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-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking free satellite imagery basemaps to be used in webapps with frequent updates

I am looking for satellite imagery base maps to be used in my web application. I have been using Google satellite base maps, but they are very old. I need something which has frequent updates, weekly ...
alauddin's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking a GNSS data to be use for my work [closed]

I would like to understand what GNSS is used for? Can I download it from the website and use it for my work? I am not familiar with it. Does it come with the GPS? Does it come with horizontal ...
PROBERT's user avatar
  • 4,139
-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking aerial imagery for small site in VA? [closed]

I am trying to locate the best aerial imagery to use to assess a small area in Virginia using QGIS 3.6. I need to buffer features around water features and overlay onto aerial imagery to show ...
km442's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes
2 answers

Seeking Supervised Classification Imagery for rooftops

I'm trying to do a supervised classification in ArcGIS Pro that will allow me to find Tar and Gravel rooftops in Miami. I have Landsat data but just wondering if there is imagery out there with better ...
Beau's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Purchasing NDVI imagery for South Western England? [closed]

I am working on a project developing an application for livestock farmers where they can monitor their feed using satellite data. The main aim is to calculate the biomass of a field of grass. The ...
Humzah Qazilbash's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Where can get different satellite images for the same scene? [closed]

In a research paper, the authors make an experiment using 4 different images which are SPOT band 4, PalSAR HH polarization, Landsat TM band 5, DEM data. I attach one figure as example http://prntscr....
Mohammad nagdawi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Downloading OpenStreetMap and Imagery to ArcGIS Collector for Offline Use?

I am traveling to Costa Rica and would like to use Collector with my cell phone to record some information in a feature class. I would like to find some 1m or better imagery to put in a web map that ...
SteveC's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Where to download high resolution maps or layers for Greece?

I am trying to create management zones on selected fields in Greece, so I am looking for high-resolution layers (maps) to use as a base (preferably satellite imagery). Could you suggest me the best ...
moutsinasg's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to get LISS IV Imagery data?

I'm looking for LISS-IV Imagery data for the capstone project. I have LISS-III data but that has some water marks like clouds and their shadows in the background.
Uday Sankar Rao Buddi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Seeking data for global base map?

I'm part of a group making global visualization software. I need to find earth imagery (visual range and hopefully IR as well) between 500 m/pixel and 75 m/pixel. The blue marble next generation ...
Mathematical Joe's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Open satellite imagery

Our company tracks multifamily development and is relying on opensource satellite imagery to track physical changes at development sites over time. Are there any open source providers (aside from ...
BKitchens's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Publicly accessible (near) real-time satellite imagery

The operators of the Himawari-8 weather satellite provide a fresh full-disc picture of Earth every 10 minutes. This is a great resource and powers applications such as RealEarth. Are there any other ...
user74176's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Options for Bulk Download of Satellite Imagery

I am looking for some sources of Satellite imagery that I can bulk-download for offline use with mobile apps. I am willing to pay, but so far I am not finding any good solutions out there. Something ...
Nic Hubbard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Looking for real-world DJI Phantom 3 Professional sample geo-tagged images for testing

I am looking for sample DJI Phantom 3 Professional imagery for testing purposes with the Drone2Map for ArcGIS Beta software. So far I am finding the application very polished and easy to use but I am ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Provider of hyperspectral imagery SWIR band

I'm looking for aerial hyperspectral imaging with SWIR band; size of ground pixel should not exceed 5m and dated not earlier as 2015. Could you propose provider such of data ? Area of interest is ...
Falcon's user avatar
  • 169
0 votes
2 answers

Where can I find SRTM DSMs (digital surface model)?

I'm interested in finding a 30 meter DSM (digital surface model that includes canopy) from SRTM with the hope of creating a 30 meter canopy height model. I know that it can be done because the ...
Tom Dilts's user avatar
  • 419
2 votes
1 answer

Old imagery WMTS [closed]

I am looking for a web imagery tile service (WMTS) that provides old imagery, in the same vein as Google Earth's old imagery, but one that could be integrated into an OpenLayers or Leaflet map. Any ...
Alexis_A's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

I am looking for Thermal IR Photography with 1 m resolution?

I am looking for thermal IR photography with 1m resolution? It needs to be recent or maybe a company in western Canada that can fly a mission like this. Satellite or flown photos both work, I am just ...
jtgis's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Using remote sensing satellite for chlorophyll mapping?

Location of my research are reservoirs which have an area of 47 and 62 km2. I need a better image resolution than Landsat(Pan).
Yax's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Satellite Images for the Mediterranean Sea Oil Spill

I am looking to obtain free satellite images to detect oil spills in the Mediterranean sea. What sensors would be most appropriate for this task and where can I download this type of data?
Abdualdim's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Free download NDVI images or raw satellite images for Sri Lanka?

