Questions tagged [netcdf]

NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.

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QGIS 3.4 and loading raster from multiple variable NetCDF file

Using QGIS version 3.4.4 when loading a NetCDF file which contains multiple variables on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install I encounter the following error: CRITICAL Invalid Layer : Raster layer ...
paugam's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to transform ERA5 vertical datum to WGS84

I am trying to plot a netcdf file from ECMWF ERA5 in a folium map but I am having troubles with the projections in the file. ECMWF documentation states: ECMWF data is referenced in the horizontal with ...
Giacomo's user avatar
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Correctly handling climate projection data with R

EDIT: An example setup can be found here: The main file is extract_cordex.R I need to analyze climate data as part of my thesis, however I am not particularly trained in working with climate data and ...
telegott's user avatar
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netCDF has wrong spatial extent in metadata

I have a netCDF file with spatial data ranging from x:528500 573500 y:350500 399500 on EPSG: 31287. If I open and explore the file with Panoply and show the data on a map all works like it should. ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Rotate coordinates from climatic data in raster format (cordex-EU domain 11) to usual coordinate systems

I am trying to create a dataset that shows future climatic condition in Europe aggregates to NUT2 administration level in R. To do so, i work with cordex data (domain EU 11), that is coming ...
Catherine Pfeifer's user avatar
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How to import NetCDF file to PostgreSQL

I looked at the other similar questions posed and none of them seem to be answered. Basically I have a NetCDF file with multiple subdatasets and from what I've read, I should be converting it to a ...
user3379893's user avatar
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How to avoid "Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line"?

I am trying to re-project from Equi-rectangular to the NASA global EASE grid (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid 1383 586 with a ~25 km cylindrical projection (ESPG=3410). The file is provided as HDF5. ...
usersam's user avatar
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QGIS NetCDF loaded upside down

What am I missing here? When I load ("Add Raster Layer") my NetCDF file into QGIS (3.14), it appears to be georeferenced into the correct location, but always appears flipped upside down. ...
tbc's user avatar
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How to import netcdf in qgis

I have been trying to impot netcdf files following this guide online into qgis 2.10 with no success. ALthough the file is imported, the dimensions ...
Jon's user avatar
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How do I properly georeference variables in a netCDF CF-1.8 file?

I am trying to write netCDF CF-1.8 compliant files with vector geometries corresponding to segments of a road network. The data are observations of aspects of vehicle flow within 15 minute time ...
Roger Downing's user avatar
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NetCDFs with more than 4 dimensions in GeoServer

I have two very similar NetCDFs. "", that I can load into GeoServer, and "", that I can't. Both file have a single data variable "temp". In the first ...
Aule Mahal's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I change my x and y axes from a range of 0-1 to -180-180 in R? I'm using netndf datasets

I have temperature anomaly arrays for the months of February 2008-2021 that I have turned into a raster brick. I am now plotting these in ggplot2. See below code: febanomaly_raster <- brick(anomaly....
Nick Masto's user avatar
3 votes
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Value error when merging .nc files: xarray could not find any dimension coordinates to use to order the datasets for concatenation

I want to merge multiple .nc files into one. Each of the .nc files corresponds to a timestep which should be added together to have one .nc file with all data for all dates. When I execute the ...
ScienceNoob's user avatar
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Value NAN in NetCDF4 file for lat&lon using Python

I have two files in NetCDF4 (latlon and other file without latlon). I open the two files in the same code and I choose one variable and the two variable lon and lat. When I write lon I have the value ...
Sarah Tohami's user avatar
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Convert NetCDF(.nc) (TROPOMI Sentinel-5p) to GeoTIFF (GDAL, GRASS)

I tried converting NetCDF (Sentinel-5p) file to GeoTIFF file but I'm getting: D:\>gdalinfo Warning 1: Recode from UTF-8 to CP_ACP failed with the error: "Invalid argument". ...
Stefi2019's user avatar
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Python&ArcGIS: Combining several raster layers into netCDF

EDIT: So the mod asked me to narrow down my question (waiting for answers to tell me to give more info, but here we go). How can i change my piece of python code to do the following steps: #...
T. Brunner's user avatar
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gdalinfo on NetCDF - cell centers or edges?

I was given a NetCDF file and the gdalinfo result for it shows this: NC_GLOBAL#XORIG=-126.0800018310547 NC_GLOBAL#YORIG=41.45000076293945 The gdalinfo command is showing the lower-left cell in the ...
David A's user avatar
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Create a new NetCDF file combining information from two other NetCDF files in R

I wish to combine the "t" variable from the second .nc file, and use the lat, lon variables from the first .nc file as the lat and lon of the t variable, and store them to a new .nc file, that will ...
Maria Karypidou's user avatar
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NetCDF to Shapefile with Python and GDAL?

I need to save my outputs, which are netcdf files or panda python tables, to shapefiles. They cannot be rasters because the software I am loading them into accepts shapefiles only. I have googled ...
claude's user avatar
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R raster stack 4 dimensions

I am trying to create a raster stack / brick from a list of ncdf files with the dimensions 160x160x24x1). r = stack(files) This gives me a raster stack but without the 4th dimensions which is ...
Spamiad's user avatar
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How to extract NetCDF raster values to time enabled shapefiles?

Does anyone know a good way to extract NetCDF raster values to each data point from a time enabled shapefile at the correct time? I have tried using a python script tool and a loop that steps ...
Dily's user avatar
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Geoprocessing Service to return Multidimensional Raster from a NetCDF file

I have tried to make this work for weeks with no results. I am trying to create a model in ArcMap that uses the Multidimension Tool "Make NetCDF Raster Layer" and return a raster to which I can apply ...
Erick Martin del Campo's user avatar
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Writing NetCDF file to TIFF with GDAL gives large gap in data

I am downloading files from NOAA. I am using Python and trying to import a NetCDF file and create it into a TIFF raster. My version of GDAL is 2.3 and cannot be upgraded due to environment constraints....
Lavendarfire's user avatar
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Mapping netCDF file in the right location with different value and location files

I'm looking to work with data from the Sentinel-3 Sat of ESA. I downloaded data in a zip with multiple netCDF files. I want to open the data in QGIS in order to visualise it. I figure out that the ...
Jouline's user avatar
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NetCDF in QGIS --constructing time series using 1368 bands

I have the NetCDF file that contains monthly gridded temperature from 1900 to 2014 ( The goal is to extract monthly time series for every polygon in my shapefile. Using the US ...
Andrey's user avatar
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gdal_translate Radial NetCDF to GeoTIFF does not create georeferenced image

I have weather radar data inside of a radial-NetCDF file. The public link to the file in question is here on my google drive. The variable name is "BaseReflectivityDR". I would like to ...
David 's user avatar
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Image is South up while converting NetCDF layer to GTiff with gdal_translate

Issue: I'm trying to extract a NetCDF layer to GeoTIFF. The output GeoTIFF image has the South up. What I need: The output GeoTIFF image with North up. GDAL version: 3.2.2, released 2021/03/05; OS: ...
PDash's user avatar
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Why does raster still have pixels around edge when clipped?

I am trying to clip a raster in ArcMap 10.6 (derived from 'make nedcdf raster') to the shape of the Ireland polygon and I keep getting back pixels around the edge: I have tried 'Clip' in 'Data ...
matlabcat's user avatar
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Conflicting sizes for dimension 'time' with rioxarray

I've been using rioxarray to convert netcdf files to geotiffs, and up till now, it's worked great. However, when I open a ERA5 reanalysis netcdf dataset, rioxarray appears to find that the data size ...
Blizzard's user avatar
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Configuring NetCDF for GeoServer

I have multidimensional meteodata I want to upload on GeoServer (2.17) using NetCDF format. So far, I don't care about projection other than WGS84. Following a documentation I tried to create in R ...
Ivan V.'s user avatar
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Raster becomes invisible after changing CRS in QGIS

I am having trouble displaying this netcdf file in QGIS. The file holds u and v components of wind data from NCEP Climate Forecast System. When I load the data, it displays over the ocean near Africa ...
jl87817's user avatar
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QGIS timemanager NetCDF raster loads correctly but then run backwards

After timemanager loads correctly my time stamped NetCDF file (stamped in seconds using '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' format), the animation is played backward until it rewinds to the start. I am using QGIS 3....
paugam's user avatar
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QGIS-Feature "Generate band name with NetCDF EXTRA_DIM" - Which NetCDF attribute/variable does that refer to?

According to the changelog of QGIS, the feature "Generate band name with NetCDF EXTRA_DIM" was implemented already in version 2.4. The description says: The NetCDF provided extra dimensional ...
Ludwig's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS using NetCDF plugin and GRIB2 time dimension

I am attempting to use GeoServer with the NetCDF plugin to create a WMS-T (WMS with time dimension) service. My input is a GRIB2 file containing a single parameter (temperature) and multiple forecast ...
Mike Furlender's user avatar
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Convert Geo Coordinates System X/Y to lat &lon from netCDF4 file using python 3

I have netcdf4 file with some variables like: Geo Coordinates System X/Y. I need to convert it to lat/lon. How can i do that with python? This information from my netCDF4 file: import numpy as ...
Sarah Tohami's user avatar
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Converting coordinates using NCO/CDO

I have a NetCDF file of ice velocities of the Greenland ice sheet but they are in polar stereographic coordinates (y: -655750 to -3355750 and x: -639750 to 855750 meters). I am wondering if there ...
Yoni Verhaegen's user avatar
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Estimating a Rotated Pole given a gridded dataset with lat/lons at each point

I have netcdf dataset that I think is regular gridded dataset using a Rotated pole mapping, but the rotated pole information is wrong. For those not familiar with Rotated Poles, the cartopy ...
naught101's user avatar
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Load support data set from NetCDF file (Tropomi Sentinel 5P) with GDAL.NET

Been trying to load two data sets from a Tropomi NetCDF file (N2O measurements). I can manage to load some data sets, which are right under PRODUCT, but not others which are under PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/...
Marcel N.'s user avatar
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Find time variable in raster data

I have managed to open and intersect a gridded .nc file with spatial polygons for river basins. Unfortunately, I cannot find which variable indicates the month at when the values were measured. The ...
S Front's user avatar
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Extracting information from netcdf file

I started using QGIS yesterday. I want to extract the information on GCP from this netCDF file, so that I can perform geospatial analysis:
user108014's user avatar
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Soil type info from grib file

I want to read soil type info from grib file, but dont know a variable name. I expect that this variable contains a value between 1 and 9, corresponding to the possible different types of soil for ...
Alessio Frabotta's user avatar
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Handling NetCDF with geotools

I'm experimenting about netcdf and how to convert them in a feature collection. My primary tool is geotools ver. 17.2. Moving my very first step was to bring these two dependencies: ... <...
Francesco's user avatar
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ArcMap Mosaic Dataset function chain result to NetCDF

I've been working on a mosaic dataset and added some changes by using the function chain options. This works fine in ArcMap and I can create a time varying result out of this. Since I want a 3D result ...
M.J. Glasbergen's user avatar
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Why do gdal_translate and python gdal give wrong result (output spatial location) for translation of netcdf4 to geotiff?

I try to convert netcdf4 file to raster by using gdal and python. The netcdf4 file is in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system. When I use "Make NetCDF Raster Layer" in ArcMap, the netcdf file is ...
Engkugan's user avatar
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Combining multiple netcdf in folder in R

I have a folder that contains 61 netcdf files containing 4 dimension (lat, lon, time and depth) and 9 variables. I would like to combine all the files in the folder to one netcdf file with the ...
nisla's user avatar
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How do I set the Coordinate Reference System for a NetCDF file through a configuration file in QGIS?

I have downloaded some NetCDF files (.nc) from the following link: However, when I open these files in QGIS, they do not align with my vector layer. ...
Nihit Goyal's user avatar
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What's the relationship between NetCDF dataset and ncdf4 class in R

I want to process ERA reanalysis data in R so I install RNetCDF package and ncdf4 package.When I open my reanalysis file using and nc_open() functions separately in two packages, I found my ...
Iris's user avatar
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Create ImageMosaic of NetCDF in Geoserver2.8 throw error?

I create a ImageMosaic of NetCDF and usage of PostGIS to store the mosaic indexes. It's throw error when I request by WMS. I'm use Geoserver2.8. But it's ok when I use it in Geoserver2.7. Why?? ...
KangMing's user avatar
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Harvest a THREDDS server correctly with GeoNetwork?

I am trying to harvest datasets (NetCDF) from a THREDDS server using GeoNetwork 2.10. People shall upload their NetCDF files to the THREDDS server and the CatalogScan element will list them. After the ...
Antivist's user avatar
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Requirements to create ESRI Grid from CF-compliant NetCDF?

I found a lot of information how to create an ESRI grid from NetCDF without ever finding a list of requirements for the NetCDF format. CF compliant does not seem to be enough for ESRI sometimes. What ...
UMY's user avatar
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