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Questions tagged [python-3.7]

For questions involving Python 3.7 in a context that the language version matters.

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2 votes
1 answer

Create KML files from each row of a GeoPandas DataFrame

I have a multipolygon GeoPandas DataFrame. I want to create a KML file from each polygon of geodataframe. gdf sites geometry 0 site1 POLYGON ((-83.45951 35.03725, -83.45963 35.037... 1 site2 ...
Sher's user avatar
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3 votes
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Fill holes in polygon shapefile with geopandas and area threshold

I have a polygon shapefile in which I want to fill holes in the polygons that are smaller than a certain threshold (area_min_hole_sqm in sample code below). I am new to geoprocessing in python. I have ...
Nena's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server Py3 - <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>, ImportError('No module named arcgis',), <traceback object at 0x00000000025870C8>

I have cloned the default python env that installs with ArcGIS Server using conda create in the python command window using: conda create --clone arcgispro-py3 -p"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Task Scheduler Error when 'Running whether logged on or not'

Additional Data: Error Value: 2147942401 Goal: Set up a Task to run nightly that either reads a Python script and runs it, or runs the batch file that reads the script. The python script is a ...
amarz's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Existing AGOL Hosted Feature Layer in Standalone Python Script

I have written a Python (Python 3 for ArcGIS Pro) script to update a layer using values from a CSV table. The script works fine and I have a workflow that will allow me to overwrite a hosted feature ...
Fire GIS Guy's user avatar
4 votes
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QGIS crashes when creating many features through plugin

I have a plugin, built with plugin builder 3.2.1. I'm running it in the current long-term release of QGIS, 3.16.13 using its built in version of Python 3.7. Within the run method, I call a second ...
MappingThePast's user avatar
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Extract time series from CFSV2 Google Earth Engine Python

I'm trying to export to a dataframe the time series of the CFS model for the maximum temperature since 2000 for any latitude/longitude, but I have a Time Out problem. So, I tried a for each year and ...
Lucas Fagundes's user avatar
1 vote
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Point sampling using SpatiaLite

I have two tables in my SpatiaLite/SQLite3 database. One contains a number of points with no other data, and the other a number of polygons with associated columns of values. ID GEOMETRY 1 point ...
MappingThePast's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Launching an executable via a QGIS plugin with Python

I developed a plugin on QGIS 2.18 in Python 2 (which works in a Linux environment) and I'm trying today to convert my code to Python3 so that I can use it on QGIS 3.18 and directly in a Windows ...
ibnabss's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Missing optional dependency 'tables' in QGIS

When we run a Python script as an action in QGIS, we get an error as shown below. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 17, in File "C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.16\apps\Python37\...
Therru's user avatar
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Why does my "Export to CAD" script work in Python 3.7, but not in 2.7?

I've written a script that iterates through all feature classes in a dataset in a geodatabase and writes them to separate dwg-files. In this case 230 feature classes. If I run the script in Python 2.7....
Niffler's user avatar
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How can the GeoKeyDirectoryTag byte string be decoded from a las header vlrs?

I am currently reading a .las file with laspy and transforming the points to a custom state plane coordinate system. I would like to update the GeoKeyDirectoryTag but cannot find information on how ...
Cary H's user avatar
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Is it possible to run PDAL without Conda?

PDAL looks like a fantastic library but for some reason when I install Anaconda, it breaks a bunch of dependencies\paths. Is it possible to use PDAL without having Anaconda (Miniconda) installed? If ...
Cary H's user avatar
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