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ArcGIS Pro not reading PGW file

When I upload the PNG file into ArcGIS Pro it doesn't seem to access or read the associated PGW file. The error I get is that it has "Unknown Coordinate System" How do I go about correcting ...
Paul Martin's user avatar
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Is there any way to get the information in XML, or GeoJSON or in any text format for this ArcGIS from URL?

I have a URL like this Source Page https://...
Self's user avatar
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Giving Projection for more than one .png format at same time using ArcGIS Desktop?

I want to give a projection for multiple PNG files at the same time i.e. not one by one. Is there a tool for this or can we give a projection to that folder?
Nitinkumar Waghmare's user avatar
3 votes
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What CRS to use for cylindrical raster world map?

I've drawn a cylindrical world map for a fictional planet. Exported it as png and scaled it, so one pixel corresponds to one km at the equator and from north to south pole. I tried several ...
DonMeles's user avatar
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Transforming a PNG from RD_new to WGS84

I got the request to transform a PNG in RD_new to WGS84. Is this possible? I was thinking of changing the accompanied world file its coordinates. I do not think it is possible to load in a png in a ...
Zuenie's user avatar
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How to plot a point on a static Google map [png]?,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&markers=...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar