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GEE: projection error when exporting data to a table

I am trying to export some vegetation condition index data calculated from MODIS data on Google Earth Engine to a table, but keep getting the error: Error in map(ID=3): Image.reduceRegions: Unable to ...
Simba06's user avatar
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EVI2 value calculated from MODIS MOD09Q1 not bounded by -1 to 1

I'm trying to derive from MODIS 8 day composite MOD09Q1.006 product My formula follows the standard interpretation: EVI2 = 2.5(NIR-Red)/(NIR + 2.4*Red+1) I already know that MODIS bands for NIR ...
arthur rosales's user avatar
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Whether Sentinel 3 OLCI can be used as a MODIS replacement for 250m NDVI?

Based on the bandwidths MODIS bands 1 and 2 (620nm - 876nm) will match S3 bands Oa7 - Oa17 (620nm - 865nm) I am just trying to know if anyone had any experience in using S3 data instead of MODIS for ...
Pushkar Kulkarni's user avatar
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Export time-series MODIS 16 Day NDVI and EVI Data on Google Earth Engine [duplicate]

I want to extract every single MODIS 16 Day NDVI and EVI Data image on a particular area from 2000 to 2016. I was able to filter image collection but I do not know how to export every single image on ...
Saddam Hussein's user avatar
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Using scale and offset values of MODIS products

I'm working on NDVI data from MODIS_13Q1 product. As far as I know, NDVI data has scale and offset values. I used these values to get geophysical values of pixels. My problem is after processing ...
giangblackk's user avatar
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How to remove cloudy pixel from MODIS NDVI (MOD13Q1)

I am using MODIS NDVI product (MOD13Q1) for the vegetation changes study. I want to remove cloudy or bad pixel from MODIS NDVI data. I am not getting any suitable method or software or any program to ...
Shouvik Jha's user avatar
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MODIS temperature and NDVI data?

hope anyone could give me some hints here. I tried to download free MODIS data from their page(resolution 500m, 1km). Im interested in NDVI and temperature data. But when i load the hdf files into my ...
MrSalamikuchen's user avatar
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16-day-MODIS NDVI values seem to be wrong compared to my soil moisture ground data!

I'm using MOD13Q1 product of MODIS for estimation soil moisture. As I know, this product is made up of the maximum value of NDVI of each pixel over 16-day calculated NDVI values. The problem is that ...
Federico's user avatar
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NDVI values for MODIS images [duplicate]

I have downloaded NDVI MODIS 500m image i.e. MOD13A1. From the hdf format that i got i converted them into tif format using the HEG tool. The images that i got some are showing pixel values -32767 to ...
saurabh shah's user avatar
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Failure in TIMESAT integral calculation

in short: My TIMESAT image-output of the seasonal parameter “Large Seasonal Integral” is wrong. TIMESAT continues to write a file with negative values (as 16 byte Integer) although Parameters should ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Applying savitzky golay filter to MODIS NDVI data

I want to smooth the NDVI MODIS 16 bit integer data .tif for LULC classification. I have timesat 3.1 software on windows but I don't how to apply the SG filter. I am not that good in programming. I ...
Aeron Storm's user avatar
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problem of using TIMESAT to processing MODIS NDVI

I want to use TIMESAT software to analyse time series MODIS NDVI data. Firstly, I use MRT tool to mosaic,subset and project MODIS NDVI data and output data as GEOTIFF format, and save as ENVI standard ...
GUTGIS's user avatar
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9 votes
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Reprojected MODIS NDVI has range from -32768 to 32767, expected -1 to 1

I'm new to StackExchange and to remote sensing. I am working with MOD13Q1 250m 16-day MVCs. My goal is to use NDVI time-series to classify cropping pattern and crop type, then link this data to ...
Emily's user avatar
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Determining phenological events based on Greatest increase NDVI approach?

I have a problem with a phenological study. The study area is in temperate zone of Asia. I have been doing phenological research using MOD VI product. I wanted to extract phenological events (onset/...
Kanopatira's user avatar