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Questions tagged [population]

Use this tag for questions that are oriented specifically to problems in population science and to demographic analyses that have a spatial dimension.

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Show settlement labels on a map based on population and settlement density in different areas

Is it possible to show settlement labels based on population and settlement density in QGIS 3.36? I have two layers of settlements: Biggest Cities Layer: This layer contains the largest cities, which ...
Filip's user avatar
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Making population density map in QGIS

I have a CSV file of Red Squirrel trail cam sightings. The file has multiple sightings for each trail cam location and includes date, time and location. Using the Heatmap symbology gives me a good ...
Vic's user avatar
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Heatmap with population and travel time using ArcGIS Pro

I have two different layers one which consists of polygons that represent travel time (15, 30, 45) and another which contains demographic information. I want to create a heat map similar to this that ...
A. Cervantes's user avatar
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Finding out how many people are affected by rail noise in Florida using ArcGIS Pro

I have a TIGER rail line file and the census block layer for Florida. I clipped the rail line file to only have rail lines in Florida, added a buffer to approximate the area extending off the rail ...
Rob's user avatar
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Population clustering from Raster using ArcMap

I have a raster image with different pixel values, each one representing the number of people living in the pixel. I want to cluster the pixels based on the sum of the pixel values equaling 1000 in ...
Sahan Sankalpa's user avatar
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Reducing the resolution of population data but getting 1.5x the actual population values

I am trying to reduce the resolution of a raster to the resolution of another dataset for later processing. In other words, I would like to reduce the population image by summing the number of people ...
margie's user avatar
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Population weighted centroids imported into QGIS are located off the coastline

I am new to QGIS. Imported the census population weighted centroids shape file retrieved from NHGIS as a vector layer into QGIS and they are nearly always where I would expect them but a sprinkling of ...
ClaireR's user avatar
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Population density grid confusion

I have a multi polygons data where red means most populated and white means less populated. I created a gridded population density (image on the right) out of them, but the result seems not quite make ...
Jack Zaki Zakiul Fahmi Jailani's user avatar
2 votes
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Download WorldPop data (100m) in R

I am trying to download population count data (100m pixel size) from WorldPop using the R package wpgpDownloadR. The code: # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("wpgp/...
Nikos's user avatar
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How to colour categorise population estimates using GRID3 Settlement Extents in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

I am new to ArcGIS Pro and geospatial data in general. I have downloaded settlement extents data from I had naively thought the data would display the population in a heatmap like ...
Mizzlwe's user avatar
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Estimate population of Nabweru subcounty using composite image of night time light from VIIRS ,NDVI and LST using Google earth engine

am currently doing a research project due for presentation and its effectiveness in estimating population using nighttime satellite imagery. a case study is Nabweru sub-county KLA uganda. I was to use ...
Joe Walubi's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to only get the population per country with World Bank Open Data

I try to get the population of every country with an API, but I looked at the World Bank Open Data but I can't find just the population of each country. I looked, and I find lots and lots of data ...
Eli-ott's user avatar
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Importing squares indicated through EPSG:3035 into QGIS and merge with shapefiles

I have some data on population estimates in Germany for 1km by 1km squares. (Data can be found here: when you ...
romanowski's user avatar
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US population data entity at a level of granularity smaller than zip code tabulation area? Neighborhood, housing tract, section of town, etc

Is there a data entity that would correspond to population clusters within a zip code tabulation area? Something that would correspond, even if only roughly, with a neighborhood or housing tract or ...
Tim's user avatar
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Calculating population in catchment area in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22.0 (Biatowieza) by means of the "OpenRouteService" Plugin I was able to get isochrones for my point layer. The "ORS Tools" Plugin calculates the population within the ...
rtaani's user avatar
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QGIS - How to split and display Population Data according to District/Province?

I'm a complete beginner in QGIS, currently self-teaching myself through Youtube. Current Problem: To split and display population data according to district/province Project Background: To measure ...
Senpai-C's user avatar
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How do I calculate population within radius on Google Earth Engine?

