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2 answers

Downloading recent GRACE data

I have been doing GRACE data processing in GEE, but from what I can tell - only the first mission's data (dating from 2002/04 to 2017/01) is accessible through the library for import. Can I access ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Seeking FREE satellite images than ones provided by MapBox [closed]

I have made a desktop map system for myself with NW.js, MapBox GL JS and's free satellite pictures. I don't have money to pay anyone. While it's cool and fun to use, it's largely ruined by ...
Doxey's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking free satellite imagery basemaps to be used in webapps with frequent updates

I am looking for satellite imagery base maps to be used in my web application. I have been using Google satellite base maps, but they are very old. I need something which has frequent updates, weekly ...
alauddin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Seeking open access 10-30 m spatial resolution imagery?

The data from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A&B satellite missions is available at no cost. I am curious to know if there are other sources of freely available multi-spectral moderate resolution ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to index USGS ARD Satellite Data into an Open Data Cube?

I am trying to index a Landsat8-Satellite-Dataset from Massachusetts in the USA. I downloaded the dataset from USGS. Below my question you can find the datacube-metadata.yaml-File. It is surface ...
user avatar
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Higest-resolution daily temperature products?

I'm looking to collect daily temperatures for a very small geographic area, and as such am in need of some high-resolution products. I have used MODIS, but the data comes with a 1km resolution. Are ...
Joey Roses's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Bing Maps, Here WeGo and Google Earth imagery in this area?

We are working on a project about the exploration of historical ruins via publicly available satellite imagery. This project is for a high school scientific research competition. In the photos below ...
serekani's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking OpenStreetMap satellite images service beyond Google Maps service?

I have come back to a private QGIS project that I designed 3 months ago and I get a message from the Google Map Service like: For Deployment Purposes Only Are there attempts to provide satellite ...
huckfinn's user avatar
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Multi-Spectral High Resolution Satellite images for flood events

I'm searching for multi-spectral high resolution satellite images for flood events. I found a database of flood events from this link with dates and approxiamte locations (polygons) and I used the ...
aferjani's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Seeking downloadable images for night?

Where can I download freely available images for night from for South Asian region? ?
Mehmud's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

MODIS swath footprints - list of names or polygon dataset?

I'm trying to find either a list of all of the MODIS Terra swath footprints, or boundary dataset (i.e. polygons) with the footprint code as an attribute. I've searched high and low on various NASA ...
tinyplanet00's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Where can get different satellite images for the same scene? [closed]

In a research paper, the authors make an experiment using 4 different images which are SPOT band 4, PalSAR HH polarization, Landsat TM band 5, DEM data. I attach one figure as example http://prntscr....
Mohammad nagdawi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where to download high resolution maps or layers for Greece?

I am trying to create management zones on selected fields in Greece, so I am looking for high-resolution layers (maps) to use as a base (preferably satellite imagery). Could you suggest me the best ...
moutsinasg's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Free satellite data availability for moon [closed]

What are the satellite raster and vector data sets available for mapping the moon that can be freely downloaded? I need to know the availability and type of the data sets from which mineral mapping, ...
Aeron Storm's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Publicly accessible (near) real-time satellite imagery

The operators of the Himawari-8 weather satellite provide a fresh full-disc picture of Earth every 10 minutes. This is a great resource and powers applications such as RealEarth. Are there any other ...
user74176's user avatar
3 votes
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Except from Hyperion do you know any other hyper-spectral satellites?

