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Data (type double) mismatch between ArcMap and ArcGIS Server 10.6.1

When I identify a feature which is having a double value as 0.00001 in ArcMap, it is showing what is expected. I have the layer published as a map service using ArcGIS Server. If I search for the same ...
Srikanth's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server Featurelayer: Error on adding features via JavaScript API after switch from Oracle db to PostGIS

We have a webapp which consumes services published on ArcGIS Server. All database relevant operations are done with ESRI ArcGIS abilities. We now switched from Oracle 11g to PostgreSQL 9.4 with ...
Onsokumaru's user avatar
4 votes
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Keeping Default Version of Geodatabase protected?

I have a multiuser geodatabase with Oracle Enterprise RDBMS. The Version of the geodatabase is 10.4.1 and Oracle 11g. We have over 35 data editors with the flat version tree, each user having their ...
Raj's user avatar
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How to find closest line of polygon [closed]

I have polygon layers on my ArcGIS Server and Geoserver. I need to find the closest line length of the polygon. For example p(x1,x1) will get the L2 length and p(x2,y2) will get the L4 length. Can I ...
barteloma's user avatar
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Registering database Arcgis 10.2.2?

When I registered a database data store to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog, the following error occurs: Underlying DBMS error[ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified No ...
Mohamed Arjaz's user avatar
-1 votes
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ESRI oracle multi editor schemas

Solution: The limitations of the Esri + Oracle (per 12c) were the cause. 12c Oracle will allow for Multi-Tenant DB, allowing us to have multiple SDE GeoDB as we need. This will meeting the need for ...
Omnia9's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server Rest API date issue

I am using "date '2015-8-10'" in ArcGIS Server REST API to retreive records from map services. But it returns the error "Fail to Execute". My date is stored as "10-AUG-15". When it is in the right ...
Ahsan Mukhtar's user avatar
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ArcSDE 10.1 Insert/Update Trigger on Adds (A) Table (Oracle 11g) and Feature Services on ArcGIS Server

I'm trying to use a trigger to update a versioned dataset in an SDE environment. Basically, I wanted to implement a system of unique ids called GISID. Initially, when a feature is created (inserted), ...
Ruchira Welikala's user avatar
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Controlling precision of coordinates returned from ArcGIS for Server service?

I have a REST service that returns shapes as json. The shapes represent various natural features. The problem is the precision of the coordinates. Currently, 11 decimal places of precision are ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
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View With SDO_GEOM Function for ArcMap

I have a table of boundaries(polygons) which need to be served up through ArcGIS Server with their centroids(points). I'm using Oracle spatial and thought the most efficient way of doing this was to ...
user1567453's user avatar
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Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.3 geodatabase on windows R2 SP2 and Oracle 10g (64 bit)

We have Oracle 10g (64 bit) on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2, and we are planning to migrate our geodatabase from 9.3.1 to 10.3. As per Esri "Oracle database requirements for ArcGIS 10....
ayman's user avatar
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connect ArcGIS server with different instances of oracle database

Is it possible for a development team to have personal oracle database instances, for testing purposes, connected with the same GIS server? In other words I want every user to work with his own data, ...
Smalis's user avatar
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Error:The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception

I am developing custom geoprocessing tool (class-library project) on ArcGIS 10.2. This project uses Oracle.DatAccess from ODP.NET 1.0 . This is a simple tool which queries - oracle 10g database and ...
iamlaksh1's user avatar
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Tuning Esri Geodatabase on Oracle Spatial (SDO_Geometry) performance? [closed]

We are storing data in a Geodatabase on Oracle 11g using Oracle Spatial with SDO_Geometry, and then consuming that using ArcGIS server 10.2.1. The performance is very slow, because we are talking ...
Ghassan Karwchan's user avatar
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Is there a SDE command to export/import feature class schema only without data?

I'm using ArcGIS Server 10.0, ArcSDE 10.0 and Oracle 11g. I'd like to create a sde export of my layers' schema. The export would be used to create easily those layer in a new database instance. Do ...
yo_haha's user avatar
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database using arcgis [closed]

i want to know, can arcgis software do the database such as oracle or ms access?? for example, create own database and form?? and can the database in arcgis read the programmer program such as from ...
anisah's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server and Oracle SDO Geometry Interop - It Can't Be This Slow

I have an ArcGIS Map Server Map Service connecting to an Oracle 11G instance via Direct Connect. There is no need for ArcSDE since our application doesn't need versioning, replication, or any other ...
user890's user avatar
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Connect ESRI Feature Service to Oracle Spatial database

I need to display some business and feature data from an Oracle Spatial database on a website. The website will use ESRI's HTML5 map components (
Jonas Sourlier's user avatar
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Can .Net version of ArcGIS Server expose Oracle spatial data without ArcSDE, or is this limited to Java version?

I'm planning a new deployment of ArcGIS Server and I want to avoid using ArcSDE if possible. My vendor requires that we store our spatial data in Oracle and we prefer to use Microsoft server ...
jrockers's user avatar
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How to trace SQL queries sent by ArcGIS Server (ArcSDE) to Oracle database?

I'd like to generate a log file containing all SQL queries sent by ArcGIS Server (ArcSDE) to Oracle database. Is there a way to do so? I'm using Oracle 11g and ArcGIS Server 10.0 on Windows. ArcSDE is ...
yo_haha's user avatar
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Editing ArcSDE Oracle spatial view

Can you edit an ArcSDE Oracle spatial view? By 'edit' I mean edit the geometry in the feature class, not any attributes in the joined table. Unversioned. I really had it in my head that you can, as ...
MC5's user avatar
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How to add a column to table with sdelayer command?

I am working with an oracle11g database and I would like to add a new column to a feature class stored in this database. I would like to use the sdelayer command but can any one of you give me a tip ...
duszza's user avatar
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