I'm trying to calculate the population within a specific radius within a specific country using Google Earth Engine. My plan is to use reduceToVectors to convert the population values into a ...
geor4nge's user avatar
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How would I calculate the sum of the values of a band around a specific pixel in Google Earth Engine?

I'm trying to calculate the population within a certain radius around a specific pixel, but I don't know how to define the geometry of the region to reduce. This is what I would imagine it might look ...
geor4nge's user avatar
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Calculating population of only urban areas from a raster layer

I have a raster file of population data downloaded from I also have a shape file of township polygons but what I am trying to do is to only calculate population of urban areas not ...
Witt Yee's user avatar
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Rounding imprecision when performing area-weighted interpolation of population (discrete) data

I guess this is more a conceptual question. I'm performing area-weighted interpolation between two very granular geometries, and I have three variables: population_total, population_men and ...
Kauê Braga's user avatar
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Does GADM have level 2 population data availability for African countries

I was wondering if GADM have level 2 population data availability for African countries (as many years as possible)? If not, would anyone know other resources that may have?
Christian Holm's user avatar
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What scale to specify when getting a summary statistic for an entire country?

I am trying to calculate the population in a country as follows: //Population per square km: var pop_count = ee.ImageCollection("CIESIN/GPWv411/GPW_Population_Count").filter('...
Emma's user avatar
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Splitting population between overlapping polygon features

I have a quadratic grid with a different population in each square as the first layer and I have polygons that I made with the ORS Plugin as the second layer. In my previous question, I got some good ...
Kamel Rajjoub's user avatar
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Counting population within polygons

I am really new with QGIS I have a quadratic grid with different populations in each square and I have made polygons with the ORS plugin. The polygons cover some squares in full and some squares only ...
Kamel Rajjoub's user avatar
-1 votes
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Calculating average elevation from given points layer and DEM

I am using QGIS 3.18. I have a point layer showing population estimates at the administrative center points and an aster digital elevation map. I'm trying to calculate the average elevation of these ...
Trisha's user avatar
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Categorising raster data based on shapefile boundaries

I've tried searching for an answer but honestly I'm not even sure how to word my search. I'm using Arc GIS Pro. I have two layers that I want to analyse. The first layer is a shapefile and it covers ...
GISNoob's user avatar
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Note QGIS raster calculator defaults to not being accurate

[Edited title of post based on fact that @wingnut solved it] I'm trying to normalise a population density map such as this one (e.g. to a maximum of 255). The maximum value in the file to begin with ...
JohnH's user avatar
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1 answer

Dividing value of polygon in polygon inside it [duplicate]

I'm working with population data. I want to divide the population value (labeled in the orange square)in the polygons inside it (blue polygons). Any ideas?
Mohamed Ghayth Chihaoui's user avatar
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How to control for population density?

My project requires me to control number of stores by population density in each neighborhood. For instance, suppose I know neighborhood A has 10 stores and a population density of 100 people/sq mile ...
Gereon Rath's user avatar
-1 votes
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Seeking data on population per postcode district in UK [closed]

I'm searching for a data set which contains the population of each postcode district (e.g SG1 or LE2) in the UK. I'm struggling to find this anywhere especially for free. Is there anywhere I can find ...
Dom McEwen's user avatar
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The proportion of population covered by created isochrones in QGIS

I created isochrones using Iso-Area as polygons algorithm is QGIS. I would like to calculate the proportion of the population covered by the created isochrones. Is there any tool in QGIS to do this?
Elham's user avatar
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Creating buffer rings of equal population size using ArcMap

I am trying to create a shapefile of equal population size buffer rings. Similar to the procedure of creating multi-ring buffers of distance around a point, find the intersects of the buffers with a ...
ALCZ's user avatar
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Estimate population with two overlapping shapefiles

