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ol-cesium throws exception when map.addLayer() is called with a vector layer

I have a strange behavior here using OpenLayers 5.2.0, Cesium, and the compatibility library ol-cesium. When I try to add a layer to the map, it throws an exception: TypeError: invalid 'instanceof' ...
BFlat's user avatar
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Import .lyr files into Cesium?

I have an application that is able to import .lyr files into a Cesium map if they are bundled with all the required associated files in a zip file. The application treats the bundled files in the ....
halochief996's user avatar
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OpenLayers change:rotation not called

I am using ol-cesium and I want to receive an event when the map is rotated. So my approach is to use the change:rotation event of the ol.Map, but it is never called. = new ol.Map({ ...
Oliver Adam's user avatar