Questions tagged [postgis-raster]

PostGIS Raster is a PostGIS data type for storing and analyzing raster data.

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GDAL bin error regarding PROJ issue

GDAL bin error regarding PROJ issue!! I have been trying to setup an elevation API in Ubuntu 20.04 server. For this elevation API, the first process is downloading a TIFF file, and then we convert the ...
devopsenthusiast's user avatar
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How to resolve ImageMosaic JDBC plugin not functioning in GeoServer 2.24.1 [closed]

I'm experiencing challenges with publishing raster TIFF images stored in PostgreSQL using GeoServer 2.24.1 on Rocky Linux 9.3. After successfully importing the raster TIFF into PostgreSQL 15.6, I'm ...
Naina's user avatar
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Upgrading PostGIS 3.0 to PostGIS 3.3 on RHEL 8 fails

I am not a DBA. I am trying to update our PostGIS 3.0 package installation on a PostgreSQL 12 database to PostGIS 3.3 package on a RHEL 8 server. I am unable to install both packages at the same time ...
NC 2024's user avatar
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How to make ST_SetZ respect NODATA?

ST_SetZ looked like a very useful new function to replace this sort of thing, especially when point is a complex expression: ST_SetSRID(ST_PointZ(ST_X(point), ST_Y(point), ST_Value(rast, point)), ...
OrangeDog's user avatar
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I would like to import PostGIS' Raster Layer into QGIS using SQL. Is there a way?

I imported PostGIS Raster Layer using PyQGIS. Can I apply SQL to it? uri = QgsDataSourceUri() uri.setConnection("localhost", "5432", "dbname", "user", "...
Jihyun Kim's user avatar
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ST_ValueCount for multiple bands

Given a multi band raster, I would like to summarise the distinct combinations of values found, in a manner similar to ST_ValueCount, but across all the bands rather than a single band at a time. ...
Andy Harfoot's user avatar
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PostGIS: postgis_raster out-db storage errors

PostGIS raster out-db storage doesn't work on my Windows 10 PostGIS installation. No issue with in-db rasters. SELECT postgis_full_version(); POSTGIS="3.3.1 3.3.1" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="...
bonzinor's user avatar
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Making slices through postgis raster tables

I have an existing python script that i am trying to "translate" into postgres sql. The reason for this is that the server im using for this is not running python. The objective is to slice ...
onetrickpony11's user avatar
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How to test if a PostGIS table is a raster table or vector table?

Given a postgres table, is there a reliable way to test if it is a raster table? I am planning on importing many rasters into PostGIS and then using pgraster and geometry interoperability. As a first ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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How to get the extent of a PostGIS raster table?

For vector data, it is possible to get the extent of an entire table using either ST_Extent or ST_EstimatedExtent. How does one get the total extent of all rasters in a raster table?
tinlyx's user avatar
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Export each raster in a PostGIS raster table as a separate image using gdal_translate

I read from this SO question that one can export an entire PostGIS raster table into one image, as follows: gdal_translate PG:"host=localhost port=5432 dbname=landslide user=postgres password=...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Why are overviews of an out-db postgis raster not out-db?

I'm working on out-db postgis raster and have generated overviews, but why are the overviews generated of an out-db rasters stored in-db? I have tried creating overviews both manually using ...
Hardik Natani's user avatar
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Transform raster of unknown SRID using proj4 in PostGIS

In PostGIS is there any way to transform raster of unknown SRID using proj4 to EPSG:3857 without dumping polygons?
user218181's user avatar
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Convert datum of elevation data in PostGIS

Is there any specific feature to convert raster values (representing elevation) between basis systems, or do I just have to make do with manually adding the mean offset having looked it up from ...
OrangeDog's user avatar
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ST_PixelAsPolygons returning incorrect results

I stored sentinel 2 images as a tiled raster in my DB. The tile size is 244x244. So I want to extract data from those rasters. Currently I am trying to export the data by giving a point and number of ...
Manap Shymyr's user avatar
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ST_Transform in PostGIS not working on Linux, GDAL 3.5.1, but working on MacOS, GDAL 3.5.3

I have a raster in PostGIS that has a non-standard projection, namely select srid,proj4text from spatial_ref_sys where srid=9822; srid | proj4text ...
Jon Riecke's user avatar
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ST_SummaryStats gives unknown values (infinity and different values) when clipping raster with buffer

I am loading a raster to postgis (see postgis version and command below) raster2pgsql /path_to_raster/temp-221025_12.tif -d icon_test -F -n name | PGPASSWORD=<PASS> psql -d <myDB> -h <...
neavilag's user avatar
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How can I get the raster cell values for a set of rasters in PostGIS, for each cell that intersects an arbitrary, user-provided polygon?

In PostGIS, I have a set of (large, U.S.-wide) rasters at high (30m) resolution. For my application, I need to take an arbitrary area of interest provided by the user, likely ranging in size from ...
M. Andersen's user avatar
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Coverage concept and PostGIS [closed]

I'm trying to understand the implementation of the interplay of raster and vector data in PostGIS. In this article Coverage Concepts and PostGIS on the PostGIS wiki page the concept of vector and ...
The dude's user avatar
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ST_Rotate in geometry Vs ST_SetRotation in raster

I have one polygon geometry (Square to be precise). I tried to rotate that geometry via ST_Rotate(). Then I stored that same geometry in a raster and tried to rotate the raster with ST_SetRotation(). ...
Prasanth Tootcat's user avatar
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Proj pipeline support in PostGIS

I would like to use proj pipeline in PostGIS ST_Transform function. My sample SRS is as follows: +proj=pipeline +step +inv +proj=unitconvert +xy_in=m +xy_out=us-ft +z_in=m +z_out=us-ft +step +inv +...
arun thatham's user avatar
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Horizontal coordinate adjustment using EPSG 9621 operation method in PostGIS

We have some Cartesian coordinates which needs to be applied with similarity transformation. The transformation operation method describing how to do the same is explained in EPSG 9621 method. How to ...
arun thatham's user avatar
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Addition of two rasters in PostGIS

I have two rasters (prast and frast) in PostGIS each with 1 band and with the similar extent and pixel characteristics (They were originally different bands of the same raster before I did some ...
rm167's user avatar
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PostGIS breaks after upgrade

I was running PostgreSQL 12 with PostGIS 3.1.1 extension. More than a week ago, I accidentally performed a PostGIS upgrade by running this query SELECT PostGIS_Extensions_Upgrade(); which returned &...
CHOWY's user avatar
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How to install raster2pgsql on centos7

I am running a postgis database on a server at work. The os is centos7, I can do more or less anything on the server, except for installing another os. I want to upload some raster files to my ...
MortenSickel's user avatar
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Raster not loading to PostgreSQL database

I am trying to load rasters to my PostgreSQL database with PostGIS enabled. I am following the tutorial from here for using raster2pgsql:
DotPi's user avatar
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How to store historical value of a raster pixel in postgis raster datatype?

I have a postgres table to store rasters having elevation value in each pixels. the raster size on average is around 100x100 with scale of 1. The elevation value is historic and I store timestamp in ...
arun thatham's user avatar
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raster2pgsql with GDAL Virtual File System /vsis3/

I cannot succeed to upload an out db cloud raster from AWS to a PostGIS db using raster2pgsql. I'm working on Windows 10, using PowerShell. I've set the appropriate environment variables and I can ...
Anton Hammarström's user avatar
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GiST indexing on constantly updating PostGIS Raster table best practice

I have a single PostGIS raster (3.x) table that holds multiple dates tiled up. I am constantly adding to this table via raster2pgsql. I want to keep the GiST index updated so I attach the -I flag but ...
Ben's user avatar
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Error in URL connection of PostGIS Raster community module plugin in GeoServer

I have a raster named MODIS_All_India_NDVI_2001_01_01.tif in the database named agro_dss in PostGIS, in the public.modis_all_india_ndvi_2001_01_01 table. The import was done using: raster2pgsql -s ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Clip PostGIS raster to region that crosses 180 meridian

I am using postgis 2.5's raster to store global geographical data (weather forecast) in EPSG:4326 projection, using 0.25° resolution. I use tiling. I created queries to clip the global data to given ...
Honza Dejdar's user avatar
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Should TOAST compression be disabled for PostGIS?