I have two levels of geography: blue polygons (18,000 districts) and black polygons (400 districts). But, I only have population data for the blue areas Is there a tool in Arc Map which will estimate ...
Kerri's user avatar
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Using a postcode sector map with a population attribute, create clusters of those sectors to have a total population within a defined range

I have a postcode sector map in QGIS and one of the attributes is 'population'. I am trying to create a map showing what postcode sectors would need to be clustered together in order to split the ...
MapMan's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

List of Most Populated US Census Designated Places [closed]

I know I can find population totals for incorporated places here, but I'm unsure where to find a similar list for census designated places. This Wiki table seems to indicate this data is out there ...
John Roberts's user avatar
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Splitting population data proportionally using Identity tool of ArcGIS Desktop

I am preparing a term project and I have the vector data of the roads and zones layer for to prepare rural access index in Istanbul. My zones layer also has the attribute nufus17 which means ...
Berke Şentürk's user avatar
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Sources for population density map of Europe

I want to make population density map for EU where I can show populations of people aged about 65yrs, where can I get a EU shapefile and population Excel file? Is there any EU shape file available ...
geoak's user avatar
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How to impute country to a global population grid?

Have following gridded population data (available from the History Database of the Global Environment, HYDE) It looks like this: ncols ...
Zoltan Navy's user avatar
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Converting gray band from dataset to RGB with rasterio for population density

I am seeking a solution that provides me a range of values rather than the provided 0 and 255 from rasterio. That most likely meant that I had to set the photometric and bands and ColorInterp to ...
acwpython's user avatar
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Population density: 1000 people/ km2

What does it mean when in certain publications they write population density (1000 people/km2)? Does it mean that they calculate the population density by dividing the number of people by the area of ...
Grace 's user avatar
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Getting population by country using Google Earth Engine

I was trying to get the population by country by using GEE. I tried the following code: // world population 2015 var pop = ee.Image("JRC/GHSL/P2016/POP_GPW_GLOBE_V1/2015"); print(pop); Map.addLayer(...
pmj's user avatar
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ACS Data Interpretation

I am working with ACS 5-Year Data at the block group level in ArcGIS, and was hoping someone could explain what one of the elements on my attribute table means. I know that the B00001e1 is some type ...
Drew Heiderscheidt's user avatar
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Splitting Polygon by Population?

I'm new to GIS. I'm working on a project right now that is about assisted living facilities in my state. I have a map of my state that I've divided into six regions by creating Thiessen polygons. The ...
Mike Silva's user avatar
5 votes
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Clustering of points based on 1 or 2 attributes

In QGIS: I have data of sightings of a particular animal that has been mapped as points. Some of these may be repeated sightings. I've classed the sightings according to 'SightCode' which represents ...
Caragh's user avatar
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Population centroid of irregular-shaped German counties based on a population density grid

I'm new to QGIS and stuck with this task. Here's the data I'm working with: 1-square-kilometer grid Shapefile of Germany (
flx_adam's user avatar
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Raster smoothing - assigning each raster the average value of its neighbors

I have a raster world map of population densities at a resolution of 30 arc seconds. For each raster, I want to find out the average density of neighbors within a certain distance (e.g. 0.1 degrees). ...
philsch's user avatar
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Population calculation per grid using QGIS?

I have a ward map of a city along with the population in each ward. I have divided the map into 1 km* 1 km grids. How do I calculate the population per grid, taking into account that there can be ...
JAGRITI's user avatar
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Dividing polygons into equal sub-regions based on population using QGIS? [duplicate]

I'm using demographic data in California by census tract, and I'd like to be able to group those census tracts into 4 regions with an equal population in each region. Any recommendations for how to do ...
ldreher's user avatar
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How to create an area cartogram in Shapefile format

I am working with state level data on health insurance to create a map with each state color-coded based on that data. This is fairly straight forward but some of the largest states geographically are ...
Benjamin Zhu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Seeking population data for Detroit?

I need population and age breakdown data for Detroit. I have found census tract shapefiles but none with the attribute data that I need. Any idea where I might find such data?
Cindy's user avatar
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