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Cost path avoiding distance on specified slope using ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to find a least cost path that avoids travelling more than a distance of 2 m up and over a slope of 45 degrees or greater. Any ideas on how to do this using ArcGIS Pro?
forestcomber's user avatar
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Calculating distance of a path/vector through multiple points in QGIS 3.16.3

I created a .csv file with coordinates to show a route between two locations where I live. I want to figure out the distance one would travel to arrive from one location(A) to another(B). With '...
Lufe's user avatar
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Check if path along triangular shapefile possible

I have a problem I came across but don't know how to solve it. I have a triangular shapefile of a river with one attribute value being the water depth. The idea is to find out if fish are able to swim ...
lastmanstanding's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Given a path, find the position on this path by traveled distance

I have a table that consists of a point and a sequence number which forms a path, similar to this: create table path ( sequence int, stop_position geometry(Point, 4326) ); The problem I am ...
R. Lochner's user avatar