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2 answers

Multiply two rasters in R, one raster has stack of 25 images, and another raster has one image

I want to multiply two rasters (one has 25 images, and the second raster has 1 image). I am using the loop function for multiplication. But I am not getting the results. library(raster) library(rgdal) ...
user221527's user avatar
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Creating NDVI tiles from NAIP tiles in R Loop

I have a folder with many 4 band NAIP .tif tiles, band 1 = Red, band 4 = NIR. In R I would like to create/calculate unsigned 8-bit NDVI images for each of the tiles in a folder. I would like to write ...
mdn's user avatar
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how to loop ndvi using R in sentinel-2

I have a two different stacks: one for band 4 (RED) and other with band 8 (NIR). I'm trying to loop the calculation of NDVI in an area of interest using R. Well, this is the loop that I'm trying to ...
warforterritory's user avatar
-2 votes
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Looping for NDVI in different file paths using R? [closed]

I have different bands separated in different file directory. I used Raster Calculator to calculate NDVI using "NIR1.tif"-"RED1.tif"/"NIR1.tif"+"RED1.tif" as formula. The link below describes a loop ...
user2543's user avatar
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Using Loop for calculating NDVI in R?

I am using MOD09Q1 now and I would like to calculating NDVI whole year data. One year, I have 46 band 1 images and 46 band 2 images. list.files I creating list of band 1 and list of band 2. ...
Bang Tam's user avatar
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How to create a loop in R to average ndvi raster time series?

I have monthly ndvi raster geotiffs for multiple years. I need to run a loop to get the average of each of these ndvi grids/rasters. Each of my ndvi rasters contains 143 pixels. I would like the ...
ndvi_helpneeded's user avatar