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Questions tagged [permissionerror]

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2 votes
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Unable to rename copied geodatabase [closed]

I have an existing script that copies a geodatabase to another location and renames it. It uses arcpy and os libraries to do it. copy_from = r"C:\test.gdb" copy_to = r"D:\test.gdb" ...
Yashbhatt's user avatar
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QField: NMEA serial connection issues

I am trying to connect QField to a BT serial port that is receiving NMEA stream from a GNSS receiver. QField is running on a Panasonic FZ-G1 running Windows 10. Both QGIS and puTTY are able to receive ...
Jabberwocky's user avatar
3 votes
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Deleting shapefile after removing it with removeMapLayer using PyQGIS

I am currently working on a script that searches for a currently loaded layer in PyQGIS and does some calculations. Then it removes the layer and deletes the whole shapefile in its directory. ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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Synchronisation issue

I try to synchronise my project with QFieldCloud, but a network error occurs [QF/permission_denied_plan_insufficient] Permission denied because the useraccount’s plan is insufficient]. It worked ...
Tiphaine's user avatar
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WinError 32 when appending new features to an existing layer in python console

I've seen this error pop up on questions here a few times, but I'm still running into issues with it. I'm trying to append a feature class of 'new' points to an existing layer. The main problem is ...
podreps's user avatar
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Properly closing GeoPackage after opening by OGR so as to delete it later

I am creating a program that downloads a GeoPackage from online, opens it, makes a copy of the first layer as a shapefile, and then (hopefully) deletes the GeoPackage. However, I'm not able to delete ...
ENIAC-6's user avatar
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Deleting folder and processed files in QGIS using PyQGIS

My script creates a folder named 'output' and saves processed files there. I am trying to delete this folder and all files within it, if I need to re-run the script (see reproducible example at the ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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Permission Error When Calling a Function That Takes a Feature Class and Writes Each Row to A csv

When calling this function within the class method export_Tables: def export_Tables(self): ##TODO - Need to Modify This Function To Loop Through Each FC And Export def tableToCSV(...
MulfordnSons's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What means error "Changes to this form will not be saved. 1 field does not meet its constraints."

I just updated to QGIS 3.20. Now I can no longer do multiple updates, due to a constraint at the field ID. I changed the constraint of ID but the problem stays. I do can make changes when I select ...
Annemie's user avatar
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Lacking permissions for other users when saving QGIS 3 project on Windows 10

When saving a project under QGIS 3.x on a local Windows PC under e.g. c:\tmp another user logged on to the PC cannot open the project due to lacking permissions. The project file saved from QGIS 3 ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Errno 13 "Permission Denied" when running tools and plugins on QGIS

I am having an issue with multiple tools when using QGIS where I am constantly getting PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied type errors. A lot of it seems to be associated with tools that use ...
Daniel Leibowitz's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

WinError 32 error when trying to delete shapefiles with QGIS python

I've looked at some answers on here about deleting shapefiles with QGIS but I still seem to be running into errors. I am trying to delete shapefiles that have no attribute data in them (so 0 rows). My ...
Emtomp's user avatar
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Unable to perform SAGA point snapping to line on Win and Mac

I have been trying to snap points from a shapefile to a line feature from another shapefile. However, each time I do this, I get the following error(s) (depending upon the OS used): (For OSX El ...
Sumit Shokeen's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to connect to postgres server in Database Manager [closed]

I try to connect to my postgres server, hence I got this failure And following error: 2018-04-26T18:02:05 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python/...
axel_ande's user avatar
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