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Receiving "inf" error when running QGIS Zonal Statistics

I have been analyzing precipitation data from the NOAA (see here - where I use QGIS to calculate the mean/median/min/max precipitation for ...
Raymond's user avatar
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How to clip precipitation layer to a shapefile in QGIS?

I downloaded a 4000m resolution precipitation dataset from ClimateEngine. I tried clipping by mask layer and the clipped raster doesn’t fill out the shapefile leaving major gaps. What can be done so ...
ccquinon's user avatar
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What are the mesh and raster layers in QGIS that are included when a GRIB2 file is imported?

I am currently working with grib2 files from the RDPA dataset in QGIS. When one of these grib2 files is imported, there is a raster layer and a mesh layer that is generated. I am struggling to ...
p1unge's user avatar
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Contours into polygons with QGIS

I'm using QGIS 3.26 to create a precipitation map for Los Angeles. I started with Final 85th Percentile, 24-hr Rainfall contours from here: I brought the ...
interwebjill's user avatar
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NetCDF file is rotated QGIS

I downloded IMERG precipitation data as NetCDF files but when I use QGIS to open them, the raster files are rotated. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Anas Hesham's user avatar
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Reprojecting of raster using QGIS

The raster I am trying to reproject is found here, and it's the first one "Monthly Mean" (so you might try to do it yourselves). Problem is ...
Simone's user avatar
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Resolution Setup for Precipitation Interpolation in QGIS

I am trying to interpolate rainfall data using the GDAL's Grid (Inverse Distance to a power) in QGIS 3.16. Is there a way to specify the resolution of the result/change the size of pixel? The ...
I'm_a_Beginner's user avatar
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How to find out which areas are affected by flooding due to heavy rain?

I'm working on a little project to visualize affected streets of flooding due to heavy rain. I already got a DEM for my study area and filled the depressions with r.fill.dir. Since I never worked on ...
junkking's user avatar
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Clustering Raster Monthly Precipitation Pattern

I am looking for a way to automatically cluster the monthly rainfall data that I have like the Koppen Classification Map. I have 12 raster files of precipitation (months of Jan-Dec) of a country and I ...
I'm_a_Beginner's user avatar
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TRMM 3B42RT product has no Coordinate Reference System?

When I download TRMM precipitation product 3B42RT.2016010100.7.7day and when opening it in QGIS the raster has no CRS and is seen in another place with a smaller resolution, I already tried ...
orecayetano.r's user avatar
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QGIS: Creating average of a precipitation multiple raster set?

I have a set of 12 precipitation raster layers downloaded from WorldClim, each one representing monthly precipitation data on a global scale. I've clipped all 12 layers with the area of interest. How ...
Giacomo  Ponticelli's user avatar
8 votes
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Locate wet patches using DEM

I'm searching for a way to determine the location of wet patches, after rainfall, in a DEM. By this, I mean puddles. We are investigating the best locations to locate paths for recreational use. ...
Hanneke's user avatar
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Which format to display the gsmap downloaded data in QGIS?

Where can I download gsmap data especially for precipitation / rainfall and which format can be supported by QGIS software?
Ernest Ruzindana's user avatar
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Batch raster operations to get Maximum Precipitation in Catchment

I have information of maximum precipitation per grid cell for a certain area over 55 years, each year is a different matrix with the corresponding precipitation values. I know that I need to do the ...
Gina Torres's user avatar
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Error in merging two raster files (precipitation) in QGIS

The newly computed geotiff shows the extent of both raster layers, but only the data of one. If I use identify features tool it gives me only the values of the visible part not of the other part. I ...
Enzo Baldini's user avatar
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