There aren't many images for my research area. So I am looking for other hyperspectral satellites. Or maybe another site except USGS? The area is near here "40.223124, 23.031155"
Labrini's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Is GRACE satellite data freely available? [closed]

Is GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellite data freely downloadable/available to users?
Pradeep Balan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Satellite data to watch atmosphere and ionosphere [closed]

Which bandwidths are best suited to watch atmosphere and ionosphere of a region? What are the sources (satellite sensors/names etc)? I want to monitor temporal changes of atmospheric and ionospheric ...
Zia's user avatar
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High res monthly satellite maps including ice cover

I have some old month by month NASA satellite maps showing the world in 2004 at 5400x2700px. I've noticed NASA has newer cleaner versions of these maps at
Rrrrrrrrrk's user avatar
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Guide to aerial or space data types and availability

I am overwhelmed by the variety of types of satellite and aerial data (images?) available online. For example, at the USGS Earth Explorer data page, I see AVHRR; CEOS;Ikonos and OrbView; EO-1; GLS; ...
Catlike's user avatar
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Acquiring Digital Elevation Models for Argentina from commercial providers

I'm interested in obtaining Digital Elevation Models for areas in the 20,000 acre range, as I use them to create contour maps for agriculture. The USGS Earth Explorer has a wonderful free DEM ...
HAVB's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Sentinel-2A: Begin of operational period?

This also might be of interest here, as it is an important data source: When does Sentinel-2A finally become operational and deliver images regularly? I tried to find information on that, but ...
countryman's user avatar
1 vote
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Finding seasonal satellite map tiles?

I am working on an exhibit/geospatial visualization which shows the migration of marine animals over time throughout the year. I am searching for seasonal satellite map tiles. Does anyone know of any? ...
interwebjill's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Free open satellite or other remote sensing data for night time?

I usually work with daytime satellite images to do some image classification (mostly Landsat data from the USGS EarthExplorer). Right now I'd like to check at some night time images to work on city ...
Albert's user avatar
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Using remote sensing satellite for chlorophyll mapping?

Location of my research are reservoirs which have an area of 47 and 62 km2. I need a better image resolution than Landsat(Pan).
Yax's user avatar
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High resolution satellite

Can any one tell me from where I can buy commercial High resolution Satellite images for Biodiversity research ? I need some websites that sells these kind of images ?
Muna Learn's user avatar
2 votes
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Satellite data between 1975-1985 in Brazil?

So I've been looking for satellite imagery to use for a project without any luck. I need images between 1975 and 1985 near the Roosevelt river in Brazil, from any satellite at any spatial/spectral ...
jfo's user avatar
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2 answers

Disconnected Satellite map tiles usable with OpenLayers or other JavaScript API [closed]

I'm looking for satellite map, usable with OpenLayers (or with another JavaScript API), with a good scale (at least 100m, MapQuest stops at 1000m) and available for a disconnected mode (available for ...
Matheo Jaouen's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Finding ways to get free radar (SAR) satellite imagery data sets [closed]

I am looking for finding ways to obtain free (non-commercial use) sources of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite imagery. Does anyone know of sources?
SysRq308's user avatar
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1 answer

Seeking Easy Guide to ESA satellite data? [closed]

Can anybody provide user friendly guidance to ESA datasets? What is available? When will new stuff be available? I struggle to work out what might be interesting amongst the many websites and ...
washways's user avatar
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2 votes
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Seeking VIIRS Day Night Band and alternatives for night satellite images [closed]

Has anyone worked with VIIRS Day Night Band? I want to download few images to get a map of night scene of Central Europe (city lights etc). I use friendly interface at NOAA (http://www.class.ncdc....
Rok's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Where can I download free satellite imagery of Cambodia for offline use?

I am an entry level GIS user - I have had one semester of GIS in college. I have successfully downloaded raster satellite imagery from Seamless (tiff files) for my class project. Now I am trying to ...
Ned's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Where can I find non-rectified stereo satellite imagery?

I'm looking for free (as in beer and as in commercial-use-friendly freedom) sources of stereo satellite imagery. I assume that such imagery should not be rectified since that would remove the benefits ...
19 votes
7 answers

Seeking Satellite Imagery Providers? [closed]

I'm building a web application - my requirements are: Must have global satellite imagery. Must have easy to use API's that are capable of geoJSON data imports, mouse and keyboard gestures, etc. To ...
Jordan Arsenault's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can someone explain in simple terms the licence on Google “satellite” images? [closed]

What can I and can I not do with the Google satellite images?
Ian's user avatar
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