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Questions tagged [nmea]

National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) is organisation setting standards of communication between marine navigation devices.

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Overlay GPS fix data over JPEG Image

I want overlay GPS Fix data in the form of NMEA data on an image I have. I could use Google Earth but the GPS Fix data are close, therefore I want a zoomed in image showing the fixes. Going an ...
George Jose Vince's user avatar
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How to enable NMEA streaming from external bluetooth device on Android

I am trying to enable NMEA streamed data within qField for Android. I have a Leica GS16 GNSS receiver with NMEA streaming output via bluetooth enabled. I am able to connect to and receive the NMEA ...
Jabberwocky's user avatar
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QField: NMEA serial connection issues

I am trying to connect QField to a BT serial port that is receiving NMEA stream from a GNSS receiver. QField is running on a Panasonic FZ-G1 running Windows 10. Both QGIS and puTTY are able to receive ...
Jabberwocky's user avatar
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Can GPS live tracking log GPGLL strings in QGIS?

I am using QGIS MaidenHead in the field, with one laptop connected to a serial port GPS for ships location, and one laptop connected via serial port GPS for ‘package’ location underwater. The ships ...
Laura's user avatar
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Importing NMEA RMC sentences into QGIS

I would like to import NMEA RMC datasets into QGIS (I'm using 3.28.3-Firenze). I log these on a separate measurement data logger. So far I have been able to import a .log file with GGA and RMC ...
Daniel's user avatar
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GPS NMEA - is VTG 'Course' the same as RMC 'Course over ground'?

I have been reading up on NMEA messages here and other places, but it isn't obvious to me if the VTG message 1 (Course) is the same as RMC message 8 (Course over ground). They use the same number for ...
theGtknerd's user avatar
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Connection between GPGGA HDOP and GPGST deviations

I would like some clarification regarding HDOP in the GPGGA message (Field 9) and standard deviation of latitude/longitude error in GPGST message (Fields 7 and 8). Are the values presented in the ...
Passerby1212's user avatar
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Can differences in Datum make a big difference in RTK surveying?

I'm a student studying surveying and analysis. I have gathered coordinates data on the same point via VRS, RTK, and Thingstream's PPP. It seems like VRS and RTK goes similar, but PPP keeps getting ...
Lee wonjea's user avatar
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In some NMEA GPGGA frame, what is the UTC timestamp?

In some NMEA GPGGA frame, there is an UTC Timestamp. What timestamp is this? It could be: The NMEA frame reception timestamp Some satellite transmission timestamp The NMEA frame start of build ...
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Connect Trimble R10 GNSS to iOS and use external position

I want to pair a Trimble R10 to an iOS device and use the location data from the R10 in a iOS app. I found this tutorial and these NMEA Bluetooth settings, but I when I try to connect the iOS device ...
Mario's user avatar
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2 answers

Where to find a someone for QGIS custom programming [duplicate]

I need some custom programming done in QGIS to solve some issues I raised in this question (Separate NMEA String in QGIS for position tracking), as well as some other associated work Where is an ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Separate NMEA String in QGIS for position tracking

I'm using a tracking system that exports positions as NMEA strings output by a single COM port. Each string has a unique identifier ("001", "002", "003") that represents ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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QGIS 3.14.15: is there a build in option for storing additonal quality data from trackpoints captured with DGPS antenna

I'd like to use QGIS for collecting datapoints in field. Due to the 'GPS information module' it is no big deal to connect the R2-Antenna via Blutooth-link and read the NMEA stream. As far as I figured ...
MathiasF's user avatar
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Resolution in timestamp

I'm using a device with a chipset "ublox NEO-M8U" and an external antenna. I tried to write a parser for NMEA data that I received from this device, but I cannot find an answer to the ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Convert shapefile data to NMEA - simulate NMEA positions from shape data

To generate waypoints to be read by the agricultural GNSS-RTK-steering system CEREA, I am looking for a way to simulate NMEA strings of a GNSS receiver by clicking the edges of the boundaries of ...
Wein-Franke's user avatar
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Is this GSV sentence valid?

According to the specifications, GSV sentence contains information about satellite. But in this sentence (extracted from my Sierra receiver): $GPGSV,3,3,11,04,,,,08,04,262,,10,06,151,*75 If I ...
Javier Prieto Seco's user avatar
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How many satellites are actually used to get position?

