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Cost path avoiding distance on specified slope using ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to find a least cost path that avoids travelling more than a distance of 2 m up and over a slope of 45 degrees or greater. Any ideas on how to do this using ArcGIS Pro?
forestcomber's user avatar
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1 answer

ArcGIS Pro: Independently create optimized paths with fixed-width corridors from all sources to all destinations

I'm looking for a solution to create optimized fixed-width corridors as line features restricted by a barrier raster. The corridors should be independent from each other, meaning intersections are ...
Seb's user avatar
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Using two network / roads vector layers to calculate paths / routes

I'm working on a new problem that is complex to me, although I'd not be surprise to discover that there is already a solution to it in qgis. Here's an illustration of my problem : I have two roads ...
Vincent Monteil's user avatar
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How to search Landsat data using USGS M2M on Python based on row and path instead of a polygon area

I want to search for Landsat images via M2M API from USGS and its documentation can be found at the following link: The entire tutorial I follow can be found ...
Ilias Machairas's user avatar
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Setting path for QgsLayoutItemPicture using PyQGIS

In PyQGIS I want to define a path for a QgsLayoutItemPicture. Example: project = QgsProject.instance() manager = project.layoutManager() layout = QgsPrintLayout(project) layout.initializeDefaults() ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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How to find a path that goes through all points of a 2d graph while alternating between X axis and Y axis

I know my title isn't very descriptive, i'll try to explain it better here. Let's say I have a list of coordinates that is built as the following : list = [ (0,0) , (1,0) , (0,1) , (1,1) , (2,0) ] The ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Circle to polyline

I am using Maptiler's static map - - to generate a static map. I am trying to draw a simple map with a semi-...
llulai's user avatar
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Measure Flowpath Direction and Length from a Point

Using QGIS 3.28.2-Firenze. I created a depressionless DEM, created a shapefile with points I want to measure flow from by using "Add Point Feature", ran D8 Flow Pointer, and then ran ...
Michael Leonard's user avatar
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how could I calculate the shortest distance between points showing the distance in each different route?

I want to do a network analysis using any plugin, but the main problem is that I want to get the shortest distance between two points, but it must give me the distance in each route (in my case they ...
Joel Damian's user avatar
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Mixing absolute and relative layers sources in QGIS project

I want to mix relative and absolute paths in the QGIS project file. Is it possible to set relative paths for most of the layers in the QGIS project file, and to set absolute paths for a minor part of ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Mapping series of points in CSV file [closed]

I've got a CSV file with bird-tracking data in. Each bird has its own unique ID, and has 1 or more unique flight IDs. Each flight ID has several timestamped lat/long points (digital degrees) and it's ...
Birdtracker98's user avatar
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Making shortest path for number of each points with link layer in QGIS

I want to make shortest path for a number of each points with a link layer in QGIS. Now, shortest path tool have to click the start point and end point one by one. But I have 2,000 pairs. So I want to ...
user214014's user avatar
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Closest path between turbines to existing paths

I need to create the access road from the existing path to the turbines installed. We already have a layer with the existing path. I want to find the closest path through this existing path. Also I ...
Isabel Garcia's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS - Shortest Path (Layer to Layer)?

I have 2 data sets that I need to measure the distance between using road lines: In this example I want to connect the red points to their nearest blue point. Whilst this is easily done with a single ...
Jay7737's user avatar
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Create attribute in a field based on the part of the name of a file in a folder with Python in QGIS

I have a common path (F:\Comune) where there are folders with name that corresponds to the attribute of a field of the vector Zp.gpkg called "Numero". The field "Numero" for every ...
simone100's user avatar
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Updating string field with a path by using Field calculator . Version 3.18.2

Us it possible to update newly made string type field (column) with a path to a file on a local drive by using "field calculator". I tried with first defining type of field as "String&...
Marin Mirošević's user avatar
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Exporting selected features with predefined path to data and their name in QGIS with Python

