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2 answers

Casting between PostGIS types in GeoAlchemy

I'm working with OpenStreetMap data, and loading it into a PostGIS database using osm2pgsql. The issue that I am currently dealing with is that osm2pgsql stores the shape as a geometry type. I'm ...
Andrew Wong's user avatar
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Using Osmconvert with Python?

I want to use osmconvert to parse down the size of my diff files for just the area I'm interested in because osmconvert is way faster than osm2pgsql, which loads the data. When I call the command ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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osm2pgsql doesn't run in a QGis plugin

I have a problem with osm2pgsql when it runs in a qgis plugin. The function i use looks like this: osm2pgsql = "osm2pgsql -s -d {databaseName} -U {databaseUser} -H {databaseHost} -E {...
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