NMEA 0183 Version 4.10 defines that there cannot be more than 12 satellites in GGA message: Number of satellites used (range: 0-12) But there can be more active satellites defined in GSA: ...
max5555 max5555's user avatar
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Using Live GPS in QGIS - Speed and quality is not shown

I am using QGIS 3.10 together with a ArdusimpleRTK2B Board based on U-Blox ZED F9P processor and a Windows 10 based tablet computer. Using a SAPOS correction service and having connected it via gpsd ...
Wein-Franke's user avatar
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What epoch does Proj4 for EPSG:4326 assume? NMEA stream provides Lat Lon at measurement epoch

I get a NMEA stream exported from Applanix PosPac in the epoch the measurements took place (2019). These coordinates go into a software, that interprets the NMEA Lat Lon as EPSG:4326 with Proj4 ...
user155446's user avatar
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Understanding PMTK order

I am a high school student trying to decode a pycom code I was given, and within it I found this: $PMTK001,353,3,1,1,1,1,0' I have been searching a lot about this online, and I know that for ...
space's user avatar
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Reading NMEA frames on i2c device?

I have a linux machine which is connected by I2C to a F9P Ublock GNSS device. I need to get the GGA frames and some custom Ublocks frames from I2C, do some calculations and forward them to UDP. Is ...
Ricard Molins's user avatar
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calculating HRMS using NMEA sentences including GPGGA , GPGSV, GLGSV, QZGSV,QZGSA, GPGSA?

I have NMEA sentences including GPGGA , GPGSV, GLGSV, QZGSV,QZGSA, GPGSA and GNGSA. my goal is to achieve HRMS accuracy meter. produced android devices for special intent gives GP/GN GST nmea message ...
vahitdurmus's user avatar
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Difficulty in getting QGIS to connect with in-built GPS (COM3 NMEA port)

I have a Motion J3500 rugged tablet which was upgraded last year to run Windows 10. The tablet has a built-in GPS / broadband module (Gobi Sierra 2000). I use QGIS (v3.2) on the tablet, with the GPS ...
Jim Morey's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Where does the Geoid information in a GPS unit come from?

In the NMEA GGA-message the 11th field is Geoid separation. How does the GPS-unit "know" this separation? Are GPS units preloaded with an EGM (Earth Gravitational Model)?
Håkon K. Olafsen's user avatar
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Change NMEA output messages from u-blox8-M8 via UDX message?

I have RealTerm terminal emulator connected to my receiver via RS-232 serial, and it is outputing variety of NMEA strings via it's default configuration. Currently, it looks like it is outputing GPGSV,...
Gregory Helton's user avatar
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Get the current serial protocol config of a TU30-D400 Series GPS

I have an old Jupiter GPS from the TU30-D400 Series When I put its 7th to the GND, I can force it to use the NMEA Protocol with a 4800 baud rate. The thing is that GPS is used by a pretty old tide ...
Ginkoe's user avatar
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Postprocessing with NMEA-data if no rinex-data is available

I have an UAV which does not give me the raw sensor data (e.g. rinex or ubx). The only format I get is NMEA. Now I want to know how could I use the NMEA-data to get the highest precision of my ...
Hans Jürgen's user avatar
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Get satellite lon/lat from NMEA sentence

I am working on a satellite tracking application where I can read NMEA data from file. Here are the NMEA sentences I have: $GPRMC,104426.591,A,5920.7019,N,01803.2893,E,0.117980,320.93,141204,,*0F $...
gisfan's user avatar
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GPRMC date field overflow

I'm decoding NMEA GPRMC sentences from a GPS device. The date field format is ddmmyy. So 191194 is 19 November 1994. This makes it impossible to represent years greater than 1999. Has the spec been ...
ilia choly's user avatar
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From List into ArcPy Feature Class with InsertCursor

I am parsing an NMEA file to be able to import it into an ArcGIS with arcpy. I finalised the parsing part and also created a list with the appropriate form. But if I'm trying to insert the List into ...
GriffinMUC's user avatar
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Plotting realtime .nmea files with QGIS 2.18.10

I am working on a project that requires us to track 2 GPS targets, one car and one weather balloon. The realtime GPS tracking of the car via the COM port works great. The decoded data from our weather ...
Tom M.'s user avatar
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What's this JSON format when generically connecting to Mifi/Jetpack GPS over Wi-Fi (NMEA)?

I just bought a Mifi 4G wifi modem, which Verizon, a US mobile company, has rebranded as a 'Jetpack'. While playing with the settings, I found that it also has a GPS receiver built into it, and ...
Michael Scheper's user avatar
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Convert NMEA to GPX in GPSBabel

I have received NMEA data stored in an excel file. Sample data: DOS_TXT GPS_WS NMEA D 1530000114 379550,0702 $GPGGA,092550.000,6311.7019,N,01429.1063,E,1,09,0.88,357.2,M,33.6,M,,*6B,5567,5567736,...
Alexejevitsch's user avatar
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Calculating VRMS and HRMS from NMEA data?

