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Questions tagged [point]

A geometric element defined by a pair of x,y coordinates.

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2 answers

Extracting coordinates from shapely geometry polygon with PyQGIS

I have the following code to generate a polygon from some calculated points (x/y pairs a,b,c,d) and rotate it by a given angle (Line_Head) around a given point (Rot_Point). This works. ""&...
WillH's user avatar
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Find lowest value of nearby points [closed]

Essentially I need to create a point one foot away from multiple parcel boundaries where the adjacent sewer line has the lowest elevation. These parcels do not intersect with these sewer lines (sewer ...
Katherine Pak's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create new point location based on various azimuth and distance in ArcGIS Pro [duplicate]

I have a point layer in ArcGIS containing distance and azimuth information in an attribute table. I would need to create a new layer from this source layer, where the points are shifted by distance in ...
Michfr's user avatar
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Add colored points to QGIS from CSV file of latitude and longitude

I would like to display on top of various rasters / base maps, a set of points that have fields: Latitude Longitude z and I want them colored according to the z-value, choosing some kind of color ...
Luca's user avatar
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QGIS Map doesn't show all the points imported with a CSV file after dezooming

I’m working on a historical map using QGIS, incorporating city names onto it. I have my OpenStreetMap, the historical map is georeferenced, and I’ve imported all my cities from a CSV file. However, I’...
NoobWithPython's user avatar
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All points disappear after saving layer. How can I get them back?

I imported a file with many points (5000+) into QGIS and then proceeded to add some more. However, when I click the button "save the changes on layer" all the points disappear. QGIS ...
Miranda Gómez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Generating two points between two existing points using PyQGIS [closed]

I have the following problem: I have two points and I need a script to create two new points that are contained between the existing points and that the 4 points are collinear. I will add two images ...
Aloísio Ângelo's user avatar
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QGIS 3.28.9 crash when using Random Points in Polygon

I'm trying to create points in a raster layer of livestock chickens data. After creating an output raster with the values of interest, I used the Polygonize tool to vectorize the output raster. At ...
Iven Pepa's user avatar
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Сhanging color of previously saved points (markers) in QGIS

How to change the color of previously saved points (markers) during the process of raster binding? During the process of raster binding, we put a dot marker on one layer, and then on another. By ...
Alex Solonica's user avatar
4 votes
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Finding the nearest point with QGIS Field Calculator

I have to point layers: Boreholes (with 100 features) Trees (with 300 features) The tree layer has three attributes: I would like to find the closest tree (based on "Tree_ID") to each ...
sMartines's user avatar
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Connecting point features by ID & Time columns in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to measure distance between points in ArcGIS Pro. Specifically, I want to connect a series of points that have location, time-stamp (every 2-3 seconds), and ID columns. My dataset is large ...
anzac21's user avatar
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Drawing line defined by start and end points within attribute table in QGIS

I am creating a map with multiple labels. For these, I am using Points with Symbols because I have to be able to control the placement very strictly. I would like to add attribute fields to the Point ...
Helena's user avatar
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Identifying raster cells with points in them

I'm going to provide some specific information which could help, but in general, I'm looking for a way to identify raster cells as either containing point type 1, point type 2, or not containing a ...
Carter Dills's user avatar
4 votes
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Determining coordinates of point B and C given distance and coordinates from point A to point B and C in QGIS

I have vessel heading, angle and distance to the animal sighting (С) and distance to point B. I need the coordinates for both points C and B. How do I go about this for many marine mammal sightings in ...
Jean's user avatar
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Calculating of point stationing along axis in QGIS

I have this issue in QGIS: I need to calculate the stationing of start- and endpoints from line features (cable management system) alongside an axis (railway). The stationing should run along the axis ...
Martin's user avatar
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Getting data at a specific lat/lon point on a curvilinear grid

I'm working with HRRR data, which is in a lambert conic conformal projection. The specifications for the projection are projection = ccrs.LambertConformal( central_longitude = -97.5, ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

QGIS point sampling misses data on edge of raster (possible bug?)

