Questions tagged [position]

The latitude, longitude, and altitude (x,y,z coordinates) of a point, often accompanied by an estimate of error.

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1 vote
1 answer

QGIS Find position for point objects on a line object and add this length attribute to any point object

My QGIS (3.22. Biatowieza) question is the following: I have a line layer with objects that have a length in metres. And there is a separate point layer with point objects that are located besides of ...
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1 answer

Delete duplicate features by value and relative position in QGIS

I have a point layer with features of which some share the same date (fieldname: 'Datum' with format: "dd.MM.yyyy"). The date that is shared by some features is not a single specific one but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Select point features within same polygon AND with same field value QGIS

The situation I have a point layer ("Beobachtungen") and a single part polygon layer ("Single parts"). For both layers, every feature has a unique id. As shown in the image, some ...
1 vote
1 answer

LLA vs ECEF--which to choose?

I will be providing points in 3D to an external source via XML. One coworker suggests Lat/Long/Alt and another suggests ECEF. We can do either without much trouble. We have an existing product that ...
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0 answers

How to get a 1m precision coordinates?

I'm working on a project which examines different approaches for indoor positioning. All of these approaches return coordinates (lat/lon). What I need to do is create a digital map to compare returned ...
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Positioning by length of line-element section using QGIS

To indicate a position along a line-element (like a road, or in my case a river) I want to use the chainage of the river (in German: Kilometrierung) rather than regular coordinates. The chainage of a ...
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0 answers

Calculating position of target of drone

We have an dji matricies 300 rtk video. I would like to detect position of something. Here an example photo what I would like to detect. Green rectangle is my target.Black rectangle is mid point of ...
8 votes
0 answers

Position of vehicles relative to lead vehicle

I have a set of vehicles (think railway) that are in a (semi)fixed formation. I know the lead vehicle and I know the GPS coordinates of the lead vehicle at any given time. Sometimes, I can rely on the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to detect other objects are on which side of an object based on lat long

I am working on a system that detects the lat/long of vehicles. I want to track other vehicle's position: left, top-left, right, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left etc based on lat/long. I have ...
5 votes
1 answer

Qfield project shows wrong GPS position [closed]

I created a project in QGIS with project CRS in EPSG:3857, packed it for Qfield with Qfield Sync plugin and saved it to my Android device. When I open the project there with Qfield and activate GPS, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Leaflet - Update position of different markers on drag

I created several markers from data saved in an array. Now, I want to make draggable these markers and get the new positions of them in some inputs. Unfortunately I don't understand how to update ...
2 votes
1 answer

QGIS georeferencing leads to wrong position

I'm trying to georeference a TIFF file in QGIS (version 3.20.0-Odense) based on a WMS layer (EPSG:4326). The project is in EPSG: 25832 and I used the same as output for the georeferencing (4 points, ...
0 votes
1 answer

GPS coordinates capturing with Qfield

I am designing a QGIS project for collecting data in the field using Qfield or INPUT as mobile app. So the question is how to know if the surveyor is standing within the parcel when collecting data. I ...
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1 answer

Add another set of coordinate values in the same point entity in QField (line start and end)

In an attemp to add another set of x,y coordinate to QField (mark the start and the end of a line feature with points) I have created another set of "lat" "long" fields linked to a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Calculating new satellite position given pseudorange measurements

I'm looking for a reference/text for an explicit formula to calculate a satellite position given pseudorange measurements from later epoch times. I've seen a lot of matlab code on the internet but I ...
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0 answers

Pop-Up position compared to the marker clicked in OpenLayers

I would like to center a pop-up on the marker where I click now it is moved to the right and above the marker. I tried two methods: Method 1: var f = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( event.pixel, ...
0 votes
1 answer

sunAngle() calculation in R giving wrong results

I need to find the hourly sun angle (angle at which the sun strikes the Earth) for a particular position (latitude, longitude) for a given day in Belgium. I used sunAngle() from "oce" ...
1 vote
0 answers

Detecting bad positions from good GPS coordinates using QGIS

Many years back people marked the position manually on a map to get waypoints of for example electric wire connection hubs, (I will call them "map-points") before we had smartphones with GPS ...
8 votes
1 answer

QGIS Making population pyramids as diagrams

I'm trying to make age-gender pyramids as diagrams placed over centroids of map shapes. Using horizontal histograms I can create the right hand side: And by switching the direction of the bars (from ...
2 votes
0 answers

QGIS 3.16: how to fix the position when open a form, Python Init function

When I open a form with "Identify Features", I would like to have it always at the same position (top left corner or in the center of the screen). Usually it moves every time I open it a ...
1 vote
1 answer

CSV projection not aligned with QGIS OSMap

I have a CSV file with lat and long coordinates of several points. The coordinates are expressed in the following format: LAT -35,019470 LON -58,427770 (which is the format used in google maps to ...
4 votes
2 answers

Positioning columns in QGIS Mapcomposer

I am trying to make a simple map with the following legend: Whatever I change in the settings I can't get the other boxes of the predicted deprivation section to be place under the group title. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Set position of attribute table extended to next page

I am creating a script to export an attribute table in pdf format with PyQGIS 3. The number of features is different regarding the farmer. pdf_table = QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable.create(layout) ...
0 votes
1 answer

Visualizing car speed data in ArcMap

I have gathered positional (Long and Lat) data and the corresponding speed of a vehicle over a specific route. I am able to plot the X-Y coordinates in ArcMap 10.7 over a basemap which essentially ...
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0 answers

Pseudo-range computing

I have to compute the relative pseudo-range for my student job, unfortunately, nobody can help me because they are not read into the topic enough. So I'm asking here: My receiver has to have a 1500 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Latitude labels location on map

Following Label coordinate position of Grid lines explanations I was able to create latitude lines every 10 degrees with labels. The values of the latitudes are drawn following the prime meridian (0 ...
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0 answers

Wrong CRS in map with QGIS [duplicate]

I have made a raster elevation map of Greenland, and have information of the region, cities and more as vectors. The information is not in the same place as my elevation map. I have selected EPSG:...
1 vote
1 answer

Calculating relative height of point on slope relative to nearest creek and ridge using ArcMap

I'm attempting to calculate the relative height (values between 0 and 1 preferably) of waypoints on a slope along the path of least resistance. Ideally, points in creeks would have values of 0 and ...
6 votes
1 answer

Leaflet+GeoJSON: Why are lat-lng coordinates in the wrong order?