I am trying to export selected data with predefined path where the data should be saved and how they should be named. Currently in my script I use the direct path and name, but I need to automate this ...
caro's user avatar
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Relative Path when linking a pdf to a feature

I'm trying to link PDF to features in QGIS. I do that by putting the path in a column named "PDF" and execute the default open action or a generic action command. So basically I don't have ...
Wicowan's user avatar
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QGIS points to path - colouring path/line with gradient colour

I'm using QGIS 3.16.15-Hannover (LTR). By using "Points to path" from the toolbox I created a path/line between several points from a CSV. However, I did not find any way to colour the ...
Alrik's user avatar
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Selecting path between two lines using ArcGIS Pro without creating network dataset

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 without a Network Analyst license so I cannot create a network dataset. In a feature class of connected lines I would like to be able to select any two of them and find a ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Dynamically scale line weight in Folium (polyline or antpath)

I draw lines and ant path in folium and I need to scale width of line for example 12 km width line but I can't use simple weight because it has dynamic width that changed when zoom in or out loc = [[...
Ped93's user avatar
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Cutting overlapping line by priorities

I have several line layers following an unique and same path. On some part, these layers overlap each others, so there are multiples segments overlapping. I need to find a way which grants me the ...
Basmo's user avatar
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Folders path with new version of QField

Through the QField app version 1.9.5 I imported some projects, with the related data, created with QGIS. The path I used to import the shapefiles and projects created during the field work was the ...
Davide's user avatar
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Calculating distance of a path/vector through multiple points in QGIS 3.16.3

I created a .csv file with coordinates to show a route between two locations where I live. I want to figure out the distance one would travel to arrive from one location(A) to another(B). With '...
Lufe's user avatar
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How to pick and export the deepest points of a DEM

I am trying to work out how I can pick and export (to XYZ) the deepest path of a DEM. I have a DEM surface (created from an 20cm XYZ file) where a straight line trench has been cut and I wish to pick ...
Tim W's user avatar
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8 votes
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Time-Space aquarium with paths

I am trying to reproduce this kind of spatial representation with QGIS. It's a space-time aquarium where each line represents a path compared to time: It is a representation from the Time geography, ...
user188527's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to solve error when querying the .shp file to Excel?

I am making a Python code with geopandas and xlwings, what I do is colsulse .shp files from Excel, it works fine but when it reaches the last line of the code (in_file) where it should be ...
Briam Ramon's user avatar
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QGIS point to path not aligned with road

Can I use QGIS 3.10 to display overlaid encoded google polylines, with the purpose of showing road network activity? I am using QGIS 3.10. I have a series of GPS points that go from one origin to ten ...
James's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to make scripts visible for import in PyQGIS

This script imports the desired module when used outside of a PyQGIS script in QGIS. How to tell QGIS where to look for the scripts, if not with sys.path.append()? import sys import os try : ...
Alexander Vocaet's user avatar
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How to export vector layer containing polylines into polygons in Google Earth

I'm using QGIS 3.16.5 Hannover and I already knew how to convert vector layer (from AutoCAD containing polylines) into KML format. When I export it as KML and open it up to Google Earth Pro, the ...
MarkLawrence_1993's user avatar
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Creating path between many points in Google Earth

Is there any specific way to convert approximately 25000 points in Google Earth Pro to paths or draw paths between points automatically? Since I want to obtain their altitude data, I need it to be a ...
Nima's user avatar
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How to link SQL file with relative path in Processing Scripts

I wrote a processing tool, which exports some tables from PostGIS to package, and as part of the export, I am calling an external SQL file to add some triggers, etc. The SQL file is located as my ...
Nil's user avatar
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Does QGIS support WMS/WCS Connections that use path variables?

