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Questions tagged [outline]

Outline is one aspect of polygon symbology and consists of outline-color, width and line-pattern.

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I need to create the outline of a three-dimensional figure from many points in ArcGIS Pro

I have thousands of points that are made in underground storage Is it possible to somehow make an outline of this figure in ArcGIS Pro? I was only able to create vertical, horizontal, and diagonal ...
Cream's user avatar
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Get the outline of badly optimized polygons (too many vertices?)

I'm trying to get the area of some flooding data. Overall, the dataset is huge and hardly to handle in QGIS. The dataset comes in several shapefiles ranging from 60 Mb to 4 Gb and include several ...
Waynenation's user avatar
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MapServer: Label outline in PDF print has dark thin line

I have a MapServer layer with a LABEL definition as follows: CLASS LABEL MAXSCALEDENOM 1001 MINSCALEDENOM 1 ALIGN center BUFFER 0 COLOR [color] OUTLINECOLOR ...
Mario's user avatar
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Moving polygon to edge of boundary using QGIS

I have a set of polygons that have been drawn using a set of plotted addresses. All of these polygons fall within a geographical boundary of the local area. As the boundary is drawn using local ...
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How to create the outer polygon from an array of objects close from each other in QGIS

So, I got a polygon layer with lots of 2.3x66m panels (6300) distributed in small groups in random distributions and I need to get the polygon of the enclosing area around those specific objects like ...
PiriReizor99's user avatar
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Outline image markersymbol in esri maps

I have a marker , i need to populate the same with ouline color , var bufferedArea = geometryEngine.buffer(results[x].geometry, 1); var bufferedGraphic = new Graphic(bufferedArea, BufferSymbol); map....
amitesh verma's user avatar
2 votes
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Extracting raster outline to a vector geometry

I have a raster data set with an irregular outline (every value outside is NaN) in Python (loaded from rasterio v.1.3a3 ): I'd like to extract its outline to a vector shape, such as a Shapely ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Assigning attribute of polygon outline to most similar polygon using QGIS

I work with QGIS. I have a map with lake outlines which is basically a mosaic of three different years (2014-2016). I also have a map with the lake outlines for each of those three years. I now want ...
surfskibike's user avatar
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Removing raster's outline visible in exported document using ArcGIS Pro

I work in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.1. I added a .tiff raster basemap to my project. Exported the layout as .tiff and when I opened the file in a image viewer there was an outline around the basemap tiff. It can'...
M. Tomas's user avatar
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Polygons not showing outlines in ArcGIS Pro?

I work in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.1. I imported a project (.mxd) from ArcMap 10.8.1. There are two map frames in a layout view. One is placed onto another. There are polygons in the second map frame that I am ...
M. Tomas's user avatar
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Simplifying polygon edge while preserving minimum area and width [closed]

I am working with river buffer areas. The area that you see in the first picture is a 100-meter buffer of a polyline (a polyline isn't visible but it is there). I want to simplify the edge in a way, ...
SLO_planner's user avatar
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Precise landmass outline from DEM data with QGIS

I can't find a way to obtain the following (see picture below) from DEM data with QGIS -- that is, an image that would show the landmasses as white and the oceans as black from DEM data. I've also ...
CyanideBaby's user avatar
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How can I add the outline of Europe countries in this figure in R?

Here is my code to create this distribution map of Europe in R. So how can I add the outline in this figure to divide different countries and also add the countries' names in relevant regions? >...
Gloam's user avatar
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Dissolve of polygons leaving internal lines

I have been trying to produce an outline of a stylised island using dissolve however there are internal "lines" that remain after I use dissolve? The hexagons that are being merged were ...
KirbyUoA's user avatar
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Change Stroke Width of a Polygon PyQGIS

I'm trying to set the Width of the lake's contours to zero or change the color to light blue, since the I dont want to see the black outline. The vector file is a Polygon (MultiPolygon) named vlayer2 ...
Lino.Lohan's user avatar
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PyQGIS: How to apply a color ramp on the symbol's outline when using QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer?

I have polygon layer containing overlapping features (service areas for several years) and I want their symbology to use a color ramp in QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer applied for each year use a ...
maxwhere's user avatar
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Display adjacent polygons without the shared borders becoming darker than the others?