I'm coding an app with Phonegap, which requests user's current position. As an overlay I have loaded a geojson layer. I want the app to automatically extract a value of said layer at the exact ...
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0 answers

Calculating satellite position in lat, lon given the position of receiver, altitude of satellite, azimuth and elevation angles

I want to calculate position of a satellite, given the position of the receiver, azimuth,elevation angles and height above ellipsoid for the satellite. I think this should be a simple geometry problem ...
5 votes
0 answers

Seeking Public API to get GPS satellite's position?

Is there any public availible API that allows you to retrieve the current coordinates of satellites such as GPS and Galileo? I've only found ways to get Satellites Ephemeries and calculate the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate a position based on nearby sensors with weights

I'm working on an indoor-positioning project where the users are carrying phones which can detect beacons located throughout the facility. The phone app only knows the IDs of the beacons, and can ...
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0 answers

OpenLayers 4 change position on load and input change

I have map which should show position depends on input, which I control with switch. Long and Lat I am getting from API (depends on my input) which return to me coordinates. How can I show position ...
0 votes
1 answer

openlayers 3 and geolocation without HTTPS

I am creating an application where user can locate himself on map. the code is working fine in local development environment, but when i deploy it over server(IIS) the code won't work. here is code : ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Can not solve Kramberg equation

The problem is posed as follows: "There are 5 satellites, need to find the points: x,y,z." There is an equation: 23 ^ 2 = (x-12) ^ 2 + (y-25) ^ 2 + (z-24) ^ 2 25 ^ 2 = (x-(-53)) ^ 2 + (y-19) ^ 2 + ...
1 vote
1 answer

Projection or XYs in QGIS

I am trying to project some data that I got. I have .txt files with XYs and they are correct, the problem that when I project the data, the points appearing in a different geographical location than ...
0 votes
1 answer

Keep only the last marker when geolocating

I'm working with OpenLayers 2 and I managed to create a javascript to locate the users and it works fine. I added a marker representing the current location and when the position change, it creates a ...
6 votes
1 answer

Topographic Position Index unexpected result in QGIS

I am using Windows 7 enterprise and QGIS version 2.12.2 Lyon. Have found an unexpected result when I use QGIS to generate a topographic position index (TPI) raster from a 30m by 30m DEM. I find a ...
1 vote
0 answers

Urban positional accuracy of Google Streetview [closed]

How does Google Streetview have accurate locations in urban environments, such as in tunnels, below buildings and next to buildings?
2 votes
0 answers

Bing OpenLayers shows OK in QGIS and Composer preview, but is misaligned after exporting to PDF

I have QGIS 2.2 running on a Mac with iOS Maverick. I have prepared a map with layers with different CRS, including a Bing OpenLayers as base layer. The project has the 'On the fly coordinate ...
1 vote
1 answer

QGIS problem with positions of imported waypoints

I'm a newbie to QGIS. The waypoint data was collected on a Garmin etrex legend H, with the grid set to OSGB36. Using Garmin's Basecamp software, I saved the waypoints as a gpx file (also xml etc ...
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0 answers

Layers move when using specific CRS

Using Google Satellite for a basemap and polygons (KML) drawn from Google Earth to create additional polygons using landscape features present on Google Earth and Google Basemap, within the original ...
2 votes
1 answer

Centering custom control horizontally in OpenLayers 3? [closed]

This is more like a CSS question than a GIS one. But I don't have any clue how to center an element that has an absolute position. Here's some relevant markup for my icon category selector that I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Does related localization give more accuracy?

Let's suppose that we use another device as an RTK base. Both base and rover are moving and communicate constantly (via 5G for instance). Besides they get common GPS error from the satellite on the ...
2 votes
1 answer

QGIS 2.14.3. positioning gap between OpenLayers layer and aerial image

When I add aerial images from a recent survey (delivered in EPSG:31468, DHDN_3_Degree_Gauss_Zone_4) to an empty project together with an OpenLayers OSM layer I'm facing a strange positioning issue. I ...
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2 answers

Correcting commercial grade GPS data to 2 meter accuracy in RT?

I have a set of rovers with commercial grade GPS boards (Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout). They send their uncorrected data to the central server. There, before recording each position in the database, ...
0 votes
1 answer

How is user range error (URE) calculated/estimated in a basic receiver?

For a basic receiver how can we estimate/calculate URE when the pseudorange observable is used? Assume that it is a single frequency (L1) receiver. Is there any metric that can be used to estimate ...
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1 answer

Sticking GPS waypoints to closest road?

I am new with QGIS. I want to study the performance of different GPS receivers, and to do so I need to compute the error made by each one. The problem is that I don't have any reference to be ...
2 votes
1 answer

Displaying current position using QGIS?

How can I display my current position in the QGIS canvas, similar to the "blue point" in google mapsa? I need this to navigate to defined points and I do not want to change the program all the time.
4 votes
1 answer

Find out if overlaying polyline matches polygon centerline in qgis

I have a polygon and a polyline and I need to find a scientific way of how close that polyline is to the actual polygon centerline. Is there any way of doing this in qgis? Any extensions, models, ...