From this post about Binary data performance in PostgreSQL, I read that storing (large) binary data can be very slow in PostgreSQL (compared to storing the same data in file systems). This seems to ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Converting a PostGIS grid back to raster

This is a follow-up question (or inverse) of the question Converting a PostGIS raster back to vector. I am trying to create a workflow that converts a PostGIS raster into a regular grid of polygons, ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Schema error while uploading raster in PostgreSQL

Tried many ways A. import os import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE, run db_name = 'agro_dss' db_host = 'localhost' db_port = '5432' db_user = 'postgres' db_password = 'imd123#' os.environ['...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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How to efficiently fetch multiple ST_Value from PostGIS raster(s)

I have a raster table with index created by raster2pgsql CREATE TABLE tbl (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, rast raster); CREATE INDEX ON tbl USING gist (st_convexhull(rast)); I can see the best way to fetch ...
OrangeDog's user avatar
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raster2pgsql command line issue (Windows 10) - ERROR: syntax error at or near "raster2pgsql"

I'm using the OsGeo4W64 shell that comes with QGIS (I'm using Windows 10) and have managed to log into my postgres database. However I'm looking to import a raster into a new table, and all roads seem ...
Matt Canada's user avatar
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Is a PostGIS raster column more efficient than a geometry column in this scenario?

We have several different PostGIS tables that have a timestamp column and a geometry column. The geometry column contains polygons that are queried by a GeoServer instance to be served for display. ...
georgesdoe's user avatar
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How to write docker-compose.yml after enabling postgis_raster for PostGIS Docker Image

I'm using the docker image of and it works fine with the commands below which is also defined in README file. docker run --name some-postgis -e ...
Berke Şentürk's user avatar
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Creating raster with cell value counts from another raster in buffer around each cell using PostGIS

Main objective My main objective is to compute 1) the proportion of a given type of land cover around every raster cell in a radius of 500 m at the scale of an island (e.g.: there is 40 % of ...
psavary's user avatar
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Multiplying rasters by rasters within PostGIS

I have a situation where I have to multiply sets of rasters by each other. Currently I have subfolders of rasters on my machine and am looping through them and multiplying them with rasterio. Is there ...
Craicerjack's user avatar
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Slow retrieve PostGIS raster value through ST_Value

I have a PostGIS DB containing a set of daily raster data from 1981 up to 2021. The inserted raster tile size is 83x90. Problem: I wanna query the data through ST_Value for a specified Lat Lon, ...
mkdev's user avatar
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Can't upload raster file on PostGIS

I've been trying to upload my satellite imagery which is 1.5 GB to my PostgreSQL database, using the code below, the error for each command is stated below; raster2pgsql -s 4326 -t auto -F -I -C -Y '....
Kishan Kumar's user avatar
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Get majority value of raster data inside polygon using PostGIS

We have imported a tiff with landcover data into PostGIS as a raster table. We also have a polygon table with provinces. I'm trying to get the majority of the landcover in each province. But can't get ...
Paul Meems's user avatar
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GeoServer pgraster - Unable to convert coverage URL to a URI, attempting to use it as a path [closed]

I'm trying to configure an ImageMosaicJDBC using pgraster but I get the error in the screenshot. As I'm really new on GeoServer, I guess I did something wrong. From the log I can see this: Aug 20 08:...
Davide Raro's user avatar
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raster2pgsql - invalid pointer

I get the following error each time I run the raster2pgsql: [postgres@li1959-236 ~]$ raster2pgsql -I -C -s 4326 -M -F /home/temp/wrf_d02_202005010000.tif grib_test | psql -d cep Processing 1/1: /home/...
Davide Raro's user avatar
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Showing number of added satellite images in PostGIS

I want to check how many bands of a satellite image have been added to a PostGIS raster table. I know that you can get information by \d raster_columns (as told at PostGIS raster maximum number of ...
soph's user avatar
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Problems enabling the postgis_raster extension, postgis_raster.control seems to be missing

I am a student and to learn more about PostGIS. I installed it to my Raspberry Pi, so that I can remotely access it via my laptop. The installation worked with the exception of the raster module. When ...
raphael's user avatar
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Clip raster with postgis outputting result in clipping geometry extent

I want postgis st_clip to output clipped result in extent of initial clipping geometry. Currently, it's crop option can be set to output either in initial raster extent or in extent of intersection ...
nextstopsun's user avatar
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Optimization of multi-band raster clip by polygon

I have tiled (50x50), 365 band, rasters in my postgis database. Each band represents a day in a year. I want to return the raster pixels which intersect with an input geometry, including all bands. I'...
Daniel Vignoles's user avatar
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Uploading m/analysing raster vector data in PostGIS

I am trying to build a web-GIS platform where user can upload their data (raster & vector) and do some kind of analysis, like calculate zonal statistics. I read lots of articles and blogs about ...
dhiraj's user avatar
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