Questions tagged [nviz]

n-dimensional visualization software

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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QGIS 2.4 NVIZ Solution

I am going to ask this question better: What happened with NVIZ? I do not know the exact version that nviz stopped working but it seems around version 2 of QGIS. There are two ways to get to nviz in ...
BobbyEK's user avatar
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NVIZ not working with QGIS 2.16 and GRASS 7 (mac)

I am trying to display 3d data in NVIZ (ideally i would like both raster and vector files in 3d) but when I run the NVIZ tool, nothing is returned. Im running QGIS 2.16.3 with the GRASS 7 plugin ...
BenjiDa's user avatar
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Module nziv not found in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa

I want to use nviz in QGIS2.10.1-Pisa on windows 7 and I always get the same warning message : "Module nviz not found", whenever I click on it in the GRASS tools Modules list. I have tried to ...
JSlauzon's user avatar
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3D visualization of terrain data and orthophoto using GRASS NVIZ via QGIS

How can I make 3D visualization of terrain data and orthophoto using GRASS NVIZ via QGIS? I am quite new with GRASS. I have only managed to get a 3D view of the terrain so far.
Peggy Zinke's user avatar
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Problem with nviz and QGIS 1.8

I am using QGIS 1.8.0 on Windows 7. In nviz (via SEXTANTE), after selecting an altitude layer and the GRASS region extent, I hit OK; the progress bar quickly reaches 100% and then absolutely nothing ...
Cezar B's user avatar
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What happened with NVIZ?

I'm unable to find and run NVIZ and now I've read several places that it's not functioning in the latest versions of QGIS? Is this a temporarily bug or definite?
CARTOS's user avatar
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