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Get all bus lines for a set of stops in overpass / OSM

I am trying to get a list of lines for a large set of busstops (lets assume to query worldwide). As far as I have figured it out, I get a set of busstops from Now I could query ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Extracting city information only from OpenStreetMap

I need to extract City as well as hierarchy of admin entities for selected countries. My understanding for now is that I'll have to get node primarily and find a clever filtering based on tags. And ...
coolnodje's user avatar
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Keep multiple OSM Imports up to date

I have multiple instances of my application for my users. Each user can specify an area which I want to load in my own PostgreSQL server, that make it's possible to render maps with my own mapnik ...
ich's user avatar
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Creating my own map server - with Road speed and Reverse geo coding - using OSM data [closed]

Currently I'm using a few services for mapping/reverse Geo coding/road speeds 1 - reverse geo coding (usually street name) 2 - get POI name (e.g. ...
Quade's user avatar
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Getting only points when importing from OpenStreetMap to PostgreSQL?

This is my first time working with OpenStreetMap data. I am trying to import some data from OpenStreetMap into PostgreSQL. I have been downloading the data using the following query : wget 'http://...
jlengrand's user avatar
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