Could anyone provide a site to download NDVI images or raw satellite images of Sri Lanka (Asia) for free for me to calculate the NDVI.
Lahiru's user avatar
  • 9
4 votes
4 answers

Where to download 4-band NAIP imagery for California?

I've been trying to find orthoimages with 4 bands for a couple of counties in California. I managed to download some from the GeoSpatial Data Gateway from the USDA (NRCS), but they all only have 3 ...
user36952's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Satellite imagery alternatives for land use/cover classifcation

Apart from Landsat imagery, which other satellite imagery is good for land use / cover studies and can be obtained free of charge?
Ama's user avatar
  • 37
2 votes
1 answer

Satellite data between 1975-1985 in Brazil?

So I've been looking for satellite imagery to use for a project without any luck. I need images between 1975 and 1985 near the Roosevelt river in Brazil, from any satellite at any spatial/spectral ...
jfo's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

Obtaining free satellite imagery for Australian floods?

How can I obtain free satellite imagery for Australia? I want to find the extend of flood in specific time. I have already tried land-sat.But unfortunately there is no data available for that specific ...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Residential tree cover for surveying?

Can someone point me in the direction of some high spatial resolution and reasonably recent satellite imagery for central Canada (Manitoba)? I am trying to determine whether I can generate accurate ...
Christography's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

USA Historical Satellite Imagery for an Online Application

I am looking for different options to add historical satellite imagery to our online-based application. We currently incorporate Bing Maps into our application, but cannot get historical imagery. I ...
ajbrachman88's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Seeking Easy Guide to ESA satellite data? [closed]

Can anybody provide user friendly guidance to ESA datasets? What is available? When will new stuff be available? I struggle to work out what might be interesting amongst the many websites and ...
washways's user avatar
  • 505
5 votes
3 answers

Download MODIS data for Mexico

I would like to download MODIS npp images for Mexico but I cannot figure out which files correspond to the country. How can I associate each tile to its location without looking at the million of ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to download GeoTIFF files of TRMM product 3B42 (rainfall estimates) [closed]

I want to download GeoTIFF files of TRMM product 3B42. (This is a rainfall estimate derived from multiple sensors of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite.) The NASA/Goddard Precipitation ...
hadis's user avatar
  • 21
-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking GIS data about NYC's combined sewers (CSO) that's free to use? [closed]

I've located two sites that display the data that I'm looking for, but both lack exporting functions. OASIS NYC and Otherwise I can't locate this data anywhere in a format I can use in ...
user27604's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Seeking high-resolution (at least 1 foot) imagery of California

Is there a national site or state site that will allow me to download High Res (1') aerial imagery of California? I have tried Cal-Atlas Download but they are at one meter. I have also tried USGS ...
Adam Pearson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Seeking 4-band satellite imagery?

I'm looking for good quality, fine resolution 4-band satellite photos of Sweden for academic use (and I'm willing to pay for it). What I'm after is as detailed as possible photos of certain part of ...
Jakub Rybinski's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is there a source for leaf-off aerial imagery?

I am looking for leaf-off imagery for Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. 1m leaf-off imagery would be ideal, although any substitute would be helpful. I need fairly high resolution imagery to distinguish ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
8 votes
5 answers

Where can I download free satellite imagery of Cambodia for offline use?

I am an entry level GIS user - I have had one semester of GIS in college. I have successfully downloaded raster satellite imagery from Seamless (tiff files) for my class project. Now I am trying to ...
Ned's user avatar
  • 81
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2 answers

Looking for high resolution (1m or better) aerials for Turkey?

Would prefer free but under a couple hundred dollars is also doable. It would be nice to have actual tif, sid, etc. files but a WMS would also work. The WMS (bing and esri) I have been able to ...
user3396's user avatar
  • 117
3 votes
2 answers

Where can I find non-rectified stereo satellite imagery?

I'm looking for free (as in beer and as in commercial-use-friendly freedom) sources of stereo satellite imagery. I assume that such imagery should not be rectified since that would remove the benefits ...
0 votes
1 answer

Seeking imagery for Mexico?

I am doing Rapid Watershed Assessment for my agency and I am responsible for the Southern New Mexico and northwest Texas. I have 2 NAIP added to my ArcMap already and using it with the "Add Image ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

Seeking Satellite Imagery Providers? [closed]

I'm building a web application - my requirements are: Must have global satellite imagery. Must have easy to use API's that are capable of geoJSON data imports, mouse and keyboard gestures, etc. To ...
Jordan Arsenault's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Source for high-res subscription imagery service

I'm developing a diagramming tool using aerial imagery as a reference layer. This tool should allow the user to zoom in quite close to a roadway or intersection. Unfortunately none of the public map ...