It seems I may have discovered a shortcoming in the way QGIS handles raster sampling in points. Since yesterday evening (18/7), one small issue has begun to elude me (during my comeback geofictional ...
Routhwick's user avatar
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Putting points on map using ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to create a map that shows a shaded region and a bunch of labeled dots of landmarks in the area. For example, I want to have a map of New York City with Manhattan shaded and then a dot ...
asterlid's user avatar
2 votes
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Moving features of different geometries at the same time in QGIS

In QGIS 3.34 I would like to move a point feature and a polygon feature at the same time. The polygon is a round buffer around a point. I am only able to edit the point and polygon one after the other....
Kevin_S2021's user avatar
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Create a trendline variable

i'm looking for create a variable with the linear fit data, so i can add to the map layer the new raster map with this band (variable), do you know how to do this? i want to create a raster where ...
Rodrigo Recavarren's user avatar
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Point features not rotating when map view is rotated using QGIS

I have a point layer in QGIS with features sorted after a specified value. Meaning, my features are categorized and are symbol layers of type "Font Marker". Now, since they are street labels ...
Juan Sebastian Barajas Narvaez's user avatar
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Assigning unique ID to new points in QGIS

I want to add a new field to my feature attribute table. In this field, I want to generate a random ID (just a number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.) for every new and existing point I create on the map. This is ...
Agos's user avatar
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Generating values and creating heatmap from three different point vector layers in QGIS

In QGIS I would like to turn what I have into a heatmap. I have 3 different sets of points that go across the map of the UK (see the image attached) that represent coastal marine habitats. What I want ...
Greeny's user avatar
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Missing points datasets global monitor energy

I want to use the GEM data from Global Monitor Energy and incorporate it into QGIS. I downloaded the Excel data which I converted to CSV. Then, I wanted to add the layer thus created with the "...
AlexandreBAZ's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying two elements in the same coordinate in QGIS [duplicate]

In QGIS I have two elements in the same coordinate and I believe the software is recognizing them as only one point. Is there a way for me to visually display in the map the presence of more than one ...
artretr0's user avatar
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QGIS using Geometry Generator to connect multiple points within a layer separately

I have a CSV layer containing roughly 50,000 individual point vectors of vessel tracking data. The attribute columns are date/time, latitude, longitude, vessel ID and vessel name. Some vessels have ...
Lane Simkin's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Aligning surveyed point layers in QGIS

I’m wondering if QGIS has a tool to align the lat, long, and alt data of two point layers based on a common point. I have data like this: Survey 1 points: A B C Survey 2 points: C D E I’d like to ...
Skookum's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I name points on a shapefile layer?

I have a shapefile layer with a bunch of points placed on a map. I would like to name each point "R01" "R02" and so on. I know how to give each point a numerical value that I can ...
Nico Pare's user avatar
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38 views GeoJSON point layer not extruding

I have a GeoJSON layer in which I'm trying to extrude based on the elevation property. E.g. { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { ...
guest_231213's user avatar
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Counting points in polygons and adjacent polygons

I would like to sum up the amount of points in a polygon and in surrounding polygons adding certain weights. Step 1. Here an example with one point: where the point is contained the weight should be ...
Anna's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do my markers not show on my tmap, using two different data frames?

I have a data frame that plots the urban area units from the Timaru District, New Zealand. To give you some idea of the size of the map, this is the Wiki page on Timaru showing geographical location ...
Michelle's user avatar
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How to find a specific distance upstream from a point

I am trying to find a simple way to map sections of a river which are covered by a Mink trap. So I have a river layer and a points layer for where the traps are placed. I want to select all rivers (...
Owain's user avatar
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QGIS DEM to elevation Points, pixels not centred

I have a DEM which I'm trying to convert into a point layer in QGIS. I used the raster pixels to points tool, which seemed to work, except that the points are not in the centre of the DEM pixels. They ...
user240982's user avatar
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Creating tangential lines at points along shoreline in QGIS