When plotting adjacent polygons, for instance, the states of a country, the lines are usually thicker/darker in the border between two polygons, compared to a polygon on the edge of the map. That ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Cutting off polygons that exceed world boundaries in QGIS?

I have some polygons that exceed the boundaries of the world map on the latitude. Basically, they stick out of the world map overlay at the left and right side of the screen. This is causing them to ...
sjaak's user avatar
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Removing Overlapping Outlines Within a Single Feature Class

I have a polygon feature that is overlapping itself. Both of the polygons in the image below are from that same feature. I do not want to dissolve the boundaries, but I only want one of the outlines ...
geojasm's user avatar
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Applying color ramp to gradient fill in ArcMap?

I know that you cannot apply color ramps to the outline of a polygon, so essentially what I want to do is add a gradient fill with the inner color of the polygon being "no color", and then apply a ...
teo's user avatar
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Two adjoining lines becomes clearer than two individual

When having an outline style where the two edges interfere, they become much more dense in the color than when they are individual, see image below. It is an outline of a polygon. The thing is that ...
MichaelR's user avatar
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Saving Style as SLD in QGIS but after reloading unit changes from map units to pixel?

I have a style I am saving in QGIS (2.18) as an SLD. After reloading the Style onto the layer the ouline width changes to pixels instead of map units. I even checked the .sld in notepad and the uom-...
M.S.'s user avatar
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Graduated symbology shows borders between matching categories [duplicate]

I'm using graduated symbology on a vector layer in QGIS and i do not want lines between polygons of the same color. I tried making the border outline transparent, and also setting the border outline ...
Shane Armour's user avatar
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UK outline basemap [duplicate]

I am looking for a shapefile of the rough outline of the UK to use as a basemap, where is the best place to source one? All the shapefiles I have found have been extremely detailed with internal ...
rb1234's user avatar
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Outline overview for available datasets in QGIS

Assuming you have several 100 000 files on your discs which are all georeferenced which are all readable within QGIS (Raster maps, sqlite maps, vector maps, shapefile etc.) After 20+ years in ...
UHM's user avatar
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Can't view fill of small leaflet layer when zoomed out

I have a leaflet map with lots of little circles to mark particular points. When zoomed in, they look great. I can see both the orange fill and the black outline. When zoomed out, however, I can only ...
Teddy Ward's user avatar
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Drawing of building outlines (rooftops) based on low resolution aerial images

Google maps provides street and rooftop maps from corresponding aerial imagery, but not for all places. Please is there a method or available software to help outline rooftops from a set of map-tiles,...
Charles Okwuagwu's user avatar
3 votes
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Removing polygon outline that appears when creating multiple maps with ArcPy?

I am trying to create a series of maps using arcpy (see below my code that creates one map in each iteration). For each map I need to change the definition query and the value field, keeping the same ...
Ana's user avatar
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Select features tool- QGIS 2.14

When i select polygon with select tool- the whole polygon colored: i seek a way to select the shape only with outline, as it possible in ArcGIS. I know i can change the opasitiy in "Map Tool" but ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Slurred outline in QGIS [closed]

Why red outline is slurred ? I changed "outline widght" from 0,25 mm to 1,5 cm and problem is the same. Black outline got same settings like red, only size is different.
Brukarz Brukarz's user avatar
6 votes
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Changing thickness of outline in QGIS

How to change the thickness of this outline in QGIS?
Brukarz Brukarz's user avatar
1 vote
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Stopping classbreakvalues from changing symbology of point layer (remove strokes) using ArcPy? [duplicate]

I'm using ArcMap 10.4.1. I am trying to update a point layer symbology with a premade lyr file, then adjusting it's class break values in arcpy. It's working fine, only it changes the symbols back to ...
Silke's user avatar
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ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management sets polygon outlines to default

I'm struggling with an issue which I think is a bug in arcpy. I am using AddSymbologyFromLayer_management to apply the symbology from a reference layerfile (yes, an actual layerFILE, not a layer ...
s6hebern's user avatar
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2 answers

Change symbols outline color without losing fill pattern

I have defined a layer symbology like shown in the screenshot below (categories are applicable laws however). The layer symbology is defined like this i.e. (no pattern fill): For these three ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar