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Questions tagged [origin-destination]

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QGIS - plot points based on user defined origin

I've been given a CSV containing X and Y points (as seen below). However, these are in metres from the origin in which the person has self-specified. For example, in EPSG:4326 I may want to specify ...
guest_231213's user avatar
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Creating line that connects points from feature class to single point in another feature class using ArcGIS Pro

I wanted to connect origin and destination points using a line. The data are contained in an Excel spreadsheet which consists of two XY data (Origin & Destination). Here's a screenshot of an ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a boundary automatically around points

I created origin-destination networks in ArcGIS Pro manually using the HOW TO Create connection lines between points and a line in ArcGIS Pro tutorial. Green point is the origin and brown point is the ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
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Finding drive time between two points based on matching value

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I'm trying to find drive times between two points with Network Analyst. I'm trying to find the time between the origin and the destination based on a value in the origin. So if ...
user18173's user avatar
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Flow maps without using virtual layers for displaying line matrix

I found this great flow map visualisation that I have been following: Flowmap - No plugins Unfortunately the dataset I am currently working with is far too heavy for the virtual layers to handle, so ...
Thorbjørn Sørensen's user avatar
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sDNA - OD assignment: trip length and destination weight from network

I am trying to assign trips from one origin to several destinations in sDNA, via an O-D matrix. The aim is to find average trip lengths to these destinations based on their weight. I have used a ...
SPet's user avatar
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Link destination to origin on dashboard

How do I have it set on an ArcGIS Pro dashboard that if I click on a polygon (destination) that it will display the origins that lead to it? (They have a matching table field). Not looking for lines ...
Yishai Friedman's user avatar
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Creating O-D cost matrix using ArcGIS Pro with routes from network data and not just straight lines

I want to create a O-D cost matrix which will relate the origins and destinations by a transportation network layer and will not just connect by a straight line. Can you give me any insight on this?
GeekSpidey's user avatar
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Is there a way to compute an Origin-Destination Matrix with multiple start point attributes?

[QGIS 3.16] I am looking to compute an origin-destination matrix. However, from the starting point layer, I need to have multiple attributes within the matrix, opposed to the 1 linking attribute. Is ...
Conor O'Driscoll's user avatar
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How can I calculate the distance between multiple points in a network?

I have multiple points on multiple lines in a network and I need to know the length between these points along the network. I need an OD matrix, like the QNEAT3 distance matrices but for the distance ...
GDP's user avatar
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Why is SQL input missing features from original Origin-Destination Matrix using QGIS?

I am using QGIS 3.16. I computed an Origin Destination Matrix for my studies using a total of 2478 (x13) routes. I then computed an SQL query in order to match each start point with its nearest end ...
Conor O'Driscoll's user avatar
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How do you move a raster's origin 1m east in R? [closed]

I'm new to R (and coding in general). I'm wondering if it is possible to create a copy of a raster layer that is identical, but moved over 1m to the East.
joseph's user avatar
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Calculating destination point using Python

I am trying to write a function that calculates the GPS (decimal) coordinates of a point that is far of a given distance from a given point. Let say that we start from point 1 (The stripe of Dublin) ...
Nicolaesse's user avatar
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How to implement added cost point barrier in ArcMap Network Analyst?

I am trying to figure out how the cost point barrier in Network Analyst works. I am doing an OD cost matrix and I want to add border crossing points as cost point barrier. Is it possible to configure ...
tara's user avatar
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OD-matrix (QNEAT3) doesnt return values for all input parameters in QGIS?

I'm running into problems trying to calculate shortest distance from point (smaller black dots below in image) to a port (tagged MANAUS below). Im using hte QNEAT3 OD-matrix tool (from layers as lines)...
Frida_L's user avatar
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QGIS 3 - shortest path routing for multiple pairs of origins and destinations over a road network [closed]

I'm trying to map routes from an O-D survey with about 450,000 individual trips with different start and end points defined by lat, long. I want to estimate total VMT for the area by extrapolating ...
Jamie DeWeese's user avatar
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1 - 1 Composite relationship class set to notify "both" not updating origin when editing destination

I have two spatial feature classes and want to have the spatial edits reflected in both feature classes when editing either the origin or destination. I have set up a composite relationship with a 1-1 ...
mitch's user avatar
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Geoprocessing server tool result has no internal record set object for Save

I'm working with the geoprocessing server tool (GenerateOriginDestinationCostMatrix) imported as a toolbox (OriginDestinationCostMatrix) in ArcMap 10.6. Being asynchronous I use the resultID with ...
jbosq's user avatar
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Where to find datasets for creating CARTO VL maps?

Is there any way to download example datasets like NYC taxi and origin-destination data? Like those that show flight paths from and to some cities. I think it'd help me greatly if I could somehow get ...
Sonic's user avatar
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Exporting Origin-Destination Matrix Table into Separate Origin and Destination Columns

Trying to work with exported data tables from Network Analyst of an origin-destination matrix for further network analysis like centrality measures...etc., but having to re-organize the origin and ...
mlee447's user avatar
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Joining Origin, First point, Second Point and Destination to create routes in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am using ArcGIS 10.3. I have a table with the X,Y coordinates for 4 points along a route - 1st point, 2nd Point, 3rd Point and 4th Point. The 1st point is the origin and the 4th point is the ...
Maitri Shah's user avatar
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Finding number of lines passing through common segment of lines from overlapping multiple line shapefiles?

I have 16 different origin-destination route’s shapefile. 16 line shapefiles are different. I want to overlay these lines and find the common segments of these overlays routes. Suppose, one line is A-...
Mahmudul Chayan's user avatar
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Finding routes instead of straight line in Network Analyst O/D cost matrix?

I have 53 locations of origin-destination lat and long and a shapefile of the road network of the study region. I would like to find the shapefile of all O/D routes. I tried with network analyst, O/D ...
Mahmudul Chayan's user avatar
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ArcGIS Network Analyst OD Cost Matrix - how to change network?

I am using Network Analyst OD Cost Matrix to calculate the distance between a number of locations in dataA and a number of locations in dataB. I wonder how to change the network used for these ...
elol's user avatar
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ArcGIS, OD cost matrix

I have a shapefile and I need to create an OD cost matrix, but I only need the distances between points which are on the same polyline. Is there any way to do that? I am not much familiar with ...
Sema's user avatar
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Calculate shortest path and distance between multiple OD pairs using pgr_dijkstra one-to-one

My goal is to find the distance and shortest path between 1000+ Origin-Destination pairs in a road network. I have a table with the pair ID, the origin vertex ID and the destination vertex ID for each ...
Félix Lam's user avatar
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ArcMap - Driving distance between 2 sets of points

I have a question regarding the calculating driving distances between any two points. I have 2 CSV files, an origin and a destination file, which look like the following: Origin ...
bublitz's user avatar
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Formula for the great circle arc between two points (lng/lat coordinates)

I am trying to animate a point moving from one location to another on a map. And I would like the point to travel along the great circle arc between the locations, rather than in a straight line. ...
mgalka's user avatar
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Export shapefile of a flow map with arrows indicating their direction in R

How can I insert arrows on flows and export flows map with arrows indicating their direction in R? I know that I can use the arrows command of the maptools library to "print" an arrow in line with ...
Wisley Velasco's user avatar
5 votes
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How to efficiently convert origin-destination coordinates into lines in R

Reproducible example to show what I mean: # Create origins and destinations odf = data.frame(fx = 1:5, fy = 1:5, tx = 0:4, ty = rep(1, 5)) The challenge is to convert this into straight lines ...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
4 votes
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Create an Origin - Destination map using roadnetwork layer

I am using Qgis 2.14.2, I am trying to create a O-D using the road network that I have in a feature. Is any way or plugin that can help me to plot 500 trips using as a path my road network layer? I ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Getting origin key to automatically populate foreign key while using relationship class in ArcGIS for Desktop? [closed]

I am using ArcGIS for Desktop, and I am attempting to create feature linked annotations for my cable system and I have set up a relationship between the two features so that any changes made to the ...
Jared's user avatar
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Can you create a square OD Cost Matrix with Network Analyst?

