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Read a PNG and JPEG image with world file in Java

I have a program where given an image I want to read the coordinates for each pixel. I have implemented the code if the given image is a TIFF image and it works fine. The code that gives me the object ...
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Reading from PNG file in Java from using GDAL

I've used gdalwarp.exe to project a tif-file from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:32635 and storing it in the PNG-format: gdalwarp.exe -dstalpha -t_srs EPSG:32635 -s_srs EPSG:4326 -if GTiff -of PNG -et 0.125 -r ...
Paul's user avatar
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Extract polygons of PNG with GdalOgrInJava

I have PNG pictures with polygons of different colours on them. What I plan to do is to extract these Polygons using the polygonize function (see here) Then I will try to encode the polygons in ...
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