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Questions tagged [netherlands]

For questions related to geospatial data from or about the Netherlands (NLD), a country of Western Europe

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What to add to s57objectclasses.csv to read missing inland S-57 layers?

I am working with S-57-files provided by Dutch Rijkswaterstaat, for example downloadable from here (publicly available). I'm trying to extract information from the layers with gdal (python). The ...
user601632's user avatar
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Downloading OSM data for whole of Netherlands via Geofabrik

I need shapefile data for roads and railways in the Netherlands. I can use to download several files. However I can only data for each province (...
Sem20112001's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Where can I find the metadata of Sub-regions OSM shapefiles via geofabrik?

Currently I am using data for some regions (provinces) of the Netherlands via this link: However, when I download the shape files ( I ...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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Displaying specific set of zip codes (polygons) on map in QGIS

For my thesis, I would like to highlight the service region of a parcel delivery company in a city in The Netherlands. I recently downloaded QGIS and apart from some tutorials, I don't have a lot of ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to get Netherlands neighborhood names based on Addresses?

CBS provides key figures on the neighborhood level for the whole country(NL). I want to incorporate this data for analysis but my datapoints include addresses and postcodes and latitudes&...
UserX's user avatar
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Display ESRI MapService (WMTS) with EPSG:28992 coordinate system in Leaflet web map with OpenStreetMap base layer

ESRI MapService have EPSG:28992 coordinate system. In QGIS I can add this layer via WMTS https:/...
spatialhast's user avatar
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Netherlands census data by municipality (gemeente)

I am looking for Dutch Census data (period 2012-2019), aggregated at the gemeente level (municipality), covering basic population statistics (number of people, gender, age, ethnicity, etc). The ...
Strabonio's user avatar
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Issue with Projections from WGS1984 to GCS_Amersfoort

I am using ArcGIS 10.6.1. I have data from TOP10NL that displays the road network shapefile, and I have the busline shapefile from openOV. The TOP10NL data is in GCS_Amersfoort, the coordinate system ...
Mara's user avatar
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2 answers

Seeking border of Netherlands to use in ArcGIS Pro?

I am a beginner in ArcGIS Pro. I asked a question before (Expanding IDW interpolation to borders of country in ArcGIS Pro?), but I feel like I do not understand the basics enough, so a more basic ...
Qeshet's user avatar
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Unknown coordinate system for the Netherlands

I have a table with x and y coordinates. It is mentioned that coordinates in "RD Bessel" system. I couldn't find it in ArcGIS and QGIS. Also no info on google?
Stepan Khachatryan's user avatar
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GIS Information for Netherlands [closed]

I am currently interested in any kind of GIS Information about Netherlands. I need it for some kind of research. Such informations as temperature, soil composition, precipitation, elevation are very ...
N.Zukowski's user avatar
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Loading AHN files correctly into MicroDEM?

In the netherlands we have the ahn elevation data files(to be found on: (based on rd projection). If i imort these files into ...
BearHunt's user avatar
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4 votes
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Performing viewshed analysis with Dutch AHN files in QGIS?

i downloaded the new (dutch hight data) AHN files, and was trying to perform a viewshed analysis at some point near UTRECHT. The plugin (grass plugin) works ok, i tried it before with a dem map. ...
BearHunt's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Seeking postcode shapefiles & census data for Netherlands

I would like to do some GIS mapping of the Netherlands, but I am having trouble finding official data files for the following: Shapefiles for postcodes. Census (population) data for postcodes. And/or ...
user2498193's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding roads in one particular province of The Netherlands using QGIS?

I have two shapefiles that I want to use to see all the roads in one particular province of The Netherlands. So I have one layer with all the roads in The Netherlands and one layer with the ...
Sander's user avatar
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Understanding coordinates in Netherlands dataset?

I have data on specific addresses of companies in the Netherlands. The dataset also provides the coordinates but they look different from what I am used to see. I converted some of the addresses into ...
Sadaf's user avatar
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