I have a feature dataset and want to find the cost of travel between each pair of features. Because I'm looking for road (not Euclidean) distances, I was told that the OD Cost Matrix solver in Network ...
Mhoram's user avatar
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Find the "direction" of a line

I have a set of transportation analysis zones, and a set of shorted path polyline features connecting the centroids of each zone. There are two line features between each zone, one for each direction....
MapMike's user avatar
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Defining area of influence for origin-destination dataset (where destination is port) using ArcGIS for Desktop?

Starting from an origin-destination dataset for a given country, where the origins are city (points) and the destination are ports (points), how can I identify the area of influence for each ...
relima's user avatar
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Preserving origin IDs when creating Origin-Destination (OD) Cost Matrix?

I have created an Origin-Destination cost matrix showing the distance in feet between several thousand home addresses (origins) and about 24 rental vehicles (destinations) at various points throughout ...
Mike's user avatar
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arcgis 10.0 od matrix only solves A-A, B-B, C-C, not A-B, A-C, etc

I think I have a very noob question here. Using ArcGIS 10.0 and Network Analyst extension to create Origin-Destination Matrix. I have a shapefile of 120 points, and I want to create a matrix of ...
Eric Green's user avatar
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OD Cost Matrix snapping distance using ArcGIS Network Analyst?

I am using the ArcGIS Network Analysis - OD Cost Matrix layer tool and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to incorporate the snapping distance of the origin and destination to my total distance ...
dklassen's user avatar
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Creating desire lines in QGIS

How can I show the flow coming from an Origin-Destination matrix as desire lines? I need a result like the one in the picture below. I need to scale them proportionally to its value (coming from a ...
Ale's user avatar
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Flow mapping visualization using a road layer [closed]

I am trying to illustrate travel using a flow map on a road layer. My data is: city of origin destination number of travelers How do I use a polygon city layer (or point) and a road layer, with line ...
user17543's user avatar
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R packages for deriving spatial clusters from origin-destination matrix

I have a matrix of origin-destination flows and I am trying to figure out the best way to derive X number of functional spatial clusters from the data. I haven't done this particular type of analysis ...
scuerda's user avatar
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Making radial flow map showing curved lines over short distances (20km) using ArcGIS for Desktop?

Esri have provided instructions on how to make a radial flow map but I think the curved lines will only be produced over a long distance, like half the globe. For short distances (20km) a geodetic ...
ndthl's user avatar
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Mapping matrix of origins and destinations in QGIS?

I have a central point on a map, and I have other points in a separate layer (the location of a venue, and the origin cities of the venue visitors). Is there a plugin which would generate output ...
normis's user avatar
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How to curve lines between points on a map?

I'm trying to curve the lines between points on a RaphaelJS map like Tata Communications - but how did they do it? What sort of mathematics lie behind these curves - unless ofcourse they're all ...
Mark Boulder's user avatar
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Display freight volume by city on a geographic map

I have been requested to show on a geographic map the volume (in meters cubed m3) of freight (parts) that ship to various cities (Canada/USA). The idea is to show which cities receive the most freight ...
John M's user avatar
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Curved point-to-point "route maps" [closed]

I have recently been looking at airlines web pages that display their routes departing a certain city to all other cities they service. I would like to be able to create similar curved routes between ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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How to create spider diagrams (hub lines) in PostGIS?

I'm rather new to PostGIS but I have done a lot of reading. One thing that I have been searching for is a function that allows users to create a "spider diagram" (also called "desire lines" or "hub ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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Visualizing network on map [closed]

I have several hundred geo-referenced data points, and the relationships from that point to other points. I'm trying to figure out the best way of visualizing this on an interactive map (possibly ...
djq's user avatar
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