With QGIS, I have added and configured WMS and WCS connections for parameter queries as per the applicable specifications and I am able to add the layers and view imagery. However, I have a need to ...
sherm008's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Points to Path Plug-in of QGIS

I was able to use the Points to Path plugin to create a simple line with a label in the middle: Here is the very simple text file I used: ID;GEOM "BL2990";"LINESTRING(490206.73 214102....
bdelliott's user avatar
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Viewing images with relative path through Attributes Form in QGIS

I work with Sw maps (field data collector) that generates shapefiles in which a field links to images through relative path. Originally I had non problem using Evis plugin, now discontinued. Now I ...
Fabio Giacomazzi's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding best path through set of many points using ArcGIS Pro

Assume I have many points, say 100 or more, that represent a station to visit. I want to choose one of them as a starting point, and then navigate to each and every one thereafter to take a sample of ...
user29061's user avatar
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Access GDAL result output

I have used rasterize function from GDAL in order to rasterize a shapefile that I have according to existing raster. The problem is that I'm not able to find or to show the resulting raster. This is ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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QGIS Modeler using File/Folder input paramerter

I would like to use the File/Folder input parameter to set a path for all output layer files. I was trying to connect the File/Folder parameter to my output from a model and set a default folder path. ...
Freddy's user avatar
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Saving a shapefile to an output file path in my function(which the user will provide)?

I have a function which takes the coordinate argument from the user and converts it to a shapefile, and finally saves that shapefile to the filepath that the user gives. This is the code... epsg_code ...
Slwd-wave540's user avatar
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Unable to deserialize entity which contains field with type org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath

I have an Entity which has a field named coordinates of type org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath : public class Geometry { ... @Column @NotNull private PGpath coordinates; I am trying to ...
chatzich's user avatar
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DLL load failed while importing _core. Environment path using PyQGIS

I am stuck trying to code a custom application with QGIS and Python. I have some Python knowledge but I am quite new to QGIS. I tried the intro of the cookbook: Running Custom Applications. Now while ...
pyqgis_newbie's user avatar
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Getting the first point's coordinates of column with type path

I have the table above CREATE TABLE public.geometry ( id serial not null primary key, distance float not null, height float not null, coordinates path not null, ...
chatzich's user avatar
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Exporting shapefiles as SVG polylines

Recently I've been using QGIS to create fracture tracemaps as line shapefiles. I need to export these lines as an SVG that uses the tag polylines rather than paths. I've used the SimpleSVG plugin but ...
katie3154xx's user avatar
5 votes
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Read path project and load layer

How can I correctly concatenate the path of a project with a specific shapefile layer and to be able to load it; this is: QgsProject.instance().readPath("./") <---path layer = iface....
Javier Garcia's user avatar
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Creating tracks for moving points (while discarding records without movement)

I have a csv with columns: id latitude longitude timestamp Many of the points (or "id"s) do not change "latitude"/"longitude" over time, others do. How do I filter out ...
map.apps's user avatar
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Path distance tool only downhill using ArcGIS Desktop

I'm working on a protection forest model against avalanches and rockfall processes and I have a problem with the path distance tool. I want to calculate the accumulated costs of rockfs travelling ...
Moritz Waas's user avatar
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Are there project-specific svgPaths for QGIS?

I have a QGIS project that needs custom SVG symbols. These are all in a directory next to the myproject.qgs project file (and FWIW, everything is under version control): myproject/ .git/ ...
vog's user avatar
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combine layers in qgis

I have a Shapefile that includes country divisions (Polygon). I have another Shapfile that relates to the country's roadmap (Path). I also have another Shapfile that relates to the village points (...
 office's user avatar
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Configure shortest path calculation with specific origin/destination points

I would like to calculate the shortest path from a point to another following a network. I'm currently using QNEAT3 for that purpose, but I can either calculate one path from two specific points or a ...
Brunod's user avatar
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Change path to help in QGIS 3.4.8 LTR

I want to use the offical help from qgis, which I can open with the F1 button. But it doesn´t work. I always get this message: I checked the Settings → Options →System, the path is right. And in the ....
joe_gerner's user avatar