I am trying to write code to parse the NMEA strings coming from survey-grade RTK/GNSS receivers. The requirements I have are to calculate the 3DRMS (distance RMS at 97.5% probability), VRMS (vertical ...
DaveAlden's user avatar
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Estimating accuracy from raw NMEA data

I am developing an android app for a usb GPS module of UBLOX. Is there any accuracy information in the raw NMEA data which i can use in my GUI? or do I have to use any algorithm to calculate the ...
FJ_Abbasi's user avatar
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I was looking for information on NMEA sentences. I got to know about the terms like $GPGGA, GPHDT, GPGSV, GPGLL from GPS data. Also I could see many new terms like PASCD, PAGCD, PADCH. What forms the ...
Nerdy's user avatar
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What will post-process differentially correct raw Bad-Elf Surveyor U-Blox NMEA/raw UBX?

I have a Bad-Elf Surveyor unit which claims accuracy ~1m when post-processed, but I am at a loss to find software that can differentially correct the raw NMEA/UBX logs that the unit will record. I ...
user25644's user avatar
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Enabling/disabling NMEA sentences on u-Blox gps receiver?

I want to disable the $GPGSV sentences on u-Blox NEO-7M because I have serial buffer overflow on Arduino. I found in the Receiver Discription p.69 and tried sending this: $PUBX,40,GSV,0,0,0,0,0,0*59 ...
MatMis's user avatar
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How can I stream attitude (roll,pitch,yaw) into Google Earth?

I am streaming position data (lat, lon) of an airplane into Google Earth via NMEA 0183 ($GPRMC, $GPGGA sentences) and it works OK (I generate and stream these from my own software). Now I would also ...
c0dehunter's user avatar
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What is the difference $GPRMC and $GPRMCA?

What is the difference between $GPRMC and $GPRMCA strings? I can find online documentation about $GPRMC strings, however I have a device that sends $GPRMCA strings. $GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311....
Gert's user avatar
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NMEA to CSV with timestamp using gpsbabel

I tried to convert a file in NMEA to csv using gpsbabel, $ gpsbabel -i nmea -f GPS_20160204_092027.log -o csv -F GPS_20160204_092027.csv I get a csv file with only latitude and longitude, but was ...
Annex's user avatar
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Time of the gps fix in GPGGA sentence is always rounded

I am using QSTARZ 818XT device for my app. I am using GPGGA sentences to get the GPS fixes, but I have noticed that timings are always rounded like xxxxxx.000 - for 1Hz GPS frequency and xxxxxx.x00 ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 answers

Relation between Geoidal separation and antenna altitude in GGA sentence?

I have searched about definitions and relations about geoidal separation and antenna altitude reported in GGA sentence. The more I read the more I am confused.So in a simple manner can anyone explain ...
Muhammet Ali Asan's user avatar
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NMEA-2000 Message 129540 ("GNSS Sats in View"): SNR field is integer or decimal?

If you're familiar with the older NMEA 0183, there was a "GSV" record for reporting information about GPS satellites in view, including their SNR (signal-to-noise ratio, also known as carrier-to-noise-...
Felipe G. Nievinski's user avatar
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Are there methods of filtering gps-data with metadata?

In our project we captured GPS-tracks from a few electric vehicles in the timeframe of a year. In total we captured around 13000000 GPS-points this way. The captured data comes from electric powered ...
Thierry Entringer's user avatar
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Measuring distance between two coordinate pairs taken from NMEA file?

In order to measure momentary speed, first I need to measure the distance between two pairs of coordinates. That's where my lack of knowledge stops me. I have example data in NMEA format: $GPGGA,...
Luke's user avatar
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How to convert negative NMEA latitude and longitude values ('S' and 'W')?

I'm getting from GPS data in the form of NMEA. There I'm getting positive latitude and longitude values('N' and 'E'). How do I convert the negative latitude and longitude values('S' and 'W') into ...
P N R's user avatar
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How do I import a NMEA file into QGIS 2.8?

I have some NMEA data recorded in a file - this is not a realtime application. How do I import that into QGIS 2.8?
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
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Given raw NMEA data, how do you estimate accuracy on-the-fly?

I have streaming NMEA data from a GPS device to my application. One of the sentences includes HDOP. I previously calculated the circular error probable (CEP) for this unit. How can I calculate the ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
3 votes
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Extracting NMEA outputs from external bluetooth GPS to Android device [closed]

I am requested to create an Android app that have to connect to an external Bluetooth GPS and read the NMEA output and visualize the location on ad digital map. I am a newcomer in this aspect. How can ...
Jimmy Lee's user avatar