with more than one geometry column in QGIS?

I have a PostGIS table with more than one geometry column (here: 2), like One geometry is allways set, the other(s) may or may not be set: In QGIS these come as two distinct layers, in my case one ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
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Generating DEM from multiple, adjacent .LAS files using QGIS

I have less than a dilettante's knowledge of GIS, but a friend showed me a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image of some land and I thought that I would like to give it a try. I downloaded the latest ...
Joseph Davoli's user avatar
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Looping through multiple gdbs and shapefiles in ArcGIS with ArcPy?

I am trying to get my script to loop through a folder of shapefiles and a folder of gdbs. I need it to compare the name of the shapefiles and gdbs and if they match to continue on to loop through the ...
Mackenzie's user avatar
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Joining CSV tables by multiple attributes

I am using QGIS 3.16 I have a shapefile with an attribute table containing regions, district-numbers and building-numbers and I have an additional table (CSV) that (besides other relevant information) ...
Kevin_S2021's user avatar
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Displaying multiple labels of point using QGIS

I work with a stitch layer under QGIS. For each point, a variable containing 4 labels. Using point group symbology, I can display the value of a cluster for a label. To display the 4 values, I need to ...
fcka's user avatar
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Showing multiple GPS devices at the same time in QGIS

Is it possible to show multiple live GPS devices at the same time in QGIS?
Frank's user avatar
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How to multiply one NetCDF file to multiple NetCDF files

I have one NetCDF file ( that I want to multiply to multiple NetCDF files such as the one in the picture using -mul from CDO.: The output should be new NetCDF files resulting from the ...
Sui's user avatar
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