I want to create tangential lines for each point along a shoreline in QGIS, such as the dashed line I've hand-drawn. These points are not randomly spaced, they each represent the angle at which each ...
Aubree's user avatar
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Clip NetCDF data by point shapefile in Python [duplicate]

I have .nc files containing global chl-a data. I want to clip these files using a point shapefile and get the chl-a values specifically for those points. However, every similar code that I have come ...
saba moshtaghi's user avatar
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Display point labels alternatively to left and right

I am working in QGIS and I have a point layer whose labels are to be displayed left or right of the point. The formula I tried to make it work is, in label placement, selected Offset from Point mode, ...
Trikelians's user avatar
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Control feature order or z-index for WebGL layer icons? (OpenLayers)

I want to control the order icons appear on a WebGL layer so icons in the north appear in the back and overlap to the front as they appear southwards. Since the WebGL layer does not have a renderOrder ...
Sidders's user avatar
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How to apply style array to WebGL points layer (OpenLayers)

How can I apply an array of styles to a WebGL Points layer in OpenLayers? For example, if I use the following code to apply a circle and an icon, only the icon is visible - so is what I want to do ...
Sidders's user avatar
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QGIS - plot points based on user defined origin

I've been given a CSV containing X and Y points (as seen below). However, these are in metres from the origin in which the person has self-specified. For example, in EPSG:4326 I may want to specify ...
guest_231213's user avatar
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Synchronizing point layer with external table in QGIS

In QGIS I have an external table imported from MySQL where several users insert data through a website. This table is imported into QGIS and I have a join with a geopack that contains the x and ...
Kestrelol's user avatar
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How to draw KML LineString with icons at each point

I'm trying to figure out how to draw a line in KML with some sort of indicators at each point in the line. For an overly simplified example, say someone is hiking and they periodically record their ...
KBRSean's user avatar
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A function to change a GPS' exported code into viable lines / polygons

One of my older GPS systems records and exports the point type that it measures though a code. For instance: 1111 means it's a line that's part of a polygon belonging to a floor. -1111 would be the ...
Raf's user avatar
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Calculate distances between all point features in one layer and all point features in another layer (NOT only nearest)

I would like to calculate distances between all point features in one layer and all point features in another layer using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 tools or ModelBuilder. I'm not looking for distance to the ...
Sn0W's user avatar
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QGIS creating 4 offset points from a set of points

I work with a lot of projects where I have point shapefiles where the points are in a line that is not always straight. I have been wanting to find a way for a while now to create offsets from these ...
Jar Shaw's user avatar
4 votes
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Calculating azimuth between two points using their projected coordinates with Python

First of all, the goal is to create small lines from points at each end of a LineString. However, for it a step is to calculate the azimuth for the first and second, and second last and last vertex. ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Imported points not aligned with Google roads and KML Shapefile

I imported points to Qgis they are appear behind the alignment and system used EPSG 21036 and points system used was also arc1960.
Collins Murashani's user avatar
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CSV with Coordinates in QGIS [closed]

I want to upload a CSV in QGIS (add layer "Data source manager", "delimiter text"). Every time when I'm uploading the file it won't show me as a point layer. What am I doing wrong?
Vivien Müller's user avatar
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ArcGIS "Buffered"/Blurry Point Symbol

I have a point layer with oscillating confidence in their correct location (1-5) and want to style them representing this fuzziness. In a storymap, I found a symbology with radially increasing ...
Wernazuma's user avatar
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How do I create a raster from points of soil samples in QGIS?

I have collected samples of soils from fields and have a GPS coordinates and soil test for element K, P and Mg for each of them. Now I would like to create a raster for each field based on the vector ...
David Nadrchal's user avatar
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Error message when trying to export linked objects from a WFS pointlayer

I am new to QGIS and therefore not that experienced with GIS programs. Currently, I am trying to export a few objects from a big WFS pointlayer to multiple smaller layers. Some of these objects are &...
Student M's user avatar

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