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7 votes
1 answer

Which is better for measuring actual ground elevation, NED or SRTM?

I know that NED DEM layers are created using mainly Lidar point clouds and that the SRTM derives its data from shuttle-based radar. I have both of these loaded into QGIS and can see that over my study ...
Kingfisher's user avatar
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Resolution of NED (National Elevation Dataset)

I downloaded some DEMs from the USGS with a resolution of 1/3 degrees for different areas in the US. Now I am looking at the files and saw that all DEMs have the same number of columns and rows. I ...
Iced_'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Slope analysis from NED data gives crazy histogram? [duplicate]

I'm attempting a simple slope analysis in QGIS2 using the plugin at Raster -> Terrain Analysis -> Slope. The slope output layer has a very strange histogram, basically spikes at 0 and at 89.9098 with ...
Tom Grundy's user avatar