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Speed up loading large GeoJSON layers to Leaflet map?

I have some GeoJSON data layers which I fetch their features from phpMyAdmin to display on a Leaflet map. But loading the features takes almost 10 seconds to be loaded. Have you any solution to speed ...
Solmaz's user avatar
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Running progress within QGIS plugin which was created in the Qt Designer

I am trying to run my plugin with a progress bar. The progress bar I have added was created in Qt designer and looks like this: The name of the bar in Qt designer is "progressBar" and I ...
GISJess's user avatar
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Creating horizontal legend bar in ArcMap

I tried to design this beautiful legend style with my vector data (by overlapping each legend framebox) in ArcMap, but I can't find a good model that fit with Does anyone have any idea? Here is ...
user60268's user avatar
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PyQGIS task manager not working

I'm trying to do simple thing as running plugin that load layers and show loading bar at the same time as the loading process takes awhile. I'm trying to use QGIS task manager with no success.. This ...
Micha's user avatar
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ProgressBar for a function that has to communicate with QObjects

My Plugin uploads Layers to a WebGIS and the QGIS GUI turns inactive during this process. So that the User knows that the Program hasn't crashed I want to implement a ProgressBar. My first try gave me ...
Nunkuat's user avatar
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How to set progress bar in ArcPy?

I am trying to set the progress bar. I have a list contain 1000 numbers but progressbar showing up to 100. a=range(1000) for i in a: arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Copying shapefiles to ...
Velugoti Venkateswarlu's user avatar
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Error when displaying progress bar

My initial code read an image, apply a median filter to it, and save the smoothed image. It looked like this : #Image reading rasterpath = r"C:/Users/SIEXT5646/Desktop/Donnes/2018_gris.tif" ds = gdal....
Caroline_GR's user avatar
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Showing progress of raster geoprocessing tools with ArcPy? [duplicate]

Background: I am doing DEM resampling for a pretty big raster (341020x341020 cells, ~ 10 GB file size, ~ 433 GB uncompressed size) with arcpy. My Python script (uses 64-bit Geoprocessing) has been ...
Tung's user avatar
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Interactive progress bar in CartoVL

I am creating an animated time series map using Carto VL and have included a progress bar that updates as the animation progresses. The bar updates, but is not interactive — for instance, a viewer ...
SydWidell's user avatar
4 votes
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Get progression bar into PyQGIS 3 standalone script

When I run a treatment inside QGIS with Processing toolbox (native algorithms) I get a progression bar : Is there a way to use this percentage inside a standalone PyQGIS script? I searched in the ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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ArcPy progessor not progressing?

I have a script too that works fine, but the progressor is not counting up at all (staying at "0%") when I run my tool, even though I can confirm it is working - I can see the products of the script ...
Zipper1365's user avatar
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QProgressDialog in QGIS 3.0 not updating

I am using a QProgressDialog to show the progress of a routine that is running. I found this very helpful question/answer how-to-show-a-moving-progress-bar-in-qgis, but I can not reproduce successful ...
D Greenewalt's user avatar
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Progress reporting in QGIS 3.0

I would like to provide the user of a plugin with progress status using messages and a progress bar. My plugin processes several files using memory files, processing, writing to disk etc. It all ...
D Greenewalt's user avatar
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"Layer loading" progress bar

Is there a way of showing the progress when adding a layer though QgsVectorLayer(url, name, "ogr") in pyqgis? Some of the layers I am adding are quite large, and take some time to load. Excample: ...
Kasper Skjeggestad's user avatar
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How to show a moving progress bar in QGIS

I want to sum values and during do it, a window shows progress percentage. I write below code but when I run it in qgis python console, qgis crashes. what is error in this code? from qgis.PyQt.QtGui ...
HMadadi's user avatar
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Print progress using arcpy for blocking function

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and through python I am calling arcpy's Clip function to clip a HUGE road network. This takes almost 2 days. Is there a way I can see the progress? Clip is a blocking call ...
Ramya Venkateswaran's user avatar
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progress bar/loader/spinner for map.locate

Im using Leaflet.Control.GPS ( to locate the users location. How to add a progress indicator, or a spinner (or some other UX hint) which should appear ...
howard.D's user avatar
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Does progress bar of ArcPy show when code run from Python window?

I am learning the usage of SetProgressor. I used the sample code from ArcGIS guide to test, as shown below. import os import arcpy # Allow overwriting of output arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # ...
Tianxin Li's user avatar
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Dynamic update of arcpy.AddMessage progress line in dialog box?

I have a lengthy field list and would like the dialog box to show script progress on a single line, rather than returning to a new line. what I have: field1 field2 field3 .... current code: for ...
cartoscience's user avatar
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Tracking progress of running geoprocessing tools in ArcPy?

I am looking for a way to access a GP tool running in a Python script to be able to see how much of the job has already been done. I have found SetProgressor function, but this one is available only ...
Alex Tereshenkov's user avatar